The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 1101: Golden retriever

The head of the crow and the flaming chicken absorbed energy from the Phoenix King's feathers.

The two feathers seemed to have lost their spirituality and landed slowly on the ground.

Aoki directly put away the two feathers.

Even if there is no energy of Feng Wang, but it is still the prince of Feng Wang, the value is still high.

Estimated to be able to change a lot of good things.

Unfortunately, there are no organizations interested in the King of the Phoenix in the elven world.

Of course, except for the monks in Yuanzhu City.

Otherwise, Aoki felt that the two feathers in his hands were worthless.

Watching the three elves enter a special state, I don't know how long they need to absorb.

According to the analysis of the chip, Geng Gui may take a long time.

Flaming chickens and crow heads are much faster.

But it can't be done in a day.

Then choose to camp directly here.

As for what King Feng said, hurry up ...

Just don't hear it.

Throw the elven ball, all the elves are summoned.

After the explanation of the dumb king, they probably understood what just happened.

Some sigh.

I did not expect to be able to see such a powerful elf here.


The scale-tailed dragon on the side of the rod roared lightly.

Aoki's face changed slightly when he heard the roar of the scale-tailed dragon.

I don't know when, in the forest around him, a lot of elves were actually densely packed.

In Aoki's perception, the weakest one is the existence of a quasi-king level.

All the elves slowly approached, eyes staring at the flaming chicken and crow head that were absorbing the energy of the Phoenix King.

Eyes congested.


At this moment, the Phoenix King who had finished communicating with the pink petite elf was about to get into the volcano.

But suddenly stopped.

"Is it because I don't have any explanation?" Feng Wang's eyes were a little confused.

Soon, he sensed the change under the mountain.

A smile appeared unconsciously on his face.

"Let's think it's a cheeky punishment."

Suddenly, the slightly depressed mood was instantly better.

One headed into the volcano.


Below, the scale-tailed armored dragon has converged its breath.

Aoki did not let himself fight, so he would not choose to intervene.

Who made him just frighten himself with a Pluto dragon?

Aoki looked a little serious.

He saw the expressions and gazes of the wild elves, and knew why.

"The flame chicken and the crow's head are now citrons. Even if the attributes don't match, do you want to come in?" There was a hint of coldness in Aoki's eyes.

But soon it came back.

This is the chassis of the King of Feng. If he kills at will under his eyes, will he be troubled by him?

Can't control so much!

"Ready to fight, buddies!" Aoki said to the elves behind him.

class! !! !!

include! !! !!

Chamo! !! !!


They cried out, spreading their momentum to the extreme.

Fighting or something, favorite!

Then, a vigorous "war" began.

The name of this battle is defined as ...

Extreme invincible flame chicken, crow head guard battle!

The elves that appeared this time were not weak, much stronger than the group of elves on the grassland last time.

Fortunately, all the elves participating in the battle are the main force of Aoki.

During the battle, there was also the command of Aoki, and the elves cooperated with each other, so the results appeared even faster than the last time.

And Mrs. Huajie, a large nanny, helped.

The rest of the elves just have to do their best to fight and play.

The fight went from day to night, and then from night to day.

Even if the elves were fine with their bodies, they were mentally overwhelmed.

Fortunately, there are so many elves around, and all of them are less and less after lying on the ground.

Being hurt, these elves slowly recovered their sanity.

At the same time, Aoki did not choose to keep his hands on the elves who behaved extremely badly.

Even if this is the chassis of Feng Wang, Aoki is relentless in the face of these elves, and Feng Wang has reason to come to Aoki.

But he didn't know that now the King of Feng didn't want to see him at all.


Banguila, sitting on the ground panting, looking at the sorrows and coma lying on the ground, the sense of accomplishment immediately came up.

The flame chicken and crow heads are under their guard, and the process of energy absorption is very smooth.

The head of the crow woke up first.

The red-gold energy was completely absorbed by him, and the crow's head and chest resembled a white feather with a scarf and a bit of beard, with a ray of gold in it.

Golden retriever crow!

It looks very conspicuous.

Huh! !! !!

The crow yelled excitedly.

Then he noticed the surrounding situation and suddenly hesitated.

What the hell?

The dumb king gave him a nasty look and told him what had happened.

The crow's head can only sneer to express embarrassment.

Aoki was very interested in changing the head of the crow.

I don't know what kind of changes the Phoenix King's Yu Yu will bring.

Still slightly expected.

Reached for the crow's head.

Fly to Aoki.

The head of the crow itself is much larger than the average crow head.

So he was able to fly Aoki for a long distance, but not for long distances.

Now my body seems to have grown slightly, but it is not very obvious.

After a closer look, Aoki found that the feathers on the head of the crow were more fluffy and smooth, and the whole mental appearance changed.

Even Aoki was able to describe him with the two words "shenjun".

I have to say that this is a change in temperament.

The chip scanned data from the head of the crow.

Pokemon: Crow Head (Light Blue)

Gender: Male

Level: 67

Attribute: Evil + Flight

Characteristics: Overconfidence

Carrying props: None

Genetic skills: punishment, surprise strike, feather habitat

Basic skills: Peck, Fright, Chase, Wing Attack, Night Golem, Malicious Chase, Provocation, Key to Assault, Assault, Bluff, Rogue, Fraud, Delay

Teaching Skills: Wind, Snatch, Downwind, Divine Slam, Frozen Wind, Snoring, Hot Air

Skill learner: evil wave, hold, stand-in, harsh sound, power of awakening · electricity, provocation, shadow avatar, shadow ball, swallow return, dream talk

The level was raised from 65 to 67 ~ ~ It did not exceed Aoki's expectations.

However, the qualification was suddenly upgraded from teal to light blue, which made Aoki slightly surprised.

But carefully, it is reasonable.

After all, it was the feather that the king of Feng fell off, and there was still pure energy in it.

How many people can get it?

In fact, if Aoki really knows the value of these two feathers, even the last little surprise will not be.

The two queen feathers of the King of Feng, but one of those who can pay back that elf.

You have to know that things are valuable, and human feelings are priceless.


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