The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 1099: Phoenix King Yu Yu

The King of Feng did not respond, let alone Aoki and Geng Gui.

Huh! !!

Geng Gui screamed in pain, his face frowning.

Aoki did not care about riding Radina, staring at Radina fiercely, his face was a little embarrassed.

If there is any problem with Geng Gui, even if he tries everything, it will cost him.

If it doesn't work now, there will always be times when he will pay the price.

Feng Wang's face was also a bit ugly.

I just promised not to mess around, and I said to this human being no problem, now I was beaten!

Sure enough, the lunatic can't believe it!

"Don't be nervous." Riding Radina's voice sounded lightly.

Looking at Aoki with a fierce look on his face, riding Radina showed an interesting look. "Little guy, I have a good look. I start to appreciate you a little bit, how about it? Would you like to be my spokesperson?"

Hearing the words of riding Radina, Aoki's face remained unchanged, but he only noticed the changes on Geng's body.

The King of Feng also perceives Geng Gui's body a little, and said to Aoki, "He didn't lie to you. Geng Gui is not too dangerous, and can even wait for some benefits."

Then King Feng's face looked better, at least his face was not swollen.

This allowed Aoki to breathe a little sigh of relief, and then reacted to what he said before riding Radina.

The spokesperson for Cyrtina? !!

For a moment in my heart, Aoki was heart-beating.

But the idea was soon annihilated.

Still want to hang out in the elven world? !!

Aren't you afraid of Alzace?

Although Aoki is not sure, there is also a rumor that there is a certain connection between Alzeus and the Elven Alliance.

You do n’t have to do it yourself, just say a word, you can make the league look good for you.

Of course, this possibility is not high, but Aoki does not feel that he can get any benefit from being the spokesperson of Cyrtina.

the most important is!

The King of Phoenix is ​​watching beside me, brother!

Dare to nod yourself, the King of Feng dare to do it, do you believe it?

Aoki didn't answer yet, riding Radina chuckled, the black ribbon on the back fluttered a few times, and Siyuan's tail fluttered and went directly into the different space.

"I wait for your reply--"

There was a sound in Aoki's ear, watching Fenghuang and the Three God Beasts unchanged, and kept himself calm.

Riding the voice of Radina.

After seeing Ridener disappearing in a different space, the space wall healed automatically.

"Your Geng Gui will undergo a metamorphosis. This will be an opportunity for him. How much he can grasp depends on himself." Feng Wang looked at Aoki and explained.

Aoki nodded.

At this time, Geng Gui had been completely covered by the gray-black mist, which was the energy of the ghost system of riding Radina.

The energy in that black crystal should be similar, but it was a ray before, but now it is a big ball. If Geng Gui can absorb it, it will definitely help a lot.

"Thank you," Aoki thanked.

The cause of this incident has something to do with himself, and the King of the Phoenix also saved Geng Gui and himself in the hands of Riding Dina.

The Phoenix King shook his head. "Lochia will not give ordinary people his energy breath."

Aoki's heart moved slightly when he heard the words of King Feng.

The breath of energy in Lokia?

Because that red and blue energy ball? The blue part?


The King of Phoenix screamed, and a mass of golden energy was born from him, and was put into Aoki's body.

"Your physical trauma does not mean that you have no pain. It means recovery. The energy of Lokia removes impurities from your body. This way, if you recover slowly, you will soon be filled with impurities." Feng Wang said.

Although Aoki's body has no impurities, it has nothing to do with the strength of his elf, but this can make Aoki live longer and get less sick.

Most importantly, it's whiter!

Originally because of wearing a mask, the face is whiter, now it is even more!

It is estimated that many women will feel ashamed when they see Aoki.

Don't make a small white face! !!

The golden energy gradually dissipated, and Aoki slowly got up from the sand chair, and felt no hindrance in his activities.

Much more flexible than before, feeling every muscle in the body seems obvious.

"Thank you." Aoki thanked again.

King Feng shook his head and motioned to Lei Gong, Yandi and Shuijun, and the three elves slowly disappeared into place.

"Follow me." Feng Wang said to Aoki, and then his wings flew, and he flew towards the top of the volcano alone.

Aoki took a look at Geng Gui, who was still surrounded by black mist, and looked at the scale-tailed dragon on the side, he should be able to understand his meaning.

Controlling his super powers, he flew towards the top of the mountain with the dull king and the Flaming Chicken.

I don't know why, I always think that taking a flame chicken may get a little benefit.

Soon, the super power was raised to the extreme, and it didn't take long to rush to the top of the mountain.

The Phoenix King has been waiting on it for a while.

A glance at the flaming chicken next to him, of course, he did understand what Aoki meant.

Helplessly shook his head.

With a wave of his wings, two colored feathers flew from the magma.

Under the light, it emits colorful brilliance.

The two feathers slowly fell into Aoki's hands, and they could feel the temperature and softness carried on it.

A closer look reveals some differences between the two feathers.

The one on the left, most of the fluorescence carried on it, is a red spot, while the one on the right, the fluorescence is golden.

The length of the two feathers exceeded Aoki's imagination, and was twice the size of the palm, unlike the feathers on the Phoenix King.

Aoki looked at Phoenix King with a doubtful look.

"This is in return for helping you to block the space before. The red one can give you little ones around you, and the yellow one depends on you. The energy of the flight system above is mostly." Feng Wang was not angry. The ground paled Aoki.

Originally, he just wanted to take one out, but Aoki actually came up with a flaming chicken. With the wisdom of Feng Wang, he understood the meaning of Aoki the first time.

Cunning guy!

Aoki smiled.

Really works!

"This is my owl, and the energy in it can be freely absorbed. As for the elves you leave, that is your freedom." Feng Wang said.

Hearing that, Aoki nodded immediately and put away the two feathers.

This is the phoenix of the Phoenix King.

If you put it on the auction, you don't know what sky-high prices you can get.

If the monks took the bell tower in the city area in front of them, it is estimated that they would pull out all their homes to exchange with Aoki.

Of course, as a member of "justice", Aoki obviously cannot do such a thing.

Seeing the appearance of Aoki ~ ~ Feng Wang is also a bit helpless, if not ...

Aoki just wanted to speak, but the king of Feng did not give him a chance to speak.

A wing fluttered, and it hurled down directly from the volcano. "And, no matter what method you use, hurry up and leave my space."

Then a petite elf with a pink tail and long tail suddenly emerged from the side of Feng Wang.

For Feng Wang now, she is much younger.

Seeing this elf appeared, Feng Wang said angrily, "I don't know that you value life. Now the two of us are evened out, and two of my feathers are enough to change your friendship."

The pink elf narrowed his eyes happily when he heard the words of the Phoenix King, and nodded, still rolling in the air.


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