The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 1087: Conquered ape

The special effect of 友 友 球 is also most suitable for Aoki.

Directly establish a certain favorability with the scale-tailed dragon.

Although in a strict sense, the scale-tailed dragon and Aoki are only cooperative relationships, it does not prevent him from using some small means.

Opened the friend ball and released him.

The Scaly-tailed Scale Dragon emerged from the elf ball, and looked at Aokito with a strange feeling.

I don't know why, and suddenly I feel that this person seems more pleasing to the eye.

The feeling of being flickered disappeared in an instant.

Is n’t it just five battles? My scale-tailed armored dragon has never been afraid of fighting. If I can really find a close opponent, I do n’t need Aoki to say that I will find a fight.

But if it is bullying, it is very boring.

The elves, such as the scepter-tailed scale dragon, only like to fight with elves of similar strength.

He put the friend ball in his arms, and Aoki did not force the scale-tailed dragon to stay in the ball.

As an uncle, he stays wherever he wants.

I turned around and sorted out everything in the camp, and Aoki was going to leave here.

He left only three fighting elves, Banghira, Boscodora, and Flaming Chicken, and all the remaining elves were put away.


Bangira has reached the level of Uranus, and Boscodora and Flaming Chicken have also reached the peak of quasi-Uranus, and they are all super-evolved, and there is no problem in battle and protection.

Aoki's own super power strength is not what ordinary elves can handle.

Sitting on the blue wooden legs on the sand chair, a blue and black elf like a puppy was lying on his back.

It was Leo Road. On the back of the sand chair was a young girl with green hair, her feet swaying in the air, and she wobbled in a very comfortable way.

The two little guys, Elio Lu and Chillian, prefer to stick to Aoki's side.

Bangira opened the way, and Boscodra and Flamingo walked on both sides of the Aoki sand chair.

As for the scale-tailed dragon with a tail of a rod, he did not follow Aoki's side, but lay down on the ground to sleep on his own.

According to what he meant, it was too boring to rush this way slowly, and he would rather sleep a bit longer.

Anyway, Aoki's goal is the central volcano. He will arrive at the foot of the volcano after a week, and they will be there.

Aoki did not force it anyway, anyway, the scale-tailed dragon with a tail of a rod now wants to go out only through himself, do not believe that he does not come.

This twenty-kilometer circle, all seeing Aoki and his elves who were leaving were relieved.

This **** of plague is finally gone.

If you don't leave anymore, it is estimated that the elf stationed here will choose to move.

For more than a month, the ghost knew exactly what the elves in this forest had gone through.

I may become the most "unforgettable" memory of their life.

After I left, I had to go to Lazy Man Forest.

That moving ape, in this month, Aoki also used Bangila to deal with him many times.

He told him something that he had experienced in the outside world, and some conjectures about them as elves.

No matter what Aoki said at first, the ape was willing to follow Aoki to leave.

He is much more foolish than the scale-tailed dragon with a staff tail. After all, he still has a huge group to take care of.

He has suppressed himself from evolving for so long, the main purpose is to become stronger, and staying here does not help him become stronger.

Therefore, the previous conversations ended with the refusal of the apes.

But the attitude of the ape-moving ape has slowly changed slightly.

The cause of change is mainly due to Bangila!

Yeah, Bangila.

Bangira has fought no less than a hundred times in this month.

From the beginning, under the command of Aoki, it was difficult to defeat the ape, until under the command of Aoki, he was able to solve it quickly. Until the end, even without the command of Aoki, Banguila could win with his own hard power Overactive ape.

Because Bangila has successfully broken her strength to the level of Uranus at this time, even though there is no gap in level, even if the control of the ape's power is far more than that of Bangla, absolute power can make up for this gap.

I saw with my own eyes the whole process of becoming stronger, and said that it is impossible for the ape to change without changing its heart.

It took so much effort to reach this level, but the other party completed the catch-up in just one month.

这 Is this what I mean by the pursuit of strengthening?

The heart of the ape has shaken.

Slowly, the steelyard in my heart also tilted.

Finally, in Aoki's presence in front of the moving ape, to help the lazy Weng people, second only to his quasi-king peak, the leave king was promoted to the level of the king, and the moving ape was finally determined.

天 A Uranus-level elf appeared again in his own group.

Although he is not an overactive ape like himself, at least the safety of the entire ethnic group is guaranteed.

Aoki relieved his last trace of worry.

So I am going to leave here today. Aoki is going to conquer the ape and fulfill the promise with him.

Follow Aoki to leave here, and then with the help of Aoki, try to evolve into a leave king with a certain ability to act.

I may not be able to maintain so much energy when I have been moving apes, but at least not like other leave kings, lazy all day long and unwilling to move.

For this, Aoki cannot guarantee 100%.

I can only say, do my best.

At least the strength will not be weaker than now.

However, it is impossible to complete in this space. After leaving this space, you may need to look up some information, or even visit the thousands of miles of Orange City to get a certain idea and grasp.

I came to Lazy Weng Forest. Among them, the ape and the king of leave, were already very familiar with Aoki.

He didn't mean to stop. He went directly to the deepest place and saw the ape who was still explaining the thing to the leave king.

I noticed the arrival of Aoki, and the look of the ape was a little complicated.

The look of the rest of the ape and the leave king is also a bit complicated.

Their leader is leaving, leaving in pursuit of greater strength.

But their leader has paid enough for this group ~ ~ For his choice, all the people support.

The leave king was actually cultivated by this ape, and he was regarded as his apprentice.

I just couldn't bear the temptation of evolution, and eventually evolved into the leave king.

He will take over the position of leader in the future, and the moving ape is relatively relieved.

Conquered the moving ape, Aoki is still a friend ball.

精灵 This kind of elf ball is still very useful in conquering those wild elf who are already relatively powerful.

Aoki hasn't fully considered how to arrange the moving ape, and may not wait to get out before collecting enough information to begin to interfere with his growth.

For the next period, his task is to teach the elves on Aoki's hands, whether it is the flaming chicken that has been yearning for learning, or the large bangla and boscodor.

For the elves, the improvement of these tricks of moving apes is definitely very great.

These are not visible on the hierarchy.


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