The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 1076: Champion-Like Scale Dragon

Scaletail Ankylosaurus!

This body is surrounded by scale armor, and it is very domineering to walk, so that the elf who heard the sound and fled directly from the wind is the tail-scale scale dragon.

That is to say, this elf is Aoki, otherwise most people in the elf world may not recognize it when they see this elf.

Because the scale-tailed dragon is a quasi-god spirit in Alora.

A dragon spirit.

That's right, the quasi-god elf is the same as the quasi-god elf of Aoki's Bangila, Dawu's giant gold monster, and Genji's Tyrannosaurus.

The scale-tailed dragon with the tail of the rod walked slowly towards them over Aoki, and the tail behind it flickered, looking very leisurely.

No wonder the three bees fled in such a way that they must have belonged to the crushed side when facing this rod-tailed scale dragon.

I just don't know why, when Aoki saw this rod-tailed scale dragon, he didn't seem to have a good mental state.

It ’s not that there ’s something abnormal, it ’s just like ...

Did not wake up?

I still don't know what the reason is, it looks a little lazy, and the whole elven is lazy.

But even so, he still feels very powerful.

Staggered, step by step to stand not far from Aoki them.

The tail was still shaking.

The scale-tailed armored dragon will warn the attacker by shaking its tail, high-speed surrounding creatures, its own existence, or shaking its tail.

噌 —— 噌 —— 噌 ——

The huge scales on the tail beat and rub against each other as the tail swayed.

After seeing that the elf appeared was a scale-tailed dragon, Aoki did not let the dull king use the instant movement to leave.

Because the scale-tailed armored dragon is a relatively proud spirit, they disdain to fight against the elves weaker than them, and do not want to bully the weak.

Of course, if the weak elves take the initiative to provoke, they will not show mercy.

"How come there are scale-tailed dragons here?" Aoki thought silently as he looked at the scale-like dragons with scattered scales on his body.

The elf of the scale-tailed dragon is evolved from heart scale treasure to scale dragon, and then after training and growth, it evolves into the current appearance.

Their race has a very unique way of life in the wild.

After the young heart scale treasure is born in the group, it will be protected, and the people will protect him from growth.

Until it grew into a scaled dragon, the original single dragon attribute changed to the existence of the dragon and fighting system.

Similarly, after evolving into the scaled dragons, they will begin their first practice in their lifetime, which is also the longest history.

Leaving the clan and territory, going out to practice, until they evolved into a rod-tailed scale dragon, they will return to their growth and growth place after birth, keep a certain distance from the heart scale treasures, and silently guard them.

This is the real way of life of the elves in the wild environment.

But now, it seems that this scale-tailed dragon is not protecting the heart scale treasure.

Could this be a lone scale-tailed dragon?

Aoki can only guess so.

The chip scanned the scale-tailed dragon, and he quickly got his information.

Pokemon: Scaly-scale Ankylosaurus (light blue)

Gender: Male

Level: Level 84

Attribute: Dragon + Fighting

Features: dustproof

Carry Item: Dragon Scale

Genetic skills: double return, resurrection, dragon breath

Basic skills: scale noise, sky fist, abdominal drum, lightweight body, impact, glare, patience, hold, dragon tail, ghost face, head hammer, self-motivation, harsh sound, iron wall, dragon claw, battle roar, dragon dance, Inverse scale

Teaching skills: meteor cluster, loud noise, invisible rock, iron tail, water flowing tail, frozen fist, brutality, iron head, wave of water, lame, brute force, snoring, electric shock wave, Zhenqi fist, draw fist, flame fist, Kick Down, Second Kick, Noisy, Dragon Wave, Lightning Fist

Skill Learner: None


Silently looking at the information of this rod-tailed scale dragon, Aoki was speechless for a long time.


Too strong!

This wild scale-tailed dragon is too strong!

This is the first time that I have seen an elven teach more skills than the basic skills.

It can only be said that it really deserves to be a combination of overwhelming strength and tyrannical existence that evolved behind it?

Will the scale dragon be in danger when going out to practice?


But this is what the elves need for this race. They practice everywhere, fight the strongest opponents, learn the strongest skills, and aim to be the strongest!

Being able to self-evolve into a rod-tailed scaled dragon in the wild means that none of them is weak. The opponents they have experienced and defeated may not even be imagined by many trainers.

It really is an elf who fights out completely by fighting.

They exist to a certain extent, that is, to fight.

Just look at his full scale armor.

The light blue qualifications are definitely the most outstanding handful of wild elves.

Level 84 is even more needless to say.

Than Genji ’s strongest Tyrannosaurus Rex, a proper champion-level elf!

In the face of such a rod-tailed scale dragon, Aoki is not an opponent even if all his elves are on it together.

Fortunately, after walking close to Aoki, the rod-tailed scale armor dragon stayed in place.

Suddenly raised his hand, the dull king and dream monster around Aoki were ready to defend at any time.

The one just raised his hand to his mouth.

A long yawn.

Even the tears in his eyes remained, and he didn't wake up.

There were several black lines on Aoki's forehead.

Isn't this scale-tailed dragon, really awake?

Is life so easy?

However, in this space, being able to achieve this strength is also one of the top existence.

Life comfort is also normal.

Without the existence of natural enemies, the name of the quasi-god elf is not a joke.

As long as no elves above level 90 appear, he is invincible.

The scale-tailed dragon with a stern tail yawned, and saw a look of alertness between the dull king and the dream monster, and a flash of jokes flashed in his eyes.

This **** was caught by Aoki.

Free eggs hurt?

Just when the chip scanned his data, he also analyzed and guessed his age. He should be over a hundred years old.

But for the quasi-god dragon spirits, centenarians are just the beginning of their peak period ~ ~ Although they are not as fast as the rod-tailed scale dragons trained by trainers, This elaborate elven strength is the result of no less inferior and training of trainers.

After yawning, the scale-tailed dragon with a scepter did not raise his hand, but hooked his fingers towards the baby dragon.

Seeing his movement, the baby dragon froze.

In fact, when the scale-tailed dragon was close to him, the baby dragon had a faint feeling. Now it seems that the other party is really directed at himself.

Baby Dragon turned to look at Aoki and see what he said.


First, ask for a monthly pass! Recently, my body is not very good and I have a cold. I feel dizzy and go to bed after 12 o'clock.

Recently, the weather has turned cold and changed rapidly, everyone should pay attention to your body. Hibiscus was fooled.

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