The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 1064: Mission started

The battle is over.

Although Sakaki won.

And it's the kind of no suspense.

But Sakagi looked at Aoki again.

It's a matter of course that you can win yourself. Although the elves in this trial are not the ones in your first echelon, not even the second echelon, they are your elf.

In the case of strength occupying a certain advantage, Aoki actually pulled back two innings.

It is inevitable that your own elf has a weak attribute. In the battle, no one can avoid the opponent to send out the elf with superior attributes.

But even if your own elf attributes are restrained, that is not the reason for failure.

Take out the elf ball and put away the last bite of the land shark.

Sakagi also has a basic understanding of Aoki's strength.

"Yes, with your current strength, it's pretty good. You should be able to fight with Ying a little."

Sakagi's desire to fight has disappeared.

I was just a little bit angry before trying to get angry with Aoki.

But after a round of fighting, I discovered more advantages of Aoki.

A person who has only been out of the trial island for more than a year can reach the point where he is now, which is quite good.

"Thank you for your compliments," Aoki respectfully said.

Looking at the light and light Sakagi, then look at yourself sweating because of excessive concentration.

Aoki clearly felt the gap between himself and Sakagi.

That's a bigger gap than the largest canyon in the elven world.

Whether it is the command of the clump of elves, the strength of the elves, or the cultivation of elves, they are all defeated.

Even if you use electrocardiography, you can't take much advantage in command.

After venting, Sakigi put on his shirt, then took a suit hanging on the wall and left.

Aoki is about to collapse, and the ECG induction after so long is really a bit tired.

After leaving for a while, I left here.

Back in the room, after treating the wounds to the elves, they fell straight to bed and fell asleep.

In fact, the growth rate of Aoki is really terrifying.

Sakagi was very surprised to be able to fight back and forth with Sakagi.


Two days later.

Aoki was neatly dressed, took everything he could carry, and came to the base's research room again.

At this time, Xia Bo was ready with a group of researchers in white coats.

Aoki, who was dressed in black all over, looked a little out of place in the crowd.

Everyone stayed in a room that was all white, and looked very clean.

Aoki holds a device in his hand, which looks a bit like a watch, and may be intentionally made into this style.

"Aoki, how's it going? Are you ready?" Xia Bo asked.

Aoki nodded.

"This device is specially made into the style of a watch, because it needs to constantly absorb the energy of the surrounding space, so it cannot be included in the space equipment, otherwise the entire space will collapse directly, so making this style is more convenient to carry."

"And this one, you can put it away too." Then, he took out something like a wristband.

"This is a special space equipment. A set of space communication equipment is placed in it. If you find a trace of fantasy there, as long as you open this space equipment, the devices inside will automatically come out and run, so that we can also live here. I feel it. "

Xia Bo prepared and told Aoki for a final point, "If you find that the transmission device is unavailable, open this wristband and we will be able to pick you up, so do n’t worry about being unable to return, and there is that on your watch The basic map of the space will also allow you to determine your position in the space if the device is running smoothly. "

Suddenly I got two amazing things.

Both of these things represent the highest achievement of space research in the elven world.

But since it is this kind of electronic instrument, as long as it is in Aoki's hand, it will completely become Aoki's thing.

After wearing it on his right hand, Aoki already let the chip invade.

Although Xia Bo confessed, but after confirming it, Aoki himself was more at ease.

Silently waiting for less than a minute, the surface and Xia Boxu and the snake, the chip has completely eaten the device.

After scanning and analyzing the chip, the functions are similar to what Xia Bo said.

But Xia Bo still has something to say.

The most basic is that this watch-type device has a monitoring and monitoring device.

And the installation is very secretive. If there is no scanning of the chip, even if the device is disassembled, Aoki will find it.

With a hint of coldness in my heart.

I know it's not that simple.

Maybe I'm still not assured that I am alone, but when I arrive, these things are not what Shaber can tell.

After confirming that there were no safety issues, Aoki led a small room made of special glass, led by Xia Bo.

Then in front of the crowd, he activated the watch device on his hand and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Seeing that Aoki disappeared smoothly, Xia Bo said to the staff next to him, "Go to the monitor to see the current situation, even if it is a transmission device, this distance can be reached in a few minutes."

"Yes!" Immediately after hearing Xia Bo's order, someone ran to open a special device and wanted to see what happened to Aoki.

"Master Xiabo! I can't receive the pictures transmitted by the machine, nor can I collect sounds, nor can I harvest the positioning." Those who ran to check the situation before, saw the content displayed on the device, and reported it loudly.

On hearing that, Xia Bo's eyes narrowed gradually.

"Even if you take it so seriously, you still look down on others.

It can only wait for the result silently, it really makes people feel uncomfortable. "Xia Bo said lightly.

He didn't think there was a problem with his device, and he had absolute confidence in it.

And now Aoki has just disappeared, and it is not far from the space here. It is impossible to receive information. Then there is only one possibility. Aoki uses special means to block the function of transmitting information back.

Is it super power?

It's really a convenient ability. I don't know if there is an opportunity for ordinary people to have this ability.

Xia Bo thought silently.

"Go ahead and do your own thing. Don't hold your luck, gene fusion is our main research direction now."

After that, Xia Bo took the lead and returned.

The moment Aoki started the device,, felt that she had entered a strange channel.

Much like the dumb king's teleportation.

However, the speed of instantaneous movement is faster, and with the super-powered support of the dull king, Aoki does not feel anything.

There are some differences between teleportation and this teleportation.

This teleportation is slower in space movement.

It feels like something is being pulled into the unknown space channel, and can only call his own super powers to wrap his body.

At the same time, the friction between superpower and space made Aoki's original superpower slowly contaminated with some space energy fluctuations.

No wonder not only superpowers, but also superpowers with a certain degree of sensitivity to space.


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