The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 1133: Get loyal


It's just two words, but it contains too much.

Jarvis couldn't have done this directly with Aoki's few words.

"Without saying anything else, even if I say loyalty, can you believe that this is a big question.

And why do I believe you? It's up to you to be an outsider. "Jarvis asked.

Aoki nodded. "It's simple.

Your father, as the closest person to Eliphaz, believes that he has done a lot of research on Eliphaz's research results.

Then you deserve and get all the ‘wealth’ he has left for you.

I wonder if you have heard of something? ... 'soul heart'. "

"Soul heart!"

Hearing these two words, Jarvis' pupil narrowed suddenly.

The hand holding the wine glass also shuddered subconsciously. Some wine spilled and wet his hands, but he did not respond.

"You actually know the soul ?!" Jarvis asked.

Aoki laughed and said nothing.

"Now, do you think I can do it?" Aoki asked.


Jarvis fell silent again.

"As for what you said, I don't believe in the loyalty in your words. Indeed, I can't do this, but I have a way to make me believe in you," Aoki said again.

After speaking, he stood up and came to Jarvis's presence.

"What ..." Jarvis just wanted to ask.

Aoki raised her right hand and drank, "Don't resist!"

As he said, the palm of his right hand was patted directly on Jarvis's forehead and grabbed his head.

For a moment, Jarvis felt as if something was about to enter his head.

Want to stop, but thought of Aoki before making himself not to resist.

In the moment of hesitation, Aoki planted the same thing directly in his brain as in Rose's brain.

Even because the super power reached the advanced level, the super power planted this time was more powerful than the one planted in Rose's brain.

As long as Aoki is willing, this superpower can be detonated at any time.

"What did you ... do?" Jarvis asked, holding his head.

Aoki smiled. "I got the loyalty I needed."

Then explained, "I planted a superpowered species in your mind. I can detonate this superpowered species at any time if I want to, and no one in this world can lift it except me."

When it was a middle-level superpower before, no one could lift it, let alone reach a high-level superpower now.

"You! I haven't agreed yet!" Jarvis's face changed suddenly.

This does not mean that his life has now been held in his hands.

"No, no, no, the moment I can plant, in fact, you have already agreed, otherwise superpowers cannot be planted." Aoki waved and said.

Jarvis's face changed.

In fact, Aoki was right.

He was hesitant at that time, but now Aoki directly helped him make a decision.

"Any thoughts that are bad for me, I can feel it. If you don't believe it, you can try it." Aoki said with a smile.

It is unknown how much real credibility there is.

Aoki then snapped his fingers.

As if touching something, Jarvis's head was sore and painful.

"This is to give you a little proof of my control, rest assured that the super power species will really detonate, this kind of pain will not occur, because your head will be directly ... 嘭!" A blast action.

Jarvis had a lingering fear, and the tingling in his head made him almost faint.

Now he has no doubts about the authenticity of the superpowers Aoki said.

It was just such an inexplicable place that was controlled by anyone. No matter who it was, the mood would not be good.

But now it is true that his own life has been pinched in his hands.

"You have collected this medal, and you will continue to enter Azot in the future. They will become your subordinates and help you to do things. All you need to do is to work **** your research and then become the real number one. The minister is fine. "Then, Aoki took out a medal from his arms and handed it to him.

This is the Medal of the Flames.

At that time, Aoki will care for Vladari.

Although Jarvis can't show his value yet, Aoki knows where he will go.

Just need someone to widen his horizons, and this person can only be Aoki.

Jarvis took the medal.

This is the badge of the team leader of the Flash Flame team. From this moment, he is the team leader of the Flash Flame team.

As for the rules and all kinds of things, Aoki will not care about it, and someone will naturally explain it to him.

"Then there are three elven **** here, all of which are also given to you. None of them are weaker than your current Geng Gui. I hope you can subdue them all as soon as possible. I believe this should not stump you? Take three elven **** from his body and place them directly on the table.

Hearing that, Jarvis froze.

Immediately ecstatic!

He nodded again and again and put away the three elven balls.

Jarvis knows its value.

Three more King-level elves!

Although Azot's mysterious science is the highest glory, it does not mean that they are completely derailed from the elves.

The basic strength of the country is the elves.

Elves are also the main force that guards the entire kingdom.

"Thank you ... sir." A reverence appeared on Jarvis's face.

The big stick and carrot, no matter to whom, whether or not the other party sees this method, just by doing so, it is difficult for someone to refuse.

"You show me all the information about Eliphas, and then you go and subdue the three elves yourself. Once you are almost familiar, we need to play a play." Aoki Waved.

Immediately, Jarvis immediately moved all the materials and research results about Elifas to the table in front of Aoki.

Oyama bag-like pile of books.

Looking at them, Aoki's eyes twitched, and it was really troublesome without a computer to store information.

But still read it honestly.

Ten lines at a time, the chip scans quickly.

Anyway, if you really want to analyze the soul, you must do in-depth research on both mysterious science and Elifas ~ ~ and mysterious science, maybe Can also give Aoki some surprises.

As for Kivis, he went out to subdue the elves Aoki gave him.

These elves were the elves of the Jinchuan family when they were on Sanshen Island. Two of them were given to Rose. Now three are given to Jarvis, one in exchange for resources, and one left in the hands. Aoki is also ready to reward his men.

You have the strength to do better for yourself.

Although it is not an elf that has been cultivated since childhood, the combat power may not be fully exerted, but after all, it is a king-level elf, even if it only plays a part, it is enough.

Now Aoki has a little strength, and the layout can start a little bit.


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