The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 1062: Sakagi

After the redemption of Aoki, the staff immediately reported the matter to their supervisor.

Then his boss was very panic and told Sakagi about it.

Sakagi, who was sitting in the office looking at the information, was surprised when he heard the report.

He had thought that Aoki would redeem all the points, after all, 30% off this treatment, not everyone can have it.

Also ready to make Aoki a small profit.

But what he didn't expect was ...

His mother's Aoki actually had so many deposits. He directly took out several hundred million alliance coins, all exchanged them for points, and then swept the resource exchange.

"Oh, okay, let this guy make a little more money." Sakagi drank a bit of tea and was a little bit shocked.

"Uh ... yes!" The person in charge on the phone said nothing after talking for a moment.

But from here, he can see that this cadre named Aoki cannot become an enemy without being a friend.

Their backing is too strong.

"It's just my training time. You will send me the earth that I collected before." Sakagi said.

Known as Dasakagi, the material that has the greatest effect on him is, of course, the ground material.

"Uh ... boss, this ... it's gone." A cry sounded slightly on the phone.

This earth was made by Sakagi a long time ago.

These two days have just been collected and put into inventory, but he forgot to tell the staff that this thing can not be exchanged by others, after all, the price is high and not ordinary people can exchange.

I don't know if a robber came today.

Hearing the sound in the communicator, Sakagi frowned subconsciously.

"Forget it, then you bring me the powder of the ground." Sakagi can only retreat next.

"Boss ... Boss, this ... is gone." The voice of the person in charge really seemed to be crying.

Black lines appeared on Sakagi's forehead.

How many things did this kid exchange?

Without further appreciating the person in charge, Sakaki hung up the phone.

I'm so angry, I really want to find someone to eat.

Thinking of this, Sakagi looked at the communicator on the table again.


On the other side, Aoki returned to the room with a full load.

30% off, really cool.

Although a lot of money was spent this time, it was all good value for money.

Aoki has never had such a cool shopping sense.

Directly evacuated the Rockets inventory.

At this moment, Aoki held a small, glass box in his hand, which contained a ball of yellow material like clay.

"I didn't expect luck to be here, but I even exchanged a piece of earth." Aoki felt a little ecstatic.

The earth and the earth are relatively precious.

This thing can increase the spirit's perception and control of the ground system energy.

Although it is a one-time thing, the effect is surprisingly good.

As long as the elves exercise ground system attribute control and ground system skills during training, the increase effect is great, which can help the elves get the training effect faster and better.

If it is only in training, it has an effect almost equivalent to earth slate.

However, because it is a one-time consumable and can only exert the maximum effect during training, the value is greatly reduced.

But still very precious material.

If you can match some other materials, the effect of the produced props will be better.

Although Banguira is a rock and evil system, it can still be used.

Moreover, the monster monster on the ground is also a fairy of the ground system.

So after seeing this material, Aoki bought it directly without hesitation.

Get 30% off and earn blood!

In addition to many other materials, according to the amount of materials purchased by Aoki this time, even if all the elves have adjusted their consumption to the highest level, Aoki expects that he can maintain efficient training for half a year in that unknown space period.

Lying on the sofa, I feel comfortable physically and mentally.

But Aoki hadn't been comfortable for a while, but the communicator on her body rang.

Taking it out, Aoki's face was a little strange.

It's Sakaki again.

Shouldn't it be that you redeemed so many things all at once, let Sakagi know?

Somewhat faint in heart.

However, if you want to come to Sakaki's heart, you should not care about these "little money".

"Boss, are you looking for me?" Aoki said directly after pressing the answer button.

"Are everything almost ready? Are you looking for the information?" Sakagi said lightly.

"Okay," Aoki answered truthfully.

"Then you are waiting for me at the bottom of the battle room, I will be there right away." After Sakagi finished speaking, he hung up the phone directly.

Aoki was stuck in place.

What do you mean?

Sakagi is looking for a match?

Aoki's heart tightened slightly.

Isn't this looking for abuse?

None of his pet cats can win.

But think about it. It should be impossible to use that level of elves to play against yourself.

Aoki's heart was a little calm.

Anyway, I can't hide myself anyway.

Or go down and see what is going on.


Aoki followed the signs on the road and soon came to the lowest level of the base. This is the base where members of the base battle. It is usually used to resolve personal grievances.

However, the battlefields used by ordinary members and cadres are certainly different.

Directly into the special private room, the venue here is much harder than the outside.

When Aoki came here, he was not alone.

Quietly strolled around the venue and found that it really is different from the ordinary venue.

Whether it is the texture of the ground or the regularity around the battlefield.

In the Rockets, who believe in winning by any means, there is such a battlefield comparable to the league competition, which is somewhat unexpected by Aoki.

"How's it going? Is this venue good?" A tough voice came from outside the door.

A man in a black suit with a large red "R" character embroidered on his left chest. Inside the suit was a dark red shirt, a determined face, lean short hair, and a confident smile on the corner of his mouth.

Deserves to be the leader of the Rockets!

Sakigi walked in step by step with a smile, without any followers behind him.

Seems to be coming alone.

Slowly loosened the button on his neckline ~ ~ took off his black suit and discarded it on the ground.

The dark red suit was revealed inside.

Just looking at the suit, we can see that Sakagi's body is very strong and tough.

Full of gas.

Roll up the sleeves of your shirt and untie the buttons that can restrain your body.

At this time Sakagi was at the peak of his life, and also when he was most excited.

At this time, he aimed at the entire elven world.

If Chaomeng can be completely controlled, Aoki feels that the Rockets may be able to replace the league.

Just because he's called Sakagi!


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