The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 1112: Nebel plateau

"I wanted to trim it a little, but now it seems that time is tight." Aoki said to himself.

Aoki originally wanted to stay in Fuye Town for a while.

Sort out the data obtained from the Rockets and the league, and then make a set of the most suitable way to cultivate their elves.

It seems that there is no time left.

Go to the small broken diamond cave in the backyard and take away all the diamonds they produced during this time.

This is definitely not enough for Bangui La and Boscodora to eat, but if you save some food, you should be able to persist for a while.

He had a hunch that the small broken diamond should be completed soon. At that time, there might be a continuous supply of diamonds.

Fortunately, the special plane has not yet flown away.

With a surprised expression of the pilot, he asked to go directly to the Carlos area.

The pilot did not dare to ask more questions, and did his own job honestly.

Only then did Aoki discover the benefits of rights and money.

Evil class system ...

Still a bit cool.

The Carlos area is far away from the Fengyuan area.

Even though the speed of this private jet is relatively fast, it is not possible to arrive in a day.

It happened that Aoki was able to get a little understanding of the information on the chip on the plane.

See if there is anything that can inspire him.


Carlos area.

Miare City, Aoki let the plane send himself here.

Then he let himself go.

After a few laps in Miare, we went to the base of the Flash Flames.

Make sure no one noticed his presence, and let the dull king appear outside the base of the Flash team using teleportation.

The outfit has been completely replaced.

The face is also covered with super powers.

Aoki is now a high-level super-powered person. Except for people of Naz's level, I believe no one can see through the super-powered film directly.

Base mouth.

I greeted before I came and someone greeted me at the door.

A fat man with a handful of red hair on his head said to Aoki with a smile, "Master Rev. Welcome back."

"Mr. Koseloski." Aoki nodded, his voice slightly husky, making it impossible to tell his true age.

Koseloski's face was very respectful, as to how much respect he had, he didn't know.

He has always been following Vladari, but I don't know why Vladari actually respects Aoki so much.

"Master Fradari has been waiting for a long time," Kutheroski said with a smile.

Nodded, motioned him to lead the way.

Aoki's heart was like a mirror to Kutheroszki's heart.

But as long as Vladari was there, he couldn't turn around.

As for the other members of the Flash Flames, Aoki also has the means to deal with it.

Led by Kutherousi, came to Vladari's office.

"Mr. Rev." Fradari looked at Aoki and immediately walked up with a smile.

Opening his arms to welcome him, he was stopped directly by Aoki.

It is best not to have physical contact.

Vladari was not angry, and asked Aoki to sit down.

"Mr. Priest, don't know what you are looking for in the Nibel Plateau? In the history of the Carlos area, the Nibel Plateau has been called the Forgotten Land, and there are many elves that have been forgotten by human trainers." Frada Lee asked.

"Mr. Fradari forgot what I showed you last time?" Aoki asked without answering.

Upon hearing that, Vladali frowned slightly, as if thinking of something bad.

He nodded heavily. "So it is."

"As far as I know, not far from the Nibel Plateau, there is a kingdom called Azot, which is also far away from modern civilization like the Nibel Plateau.

The development of this kingdom is completely different from the direction of modern society. Their specialization in machinery and mysterious science is very important for us and it will greatly help our future plans. "Aoki said.

He paused a little and continued, "Find the Azot Kingdom first, and send someone to lurk in. I'm very interested in one of them. Wait for it to help me find this person.

"Oh? Is there such a place?" Fradari was surprised.

Unexpectedly, there is still room for developing mysterious science in the Carlos area.

As for how Aoki knew these things, Vladari had already completed his brain.

Definitely from above.

In this regard, Vladali is convinced.

Aoki had already figured out how to explain

Seeing Vladali didn't ask, it saved him a bit of trouble.

If let him know what Vladari thinks, Aoki will definitely sigh, it is really good to be a **** stick.

Couselosz stood respectfully behind Fradari.

Watching him communicate with Aoki without interruption.

But I was not very interested in this mysterious science.

No matter how mysterious science is, can it still be compared with the science and technology of today's society?

"Give me the location of the Nibel Plateau. I'll check it out myself," Aoki said.

Vladari nodded and pulled out a small device from the drawer. The small screen showed a map of the Carlos area.

The position of the Nibel Plateau has been marked with red dots.

Aoki did not stay too much and chose to leave.

The Flash Flames team has just begun to develop, and there are many things that need to be prepared. Aoki does not have so many elves involved in these trivia.

Vladari didn't force it either, watching Aoki leave.

After Aoki disappeared from the office, the Koselos Wizard behind Vladali said, "Mr. Vladari, why do you respect Mr. Priest so much?"

He had wanted to ask this question for a long time, and now, with the appearance of Aoki, he naturally asked this question.

When he heard the question from Koseloski, Vladari groaned, "Because ... the future."

"Future?" Koseloski repeated these words in puzzlement.

At this time, Aoki had sat on the desert dragonfly and disappeared into the mountain forest.

I saw Vladari today. Aoki was really a bit surprised. I didn't expect that the seeds that were planted by **** last time could have such an effect. . "Aoki thought secretly.

This is a good way, but in order to get the effect, there are a lot of prerequisites.

The most important point is to understand the weaknesses of the other party, what kind of person the other party is, and what they want.

Only by showing him what he wants to see, and then a little bit of subtle hypnosis and induction, can an effect like Vladari be seen.

To put it bluntly, Vladali's mind is too strong, but Aoki happened to seize it, and then slightly altered the goal.

This change, no matter what instrument, what device or what ability can not be detected.


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