The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 1066: Ass sky

When Bangila was just finished, the three elves seemed to be smelling something and slowly approached them.

Banguira also noticed their presence for the first time.

Three purple tank skunks.

Bangjila, who was still somewhat at ease, suddenly became serious.


Bangila stood up and barked at the three tank skunks.

Begged them not to approach, otherwise they will launch an attack.

Hearing Bangila's cry, the three tank skunks suddenly became agitated.

Feeling the thick, dangerous breath emanating from Bangila.

This is a very scary elf.

The idea came to mind in the three tank skunks.

But seeing that creature that was faint on the ground and never seen it had a very delicious feeling.

Tank skunks are still reluctant to give up such delicious food.

Their three tank skunks were born and lived together from an early age, and have grown up to this point. They have helped each other with the three elves, and they have a great relationship with each other.

In the surrounding area, there was no elf who knew their three brothers were the surrounding snakes.

Cooperate with each other, even if the elves are stronger than them, they are not willing to go to their troubles.

And as a skunk, the smell on that body is really not very good. Generally, even if they are powerful elf, they smell the taste on them, and all their thoughts are abandoned.

The three brothers whispered a few words.

It was finally decided ...

Not give up.

Faced with this situation, they did not cooperate more than once or twice.

Attacking from three directions can make the opponent overwhelmed.

When attacking one of them, the other two can launch a sneak attack directly.

The big guy in front of him should be similar.

So after the discussion, the three tank skunks ran in different directions and stood.

Bangila stood beside Aoki, watching the three smelling guys and preparing to attack.

Unconsciously a disdainful smile appeared.

After one of the tank skunks gave instructions, the three elves rushed towards Aoki.

Their goal has always been Aoki.

It's obviously very irrational to get front with Bangila.

But they did ignore it.

The big guys they used to play with don't have the brains of Bangui La.

More importantly, those elves are not as strong as Bangila.

class! !! !!

Bangila screamed in excitement.

Clenched his hands into fists and touch them against his chest.

Feel the surging power in myself.


Roar again.

Bangla's tail was raised high, and then slammed on the ground with a wave of energy.


There was a tremor on the ground, and small particles of small stones bounced off the ground, like waves spreading around.


Three tank skunks rushing towards Bangila were crippled at the feet, and the shock damage from the ground made them unable to move for a while.

Bangila was taking a big step, rushing towards a tank skunk.

The tank skunk, who was standing up, saw Bangila rushing towards her, a frightened one, but yelled loudly.

The general meaning is to let two of his companions seize the opportunity to shoot quickly.

At this point the other two tank skunks had just barely stood up.

Without any pause, rushed towards Aoki.

Banguila didn't ignore it.

Grabbed the skunk's tail that had just stood up.

The strength of the two sides is completely out of proportion. No matter how desperately he resists, he cannot escape Bangila's arm.

He was arrested directly.

It's like throwing a ball in the direction of Aoki.

嗖 ——

The tank-skunk-type elves made such a sound when they were thrown away, which shows how hard Bangira used.

The other two tank skunks were just approaching Aoki, and saw their brothers running towards themselves at a speed they could not understand.

嘭 ——

The strike is very precise!

After the collision sounded.

Three tank skunks were ejected together.

After rolling on the ground several times, he barely stopped.

However, it was not their intention to stop, but a huge stone pillar appeared behind them, stopping them directly.

The tank skunk, who was treated as a ball by Bangila, passed out. The other two wanted to get up and run away, but found that the picture in front of them was going backwards.

They are being dragged back!

Bangjira's sand grabbed their feet, dragging them back.

The two front paws hooked to the ground, but only two scratches were left on the ground.

Relentlessly dragged in front of Bangla.

At this time, the tank skunks knew that they really hit the iron plate this time. Whether it was the control of strength or energy or the physical strength, they were not on a level.

He looked down at the three guys.

The tail slammed on the ground again.



A deep whip mark appeared where the tail fish touched the ground.

The awake two tank skunks suddenly stood in place and did not dare to move.

He shivered on the ground.

In this case, the expression will only be revealed when they are young and face the kind of real overlord-level elves in the forest.

Bangila nodded with satisfaction.

I was just feeling bored.

Now there are three guys with short eyes come to trouble.

Although it smells a little bit smelly, it's better than boredom.


Three hours later, Aoki lying on the sand slowly opened his eyes.

At this time, he felt sore all over, but only slightly moved his body, and he felt like he was torn.

It was okay to pass out before, but now the pain rushed into his brain like a tide.

Almost made Aoki, who had just woke up, almost fainted again.

Reluctantly slowed down.

Just breathed the fresh air.

Open your eyes and look at the scenes you can see in your field of vision.

Then he saw a huge bangla sitting on the ground, with three tank skunks in front of him, who seemed to have some injuries.

In a roar of Bangila, the three tank skunks constantly changed their body movements.

Squat, get down, get up, stand upside down ...

Anyway, Aoki has never seen such a tank skunk ~ ~ It is this Banguila, Aoki recognizes it, isn't it his own Banguila?

It turned out that the elf that was finally released by him was Bangla. After seeing this scene, Aoki was slightly relieved that there should be no problem with safety.

Then he noticed himself.

"Huh? Why does it look weird?"

Then Aoki felt that she was lying on her stomach. Although she was lying on the sand, she felt relatively soft, but she was facing down, her face was close to the sand, and her bottom was facing the sky. What does it mean?

Huh? ?


First more! begging!

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