The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 1114: 2 to 2 (one)

Then Aoki shifted her gaze to the red fox.

The chip also scanned her data.

Pokemon: Fiery Red Fox (Cyan)

Gender: Female

Level: 62

Attribute: Fire + Super Power

Characteristics: Fierce Fire

Carrying props: None

Genetic skills: Prayer, Hypnosis, Hot Air, Magic Reflex

Basic skills: Magical Fire, Foreseeing the Future, Playing, Dropping Bags, Shadow Balls, Scratching, Wagging Tail, Sparks, Long Puppets, Accumulated Flame Strike, Fantasy Rays, Flame Vortex, Lucky Spell, Light Wall, Spirit Shock, Jet Flame, Ghost Fire , Strong mind, sunny day

Teaching Skills: Explosive Flames, Iron Tail, Sharpening, Mind-Movement, Snoring, Snatching, Swap Sites, Lightning Fist, Fraud, Fire Fist

Skill learner: light wall, meditation

The stats of Demon Red Fox are similar to those of Bricalon.

Both elves have the strength of the Heavenly King level, and both are elves abandoned by the trainers.

These two elves are also the most powerful elves that Aoki has ever seen on the Nibel Plateau.

After hearing Bricalon's words, Aoki slowly shook her head. "Sorry, I need to keep going inside."

Aoki's voice appeared in the minds of Brickalon and the Demon Red Fox.

Hearing that, Bricalon and the demon-red fox changed their eyes, and gradually became fierce.

Seeing them, Aoki sighed in his heart. It seemed that he needed to play a game.

However, to Aoki's surprise, the eyes of Brickalon and Demon Red Fox gradually calmed down.

They glanced around the elves around Aoki, and then looked around at the elves around them, without their own anger erupting.

Looking at their movements, Aoki understood their thoughts.

I'm afraid you're going to attack the surrounding elves.

There are only two of them, and Aoki now has at least four elves, two against him, and the remaining two are enough to solve the surrounding elves.

And, as a trainer, will he only have four elves?

Bricalon and the Red Fox are very clear.

"There is something you can't provoke, and you may never come out again when you go in, human! I'm doing it for you," said Brickalon again.

Can't provoke existence?

Is it Polkenen?

Still shaking his head firmly, "Sorry, I still need to go deep."

Bricalon's eyes changed again, and he always felt that Aoki knew something.

You know that not only that guy is in the Nibel Plateau.

At this time, the demon red fox on the side said, "Humans, don't you like to play against each other the most? Do you dare to play against us? As long as you can defeat us two, let you pass, but if you lose You have to leave!

This, as a human trainer, must not refuse? "

Aoki glanced at the red fox with a smile on his face.

Will you use radical method?

But it is in the heart of his own heart.

"Well, how are you going to fight? One by one, or two together?" Aoki asked.

Bricalon and the Demon Red Fox glanced at each other, speaking in unison, "Together!"

"Then I will not bully you, I have four elves here, let you two choose."

Aoki has absolute confidence.

If even the two elves who have been given up by the trainer ca n’t be defeated without knowing how long, then you really do n’t want to mix up, go home and make an energy cube.

Bricalon and the Demon Red Fox looked at each other and discussed.

The spirits of Aoki are all eager to try.

No matter who comes on the court, they are confident enough.

In the end, Brickalon and Demon Red Fox chose Bangila and Fire Chicken.

No way, they can feel a very strong threat from the crow's head and Madara's body.

This shows that the hard power of these two elves is stronger than them.

Although Bangui La and Flaming Chicken are also quite threatening, they are not as big as Crow's head and Madara.

Moreover, the heads of the crows of the flying system and the evil system, as well as the Madara of the ice system and the evil system, obviously have greater restraint against them.

As a spirit of the fire and superpowers, the monster red fox was severely restrained by the evil system. The flying system also restrained Brickalon four times, and the ice department also doubled it.

In this way, it is definitely wise to choose Bangila and Flamingo.

Seeing their choice of crow head and Magdalen didn't say anything, but Bangla and Flaming Chicken were very happy.



Bangila and the Flaming Chicken fist bumped each other, and the tacit understanding between them is also impossible to say.

Collision between big fist and small fist.

The battle of the four elves began directly.

Aoki directly launched the heart inductance application command operation.

The first to attack were Bricalon and the Demon Red Fox.

The two of them also worked hard for their own homes.

I saw the spikes on Bricaron's back emitting light, just like a missile, firing directly.

Missile pin!

On the other side, the monster who was on fire in the hands of the flaming red fox didn't know whether it was a tree branch or a magic wand, and gently attached his super power to the missile pin.

Let the missile pin, which was originally hit by luck, become a directional skill.

Just for the first attack, you can feel that their two elves cooperate very well with each other.

The target of the missile pin is Bangla.

Banguila didn't mind the attacks, and rushed towards them.

Because he believes that his companion will definitely appear in the first place.

Sure enough, the flaming chicken rushed up from behind Bangila, with the help of Bangila's body, went higher, and then directed his fist directly to this missile pin.

boom! boom! boom! boom! ...

After super power acceleration, the power of the missile pin is even better.

But he was still smashed by the fist of the flame chicken.

Bangira rushed forward, her body seemed huge, but her speed was fast.

Noticing the actions of Bangui La and the Flaming Chicken, Bricalon and the Demon Red Fox face changed slightly.

If approached by a physically powerful elf such as Bangla, it is estimated that both of them can't bear it.

Especially the red fox, Bangila is evil spirit, after all, his restraint is very serious.

But they only noticed Bangila who rushed in front, but they didn't notice the flaming chicken ~ ~ which was behind Bangila at this moment.

It was only because Bangila was so big that she couldn't find it immediately.

Flaming Chicken is also much faster than Bangila, but he is not as fast.

Under Aoki's command, he walked and jumped out of a special melody.

This is a kind of ability exercised on Fengwang Island, using sword dance skills while running.

Although this does not allow the speed of running to the fullest extent, it prevents the flame chicken from becoming a living target when using sword dance.

A smile appeared on Bangila's face, and the rocks around him appeared.

There is a sharp side to every rock.


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