The Rise of Dark Pokemons

: 1069 Perseverance

He appeared in front of Aoki with a group of moving apes and a group of leave kings.

The leading ape.

Even just by looking at it with naked eyes, he can find that he has excellent physical fitness.

It may be because he has almost unlimited energy, and he is very purposeful to vent his energy, so he exercises quite well.

The bulging muscles that were wrapped in white hair, but couldn't hide it.

This super ape is very strong!

At the first glance of each other in Banguila, their overall mental state is different.

Some excitement is like seeing a respectable opponent.

Pokemon: Moving Ape (Cyan)

Gender: Male

Level: Level 61

Attribute: General Department

Features: motivation

Carrying props: None

Genetic skills: Rip Claw, Arm Hammer, Key to Assault, Tickle

Basic skills: resurrection, grabbing, gathering, one more time, noisy, scratching, holding on, splitting, breaking down gradually, double returning, true Qi boxing

Teaching Skills: Kick, You First, Thunder Fist, Garbage Shooter, Frozen Fist, Wave of Water, Frozen Wind, Fire Fist, Shock Wave, Snoring

Skill Learner: None

An overactive ape, forcibly restrained its instinctual evolution, and raised the level to level 61.

This suppression of self and perseverance can be said to be the most elves that Aoki has ever seen.

You know, this ape does not carry immutable stones.

This means that every time he improves his level and strength, evolution will come to him.

He wants to keep himself from evolution, so he can only use his own will to suppress his desire to evolve madly.

Not every elven can do it.

Refusing to evolve, it feels like when you are about to reach the climax, you will suppress your desires.

There may be elves who can do it once or twice, such as the wonderful frog seed of Xiaozhi in the future.

But the level of this apes has reached level 61, indicating that the number of times of suppression has been dozens of times.

What a perseverance!

While madly training yourself to improve your strength, at the same time, you must suppress the evolution of instinct after your strength is improved.

This hyperactive ape is seeking for strength, and it is only seen by Aoki among wild elves.

No wonder he can become the leader of this lazy man group.

The change brought about by the crazy suppression and exercise is that the body of this overactive ape looks stronger than the leave king beside him.

The energy characteristics and the characteristics of the spirit itself are almost a perpetual motion.

Aoki used to have a certain idea about the elves like the lazy man.

After all, it will eventually reach 670 points when it finally evolves into the leave queen.

What concept.

Is Bangila strong enough?

As a quasi-god elf, in the absence of a beast, it is definitely the leader among all the elf.

But Bangila's race value is only 600 points.

All quasi-gods have a race value of only six hundred points.

However, the leave king has a race value of 670 points, which is 70 points higher than the quasi-god. Even to a certain extent, the leave king has a higher race value than ordinary gods and beasts.

Of course, the beast is not able to determine its strength based on racial values ​​alone.

But this also illustrates the peculiarity of the elves like the leave king.

But after evolving into the leave king, its characteristics will become lazy, and it is precisely because of this deadly feature that the leave king's strength cannot be exerted.

Just like his name, the lazyness will give the elf a break after using the skill once.

It's like suddenly asking for leave while at work.

In short, if the leave king can really get rid of the effect of laziness, then this is a kind of existence that can be said to be stronger and horrible than the quasi-god.

The overactive ape may just know what it will look like after it evolves, so it is self-restraint. It is better to avoid the qualitative changes brought about by the body after evolution, but also to ensure its combat ability.

Maybe only in this way can we protect our people at any time, any place.

It is also because of this that lazy men can live in this forest so comfortably.

Aoki looked at the serious looking ape, and suddenly a strong interest arose.

I don't know what is special about this ape.

"Bangila, would you like to fight with him?" Aoki said with a smile.

As a trainer who can do nothing but speak, there is nothing wrong with directing his elves to fight.

However, the level of this over-active ape reached level 61, the existence of the Uranus level.

Bangila's level is only 58. It seems that there is only a gap of three levels, but it is a big threshold.

But Banguila did not have any fear.

Hearing Aoki point to his own name, he stepped directly to the front.


Bangila roared vigorously at the moving ape.

Boscotola was a little sad to see Bangla coming forward.

Such a powerful opponent wants to fight himself, what should I do?

Aoki smiled when he saw the expression of Boscodora.

In fact, it's not just Boscodora, Flaming Chicken, and Giant Onuma.

How come there aren't a few elves in the second echelon?

Seeing powerful opponents are rushing first.

"You don't need to worry, I guess we will stay here for a long time, and when you are fighting, don't be afraid," Aoki told them.

On hearing that, the expressions of the three elves suddenly relaxed.

Become excited again.

It's good to have a fight. I've never seen anything that I fear.

Bangla's roar is even provocative to a moving ape.

After leaving a leave king behind the moving ape, he wanted to walk towards Bangui La to meet the challenge.

But he was stopped by the moving ape directly.

Years of fighting experience and feeling tell him that the big man on the opposite side is very strong!

The other elves are very strong!

You need to be careful.

An overactive ape can command the leave king at will, which is really very rare.

The strength of this leave king is not weak, level 59, the existence of the quasi-king king.

But for the words of the ape, it is obedient.

There is no intention to go against it.

Aoki's eyes became more and more intense.

This group is really interesting ~ ~ In this case, let's take the initiative in Bangla. "Aoki said.


Bangila nodded.

"Rocks are polished!" Aoki ordered.

Benjera's eyes lightened slightly when she heard the order, and a little light shone from the green armor on her body, as if rubbing her armor brighter.

The rock-polishing ability can increase the speed of the sprite.

"Let's show each other our strength first, Spike attack!"

The preparation phase has passed, so the next step is the start of the battle!


Fourth more! begging!

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