The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 1141: Battle of the Golden Boss

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Several people came to the training room.

Dr. Oki and Xiaozhi took them to the side seat.

Du was directly across the road.

A confident smile on his face.

Aoki, they may be similar to their own strength in a few years, but there is still some gap.

Especially in my last persuasion under Aoki's understanding, the family is also their own advantage, and no one will ridicule themselves because they use the family's advantage.

This world is originally the strength of supremacy, as long as one wins, you can ignore any doubt.

"I'll come first," Ogo said.

Speaking, loosening the neckline of his small suit will not affect his command to wait.

"One-on-one, one game will be determined, that is, simple battle, until the point." Dr. Oki said with a smile.

Several people nodded.

"Come on, giant gold monster!" Dawu was going to take off an elven ball and throw it out after zooming in.

Flash Giant Gold Monster!

Come up and use the Ace Elf.

When he saw Dawu's flashing giant gold monster, Aoki blinked in his eyes, and the chip started up, scanning the data of this flashing giant gold monster.

Pokemon: Flash Giant Gold Monster (Dark Blue)

Gender: No gender

Level: 70

Attribute: Steel + Super Power

Characteristics: Permanent Body

Carrying props: metal film, chocolate fruit

Genetic skills: None

Basic Skills: Arm Hammer, Mind Force, Metal Claw, Electromagnetic Levitation, Slam, Chasing, Bullet Fist, Eye of Miracle, Mind Head Hammer, Ghost Face, Strong Mind, High Speed ​​Movement, Comet Fist, Iron Wall, Destructive Light

Teaching skills: Gravity, Thunder fist, Frozen fist, Mind hammer, Electromagnetic levitation, Frozen wind, Signal beam, Exchange venue

Skill learners: Hold, Spiritual Shock, Awakening Power · Flight, Destructive Light, Earthquake, Spiritual Mind, Shadow Ball, Tile Splitting, Rockfall, Stand-In, Cannon Cannon, Knotting, Rain, Rock Sanding, Whispering

Level 70!

Navy blue!

Aoki glanced at Ogo with a surprised look.

It is indeed worthy of being the champion of the future!

Just when Aoki thought that his strength was improving fast enough, Ogo actually raised his flash giant gold monster to level 70.

Senior Heavenly King level.

With the innate advantages of quasi-god spirits, ordinary senior-level elves have the power to fight!

This is also the case when superevolution is not discovered.

If this flash giant gold monster can be super-evolved, the burst of strength will definitely not be weaker than the ordinary quasi-champion elf!

And the flashing characteristics of Ogo's flash giant gold monster also triggered.

His physical fitness is much stronger than that of ordinary giant monsters.

The dark blue qualification should also have a lot to do with flash awakening.

There is also a long-established family that specializes in studying steel elves, which certainly provides a lot of help to Ogo.

This glittering giant gold monster, Aoki confesses that, except for Geng Gui's super evolution, he can stabilize his head, and the rest of the elves are most likely not opponents.

"It seems that the speed of Banguira's improvement is not enough. It is necessary to speed up the pace, otherwise there will be a significant gap." Aoki thought silently.

The best way to deal with quasi-gods is to use another quasi-god.

Banjira has attribute advantages and disadvantages against the flash giant gold monster.

Aoki has absolute confidence in her physical fitness.

I believe that after a period of subtle influence behind Ma Ji Yana, she will definitely be able to rise again.

"Oh? Is it a strange monster? Really think of a rare elf." Dr. Oki, who was sitting beside him, became interested. His professionalism did not allow him to just keep silent at this time.

Continued, "The boy from Hibiscus is really willing to pay for it, ha ha ha, good."

Apparently, Dr. Oki and Ogo's father, Zvki Hibiscus, knew each other and the relationship was not bad.

"That being the case, then I can only send this elf, but I can't lose the game before the Uranus Challenge begins." Du saw Ogo's flashing giant gold monster, and a little surprise appeared in his eyes, followed by it Just excitement.

Sure enough, looking for Aoki and they were a good choice for a battle, did not let themselves down.

Du also threw a fairy ball.

An orange-yellow elf appeared in the field.


Roar! !! !!

After the fire-breathing dragon appeared on the field, he excitedly spit out a flame of flame, which was mixed with many golden flames.

Others didn't notice it, but Aoki noticed the fire from the fire-breathing dragon.

"Sure enough, none is weak."

The golden flame, the original flame chicken can only use a ray, or it can be freely controlled after absorbing the energy of the Phoenix King.

The flame spit out by this fire-breathing dragon arbitrarily carried a golden flame, and it was indeed the original elves of Du.

Pokemon: Spitfire Dragon (Blue)

Gender: Male

Level: 75

Attribute: Fire + Flight

Characteristics: Fierce Fire

Carrying props: None

Genetic skills: Bite Smash, Dragon Dance, Dragon Wave, Bite

Basic Skills: Wing Attack, Blazing Charge, Hot Air, Dragon Claw, Shadow Claw, Air Slash, Grasp, Scream, Spark, Smoke Screen, Wrath of the Dragon, Flame Splash, Split, Jet Flame, Flame Vortex, Purgatory, Hot Air

Teaching Skills: Explosive Flame, Inverse Scale, Downwind, Iron Tail, Zhenqiquan, Lightningquan, Firequan, Snoring

Skill learner: hold, awaken power · water, dragon claw, destroy light, feather habitat, earthquake, big character explosion, swallow return, rigid wings, sword dance, rock fall

Level 75 Spitfire Dragon!

And the qualification has also been upgraded to blue!

This is the change brought by the power of the Yulong family to Du!

The strength of this fire-breathing dragon is very strong, but it is definitely not the most powerful elf in the hands!

Watari has his fast dragon!

The strength of that fast dragon is definitely stronger!

However, the strength of this fire-breathing dragon has entered the level of quasi-championship. Although it may be just a breakthrough, it is also a quasi-champion!

A level higher than the 70-level giant gold monster.

Xiao Zhi and Xiao Mao, sitting on a chair behind Aoki, looked at the two mighty elves, and the stars of worship flashed in their eyes.

Imagine that they are fighting at this time.

As for who is Du and who is Ogo, it is unknown.

From the head-to-head battle between the two major family clans who can rank in the top five even in the elven world.

Two gangsters with full strength!

Aoki's special ability is super ability, then their special ability is banknote ability!

The battle is about to start!

Ogo's Flash Giant Gold Monster is the first to launch an attack!

The two future champions of the two regions started their first confrontation here.

Flash Giant Gold Monster, Thunder Fist! Comet Fist! Electromagnetic levitation! Move at high speed!

Spitfire Dragon ~ ~ Sword Dance! Jet flame! Hot air! Flash Flame Charge!

As soon as the battle began, it suddenly entered a state of heat.

"Brother Aoki! Who will win these two big brothers?" Xiaozhi couldn't wait to ask.

At this point, they had just begun, and after a little temptation, they went all out.

Aoki smiled and said, "Come on, no one here is Du's opponent. He still has a good chance of becoming the Four Heavenly Kings this time."

"What is the Four Heavenly Kings? ˙ ▽ ˙" Xiao Zhi showed his signature wisdom-style question.

No matter what it is, I don't need to know, with the aura, I can defeat you!

What a special mental retardation!

Aoki hadn't asked questions yet, and Xiaomao on the side dragged Xiaozhi back directly to "add" knowledge to him.

Ten more first change, guaranteed monthly vote cast. ? (′ `?)

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