The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 1183: Scaly scale dragon out!

"All water spirits obey orders, water skills hit sandstorms!"

As a cadre of the Ocean team, of course, he knew how to command them to conduct group battles.

At this time, the skills are very powerful.

After hearing Quan's order, a large amount of water sprayed out from different elven mouths.

Suddenly it turned into a turbulent river, hitting a sandstorm.

Suddenly the raging sandstorm was wet, even if it was under the control of Bangui La. At this time, the sand was wet faster than the sand appeared.

"Retreat!" Aoki whispered, aware of the change in the sandstorm.

Banguila and the elves of Ogo slowly backed away.

When the quantitative advantage is too obvious, it will affect the quality.

With Izumi and Fire Village in charge of the troops in front, Aoki and Ogo lost their chances of being caught off guard.

However, when they retreated, Bangui La, their skills did not stop being released, and the front line of the Ocean team that was constantly impacting.

The sandstorm disappeared, but because of their fierce attack by Bangui La, they remained deadlocked for a short time.

"What a stubborn resistance!

Spitfire camel! Coal tortoise! Jet flame! "Huocun's face looked thick and fat, and looked a little angry.

His spitfire camel and coal turtle rushed to the front.

Two hot flames covered the entire tunnel at once, making the temperature in the tunnel much higher.

Opposite these flames, Aoki and Ogo did not have a very good way for a short time, they could only slowly retreat and fight back.

However, the opponent has given up the impact of ordinary members, the two members of the fire village and Izumi rushed to the front, Aoki and Ogo only have the ability to fight, but there is no chance of counterattack.

However, the opponent's forward speed has been greatly reduced.

As long as it is able to entrust the arrival of the large army of the alliance, it will be fine.

The space fluctuated slightly, and the dull king who sent away everyone appeared beside Aoki.

For a time, Aoki's strength increased greatly.

Reaching out and pressing on the back of the dumb king, super powers formed.

The dull king superimposed his super powers with the fluctuations of water, and the fire village failed to move forward for a while.

Just when the two thought they were holding on, the tunnel was still a long way away, and they still had enough room for operation.

But the mutation happened again, from behind Quan and Fire Village, two spirits rushed out.

A cold-forked fork bat and a giant tooth shark wrapped in a jet of water.

Seeing these two elves, Aoki's face changed suddenly.

"Retreat again, red flame pine and water indus shot."

When I heard Aoki's words, Ogo's expression also became heavy.

The strength of Chiyanmatsu and Water Indus was impossible for them both.

Seeing the appearance of the fork-shaped bat and giant tooth shark, instead of being happy, Fire Village and Izumi became more ugly.

The leader's shot indicates that the leader is dissatisfied with the speed of the troops.

So, no matter what elves' damage might be caused by a forced charge, Fire Village and Izumi commanded the elves to attack Aoki and Ogo almost at the same time.

This time with the help of Forked Bat and Megalodon.

There were no small scars on Bangila.

The speed of regression is also getting faster and faster.

"It won't work like this! The fork bat and giant tooth shark are too powerful, the elves can't carry it!" Ogo sensed through the electrocardiogram and his voice sounded in Aoki's brain.

Of course, Aoki knows that he can't take it anymore.

But the coalition forces have not yet come.

Back a distance, you will enter the empty cave, where it can become the main battlefield of the league and the Lava team and the Ocean team.

But they couldn't let the lava team and the ocean team reach the cave first.

Otherwise, as long as they send someone to block a few tunnels, just like Aoki and Ogo now, there is no possibility of breaking through.

By that time, the league was absolutely passive.

Either sacrifice a large number of trainers and force a breakthrough, but such losses are unacceptable to the current league.

Either you can only give up that large cave to the Lava and the Oceans, and the league's defensive course is back again.

But just in that cave, there are indigo blue beads and scarlet orbs ...

The significance of the alliance's presence here would be gone, and it would be useless.

So ... the most acceptable ending is that when the lava team and the ocean team enter the cave, the alliance can also reach the cave and start a full-scale battle directly.

The best result is that Aoki and Ogo can hold them back, let the league arrive before the lava and ocean teams enter the cave, and set up a line of defense.

By then, the Lava Team and the Ocean Team will be passive.

Genji, Senri, and Boni stood at the entrance of the tunnel, and they could solve as much as they came. Even if Red Fire Pine and Water Indus were dispatched together, it would not be possible to break through the defense line composed of three four-day king-level powerful men.

"Can't stand it, take back the elves, they can't fall here, we need to take a fight when the war is going on," Aoki said to Ogo.

Hearing words, Dawu stunned.

"Did you just give up like this? Once they are rushed through first, the alliance will be miserable."

Aoki smiled mysteriously.

"Rest assured, I still have a way, according to the speed of advancement of Genji and others, it is estimated that it will be fast."

Even if Aoki said so, Ogo was a little elusive for a while.

But at that moment, his archaic armor lost his combat ability under the attack of the Red Flame Pine Fork Bat.

Aoki also knew that I wouldn't let Ogo see his hole cards ~ ~ Ogo would not give up.

Solemnly took the waist ball and put it on for a while.

I saw the lazy elf in the elf ball through Youyou Ball.

He whispered, "This is the first battle. It will trouble you."

As if I heard Aoki's words, the elf in the elf ball slowly stood up and his eyes were sharp.

Aoki smiled and threw the elven ball.

"Come on, the scale-tailed dragon with a staff tail! Hit me fiercely!"

As the elf ball opened, a golden, elf-looking elf appeared in the tunnel.


锵 —— 锵 —— 锵 ——

After appearing, the scale-tailed armor dragon yelled at the people of the lava team and the ocean team, and then jumped into the dance of war!

Without fighting for so long, my body is rusting.

The scales of different sizes collided and rubbed against each other, sending out the unique warsong melody of the scale-tailed dragon.

Seeing the appearance of the scale-tailed dragon with a rod, Banguila immediately understood the meaning of Aoki.

Reluctantly glanced at the elves who were still fighting them.

It was so easy to meet such a powerful opponent.

But still obediently returned to Aoki's side.

But seeing the appearance of the scale-tailed armor dragon, Dawu was stunned, and even Huocun and Quan, who stood opposite, were stunned.

What the **** is this ...


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