The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 1095: Didn't I tell you to be careful? !!

The physical fitness of Koga Ninja Frog is good.

Aoki gave him a brief treatment and soon woke up.

After he woke up, he still seemed surprised.

I didn't expect to be alive.

Field battles are divided into victory and defeat, as well as life and death.

That is why few elves can live to a better level.

This Jiahe Ninja frog came directly to the Fire Chicken to fight, indicating that he was very confident in his fighting ability.

This shows that the number of battles is not many, but it can survive to this day, and also has the strength of the King of Heaven, and the talent in battle is not weak.

But after waking up, Koga Ninja frog stood up directly, looked at Aoki and Flaming Chicken, and thanked him slightly before leaving.

It was stopped by Aoki.

Thinking that Aoki was going to treat him, Koga Ninja frogs immediately attacked.

It was later discovered that it was a misunderstanding.

Aoki didn't mean to treat him, he just wanted to ask what he might know.

From the direction he left, it was learned that the Jiahe Ninja frog did not settle in the lake.

Maybe wandering is his way of life.

Aoki asked for some information about the space, the central volcano.

Koga Ninja frog may also be grateful for the treatment of Aoki, and told everything he knew.

Legends are spread among some of the older groups at the foot of the volcano.

According to legend, once the central volcano was about to erupt, the thick volcanic smoke enveloped the entire sky. When all the elves thought that the end was coming, there were sudden colorful lights in the sky, covering the whole space.

Then the volcanic eruption was suppressed, and that elf became the **** in the minds of all the elf in the space.

It's just that except for some ancient races, most of the elves have seen this elf suppressing the volcanic eruption from me. This legend has gradually been forgotten.

Koga Ninja Frogs also learned the legend when they were practicing around. I didn't know if it was true or false.

He also went to the volcano, but the environment on the mountain is relatively bad, and they are all powerful spirits.

At that time, the Koga ninja frog did not have the current strength, so he could only retreat.

After getting what he wanted to know, Aoki let him leave.

This is a rogue, no one can conquer, forcibly conquering is not good for anyone.

He was recognized by Flamingo and Aoki.

And Aoki didn't show much interest in this Koga ninja frog from the beginning.

If you are really obsessed with the elves like Jiahe Ninja Frog, you can let Vladari get one for you, or you can just ask Carlos Alliance for one.

Yes, but not necessary.

After defeating this Koga ninja frog, Aoki took the elves forward.


Five days later.

Under the volcano.

Aoki arrived here with the elves.

The rod-tailed scaled dragon did not know when it arrived. When they arrived, Aoki saw him sleeping at the foot of the mountain, and no elves dared to approach it.

Aoki they came all the way, but it is estimated that there are no elves who can stop the scale-tailed dragons.

When I learned that Aoki was going up the mountain, for the first time, the scale-tailed armor dragon showed a solemn expression.

Although he didn't know what Aoki was going to do on the mountain, he reminded that he must not be near the crater. The existence there did not dare to provoke him.

Originally with a lot of conjectures, now I heard that the scale-tailed dragon with a rod tail said that, Aoki was even more interested in the elves in the volcano.

But it does take care.

Let the dumb king make the basic coordinates of superpowers, and feel a little at ease.

The big thing is that there is a rod-tailed scale dragon, unless you meet the true legend of the elves, otherwise Aoki does not believe that there are still elves who can directly kill the rod-scale scale dragon.

It was only a short while after the ascent, and the powerful elves had not yet met. The unknown totems who had been silent for more than a month on Aoki's wrist turned on.

Feeling the meaning of the unknown totem, Aoki extended his superpowers.

"Here ... it seems ... the space is very weak?"

Aoki's own perception got this result.

This volcano is like a node in a certain space, and the surrounding space barriers are very weak. It seems that if there is a little space ability, it can tear the space at will.

"Are you connected to a different space?" Aoki guessed.

With a wave in the air, he could tear open the space even without the help of unknown totems, but the secret power of the unknown totems had a strong effect.

But here, with a wave of Aoki, a space crack appeared out of thin air.

Outside is different space.


Aoki looked at the cracks in the space that were gradually healing.

I just saw something in a different space.

To make sure he wasn't dazzled, Aoki tore the space in the same place again.

It has been ripped once, and tearing it again is as easy as tearing a piece of paper.

I do n’t know how far from the space here, but indeed I saw three black spots.

The unknown totem character on his wrist flickered frantically.

The little black dots seemed to sense something, and rushed towards Aoki.

At this time, Aoki discovered that behind the three little black spots, there was something else following them.

high speed!

The three little black dots approached in the distance, confirming that they were three unknown totems.

But behind them, there was a grey patch, and it was hard to see what it was.

The unknown totem on Aoki's wrist suddenly fell silent after sensing the gray thing.

Turned into six real tattoo-like letters.

But it's too late, the three unknown totems are already close to the space here.

With the intensity of the space here, it seems to them that there is no sense of existence.


In the space, the volcano on which Aoki stood suddenly burst into a loud roar.

Shake the mountain!

Three unknown totems appeared in front of Aoki in the blink of an eye, without any hesitation, directly attached to his wrist.

Then, like his six companions, he pretended to be dead.

But the problem came, the gray thing was still rushing towards this side.

Aoki their volcano, as the gray thing approached, shuddered more violently, and the whole space shuddered.

The crater couldn't stop blasting hot lava, rushing down the mountain.

The rod-tailed scale armor standing next to Aoki looked at Aoki stunned.

Didn't I tell you to be careful! !!

Aoki also widened his eyes.

Does this have anything to do with me?

I'm still at the foot of the mountain!

There was no sign of repairing the cracks in the space, and the gray thing had washed away not far from Aoki.

It was not until this close that Aoki finally saw clearly what the gray thing was!

"Slum! Daowang, quickly withdraw!" After seeing clearly, Aoki directly burst out swearing, without any mention, let Daowang use instant movement ~ ~ At the same time, the crater again Boomed.

A mass of things rushed out of it.


The bright bird song spread throughout the space.

"King dull, fast!" Aoki emphasized again.

The scaphoid dragon looked at the giant bird rushing out of the volcano, and then looked at the gray-black matter that was about to squeeze in from the cracks in space.

Turning his head blankly, he looked at Aoki.

Why did you choose such a catastrophe!


Fifth more! Ask for a monthly pass! Plus 1/2 for the rewards of the irritable northerly winds!

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