The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 1174: Disputes 4

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The surrounding wild elves are not strong.

Leave the Crustaceans and Spurs to open the way.

The two elves did not have much pressure to face these elves that were on the periphery of the meteor waterfall.

Times of Day.

The Alliance successfully settled in Meteor Falls.

The two open areas marked before Aoki were stationed separately.

One is seated by Yuanzhi, and the other is seated by Huayue and Boni. The distance between them is not far, and they can be reached in a few minutes.

Then the rest of the alliance members, according to the previously divided team, one by one from the source of the task.

One of the main tasks was to clear the wild elves in the tunnels around the camp and try to make sure there were no problems here.

After learning from Aoki's intelligence, after learning that the Lava Team and the Ocean Team were united, Genji reported the situation with Adams.

Adams made an immediate decision and dispatched more than 300 Alliance trainers.

In the second batch of league trainers, there are no masters of the Uranus level, but the number of quasi-Uranus levels is much more. This is the elite power of the league.

These people are the standing forces of the Alliance.

Directly managed by the president of the alliance in each region, it is the standing army of the alliance.

These people's ability to fight alone may be more general, but the team fighting is very strong, and the cooperation between them is quite tacit.

Judging from the number of the Fengyuan Alliance's standing troops, the more than 600 trainers who have arrived this time account for almost one-third of the total reserve.

From here you can see how strong the alliance is.

This is only a standing one. The troops managed and trained according to the military, do not count the staffing in cities in Fengyuan area.

There is also the combat power of the Junsha family, the Joey family and other large families.

In addition to the three hundred people sent from behind, some Joey and their elves accompanied her, and a temporary medical clinic was established in the camp to ensure the safety of the Alliance trainers and their elves.

This time the lava team and the marine team's action, the alliance is treating it as a military battle and facing it as a war.

When Fengyuan Alliance, a huge machine, acted thoroughly, it became clear how scary it was.

In addition to leaving a defensive force at the Alliance headquarters, Adams also sent a portion of the standing force personnel to various cities, under the command of the unit, directly accepting Adams' call.

Miss Junsha in various cities, the Alliance Police Station, the City Road Museum and even the Alliance Search Officer, all serve this army.

Adams was really angry this time, and anyone who dared to jump out at this time would be directly annihilated by Thunder.

Not only are the underground forces in those areas, but even the families in various cities, facing Adams burning in anger, they dare not touch the mold, restrain their family members, and prevent them from going out at this time.

At first I thought it was the right time, but after the Alliance destroyed three small underground forces directly with the thunder, everyone was honest.

The Sky City, where the team is located, also has Union troops stationed.

The iron spinners who retired at home went to the front desk again.

Fortunately, Rose and Pirate Brigade received orders from Aoki a few days ago and immediately gathered the entire Sky team.

Not being seized by the league to take advantage of the opportunity.

The city's black market has also chosen to temporarily close.

Everything in the Fengyuan area needs to make way for the alliance.

The unscrupulous approach of the Lava team and the Ocean team brought a series of chain reactions.

The main battlefield of this battle was in a complex underground tunnel inside the Meteor Falls.

Some people enter the Meteor Falls for the first time, and they don't know that the terrain here is so complicated.

If there is an elevation picture at this time, all members of the alliance in the Meteor Falls can be found, just like an ant, completing the tasks assigned by the headquarters in an orderly manner.

This kind of wartime operation mode at this time is not only efficient, but also after the alliance members have completed their missions, they can also obtain valuable mission points.

For most people, task points are the basis for their future strength.

The first task is to clean up the surrounding wild elves.

There are also some who are responsible for expanding and expanding the channel connecting the two camps.

At the same time, if possible, it is best to dig a huge artificial cave in the middle of the two camps, so that the alliance can establish the resident in the middle, so there is no need to worry about being attacked by the lava team and the ocean team.

Some more powerful people were sent out, and according to the map drawn by Aoki, they went deep into the meteor waterfall to collect the information of the lava team and the ocean team.

Prepare for war.

All of the more than 600 members of the Alliance, under the command of the Command, functioned like machines.

A person such as Aoki can perform tasks alone, and can go deeper and collect information.

According to the authenticity of the information, there is still difficulty. The alliance will divide the task level and points reward.

As before, Aoki went deep into the Meteor Falls alone, and mapped out an accurate map. He also learned that the lava team and the ocean team teamed up, and Genji put the task completed by Aoki into an s-class.

Various tasks, such as clearing the wizard, opening channels, and collecting intelligence, have been divided into task levels.

Soon after the league entered, the Lava team and the Ocean team also noticed.

Originally Red Flame Pine and Water Indus wanted to end soon, and they could not contact the Alliance without contacting the Alliance.

But because it was much more difficult to find than they thought, they were eventually blocked by the alliance.

In desperation, Red Flame Pine and Water Indus can only send people to patrol in various tunnels to prevent people with alliances from approaching, and at the same time, they are ready to fight.

Fortunately, before this operation, a large number of Lava and Ocean team members were transferred to prevent this situation.

But things are not so simple.

Just when Lava and Oceans were deadlocked with the league in Meteor Falls.

What Adams had been worried about still happened.

Originally, he sent people to forcibly suppress a few small forces that jumped out, which almost deterred the other local forces in Fengyuan.

However, there are always some people who are not in Fengyuan area, and they have been watching the changes in Fengyuan area with a timid eye.

They are the Hunters Guild!

Because of the last incident, the Hunters Guild was driven away by the Fengyuan Alliance like a fly.

But the ambition of the Hunters Guild has been exposed.

They can't abandon such a big piece of cake in Fengyuan area.

Therefore, some leading cadres in the Hunter Guild led ~ ~ into the Fengyuan area in a grand manner.

Some members of the hunter's guild that had hidden in Fengyuan area jumped out one by one.

There are also some hunting groups that originally hunted elves and exchanged resources in the hunter's guild for a living. They also jumped out.

Swept across the body.

The lava team and the ocean team jumped out, just like a fuse, and the Hunters' Guild became the flame that ignited the fuse.

Underground forces throughout the Fengyuan area became the bomb.

With the exception of the Sky Team, all forces are starting to move.

Adams was in the league and could not dispatch himself.

Can only be transferred with Genji back to Huayue and there are two top-level seniors, plus the Junsha family, Joey family and three chief search officers, deadlocked with the Hunters Association.

Fourth more! Ask for a monthly pass!

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