The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 1169: Dream ends

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Different space.

Aoki watched the elves training very naturally.

Tian Haoyu, who had been dealt with the injuries, was still asleep.

The dream demon stayed beside him.

Dreaming is not only a use of the ability of the dream demon, but also an exercise of the dream demon.

Recently, under the conscious control of Aoki, the dream demon is more accustomed to and natural in the structure of dreams, and there are rarely any obvious loopholes and omissions in dreams.

If conditions permit, the dream demon can even make people spend their entire lives in dreams, as long as individuals outside the dream can survive for such a long time.

There is Aoki in the different space, of course, it will not let Tianhao Yu die.

For two days, it was very short for the outside, but for dreams, Tian Hao Yu was equivalent to spending half his life.

At the bottom of the elven world, the bottom of the alliance struggled to live.

As the poor, in the face of those children of the family, the humble kind of members of the alliance.

If they want to change their destiny, they will have to pay more than the family members.

Sometimes it is even necessary to take life as a bet and forcibly subdue a worm of low strength and low potential as a starting point.

But this often requires life to do gambling.

If you rush into the forest of wild elves, it is very likely that they will become the meal of the wild elves. Even if you are lucky, you will encounter a weak insect.

In case of poisoning, he will die.

The children of the family can get past the elves just by speaking.

For civilians, it is a hope that is beyond hope.

Even if it was fortunate to capture an elf, there was no resource to cultivate, and in the end it was just an existence that the elves of the family could defeat with one stroke.

Wanting to go from civilians to the point where Aoki is now, top talent and bad luck are indispensable.

Therefore, the entire Elven Alliance is mostly managed by the grown-up family children.

Born in the family, benefited from the family, of course, when you grow up, you must return to the family.

Then a vicious circle began.

Powerful families are getting stronger and stronger, and it is becoming more difficult for civilians to get ahead.

Even if some really did go ahead, they were eventually solicited by those families and finally became a member of the family.

Who will remember civilians.

At this time, the emergence of such underground forces as the Rockets made these civilians see the dawn.

Anyway, capturing wild elves manually is desperate, and joining the Rockets is desperate, so why not join the Rockets directly?

At least the starting point is much higher, and there are channels to get resources.

It's better than hitting the wall like a headless fly, and finally couldn't find the door there.

Joining the Rockets can know exactly where the door is and have a clear direction.

Don't those people know that joining the Rockets is the enemy of the league?

Do not know that joining the Rockets is equivalent to becoming a member of the underground forces, do not know that becoming a Rockets is equivalent to living in the dark ever since?

No, they all know.

But there is no way.

Tian Hao Yu had a dream at this time, which was a dream that was obtained after a certain modification using the previous life of Aoki as a template.

Join the Rockets to better understand the bottom of the elven society.

The dream ended, and the dream demon returned to the shadow of Aoki obediently.


Tian Hao Yu held her head slowly and sat up.

Opening his eyes slowly, the original memories returned to his mind again.

I remember the memory of being beaten by members of the lava team, and finally unable to persist.

"Is this hell?" Tian Haoyu murmured, looking at the gray wall in front of him.

There were complex eyes in his eyes.

I don't know why, the dream that appeared in the brain before was so real, as if he had experienced it.

"A civilian rocket?" Tian Haoyu thought silently.

At the end of the dream, Tian Hao Yu also felt death.

"It's not **** here." Aoki's voice sounded from behind him.

When Tian Haoyu heard the voice, he immediately turned his head, turned around, and looked at Aoki with vigilance.

"Aoki ?!" Seeing that it was Aoki, Tian Haoyu suddenly froze.

Aoki smiled. "You finally woke up. It took me a lot of effort to save you, and I was almost killed by Chiyanmatsu."

"Red Flame Pine"

Tian Hao Yu recalled everything before.

"You saved me from Chiyanmatsu's hands?" Tian Haoyu couldn't believe it.

"Did you not see it yourself?" Aoki Nunou said.

At this time, Tian Hao Yu noticed that she had wrapped a lot of white gauze on her body. The previous injury had been a lot better. Although it was a little painful to act, it was not a big deal.

Immediately I thought of my own elf, and then in a dream, when I used the elf as a tool, my eyes lost.

"My elves" murmured Tianhao Yu.

I don't know if I sighed at the elf I am now, or sighed in the dream.

"All here." Aoki took out a tray with six elven **** neatly placed on it.

Seeing the tray in Aoki's hands, Tian Haoyu showed an excited expression.

The hand trembled slightly.

I took it, and through the small glass window on the elf ball, I can see that the spirit head of the elf inside is pretty good.

"I've already treated your elf, rest assured."

After hearing that, Tian Hao looked complexly at Aoki.

Thousands of words finally turned into a sentence, "Thank you."

Aoki waved her hand and took back all the elves one by one.

"No, but we are not out of danger yet. Now you wake up and be ready to retreat," Aoki said.

"Retreat, where is the retreat? Alliance? I guess I can't go back." Tian Haoyu's look became more and more complicated.

He still remembered the last time he met with Yuanji ~ ~ and asked himself how he could change the complex expression of Yuanzhi when he was in the alliance.

There was also a hint of questioning about himself.

As for this subtle change in eyes, Tian Haoyu, who is undercover, couldn't be more clear.

Genji has been unable to believe in itself 100%, and he is indeed somewhat disappointed with the current alliance.

The peace he admires and yearns for is not the same as the alliance now looks peaceful, but secretly surging peace.

He was confused.

"Not going back to the league? So where are you going? Lava team? You can't go back again." Aoki frowned.

Tianhao Yu shook his head, "I don't know."

Suddenly, Tian Haoyu seemed to think of something, and asked Aoki, "Aoki, as a civilian, what have you experienced at this step?"

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