The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 1187: We don't play with fools

I saw the red flame pine and the water paulownia, with their hands widening their ears, they didn't understand clearly.


For a while, Genji didn't know what to say.

"Heavenly King! What did you say ?!" and saw Chi Yanmong grow his mouth and shouted.

It seemed that he didn't hear what he said.

After speaking, he subconsciously dug out his ears.

The water parasol on the other side is even more exaggerated.

Striding to the forefront, shouted, "Heavenly King! Our marine team does not mean to be against the alliance! It's just that what we want to find is here, I hope you take care of the overall situation, not to cause unnecessary casualties to the alliance ! "

Genji and Senri took a subconscious step back.

We don't play with fools.

My voice is too loud.

They also dug out their ears.

It seemed that both of them were short-lived.

Seeing the actions of Yuanji and Qianli, and the disgusting expression on their faces, Chiyanmatsu and Shuiwutong also reacted.

What to do behind the ears?

Genji doesn't want to talk to them anymore.

With their stalemate here for so long, there has been no real shot.

He wanted to sit in the Alliance camp, but watching the wounded were sent back one by one, and watching the Alliance's elite injured one by one, it was more sad than him.

Now that he has finally seen the two culprits, can he still bear it?

And two dumb fools.

No opportunity and ability to communicate.

After removing several elven **** from the waistband, a mighty dragon spirit appeared.

Genji's Dragon Corps!

The strength of the true Dragon King is undoubted.

Seeing Yuanji as a dry stand, Red Flame Pine and Water Indus are certainly not recognizable.

However, in terms of single player strength, Genji is better than either of them.

The two also untied their elf **** and threw them all.

The league ’s trainers most admired the number of six elves, but it was clear that Red Flame Pine and Water Indus would not follow the rules of the Alliance.

The elves they summon may not be as powerful as a single player, but there are many.

Looking at the elves around Chiyanmatsu, he summoned three fire-breeding camels at once, using the lava team's signature elves to the extreme.

And the Water Indus, just the giant tooth shark summoned three.

The strength of the elves is of course strong and weak.

For example, when Aoki was relatively weak, on the San Te Annu, the first time he and Liu Sheng met, they were attacked by the marine team.

At that time, Water Indus led the elf to fight Liu Shenggang, but at that time, Liu Shenggang was able to fight with him five or five, because the elves that Water Indus was carrying at that time were not his strongest ones. only.

Whether it is Red Flame Pine or Water Indus, their ideas are very simple.

Since the cost of training an elf to the championship level is much more difficult than training several elves at the same time to reach the peak of the quasi-championship, why spend so much cost to train an elf to break through to the championship level?

I train a few more elves at the apex level of the quasi-champion. Isn't it better than cultivating an elves who barely reach the championship?

The talent, resources, and training methods are indispensable for training an elven to reach the championship level.

At this time, talent may be the biggest cricket.

A light blue qualified elf can be compared with many teal qualified elf.

Their lava team and ocean team are not an alliance. From the rule of six elves, there are not many elves.

how to say

They cannot be wrong about this idea.

After all, they are indeed cultivated, and their strength is not weak.

Of course, that's not to say they don't have championship-level elves, just not much.

Besides, cultivating as many elves as they see is just a transition.

The future must be to control two beasts!

What elves can compare the two first-level gods?

Very unique idea.

Red flame pine alone summoned nine elves.

Water Indus is not less than him, but also nine.

"Although I'm not very eye-catching, don't ignore me." Qian Li, standing beside Yuanzhi, said lightly.

Then one by one threw the elven ball slowly and made a full gesture.

Two leave kings!

Lying on the ground as soon as I appeared.

But after seeing the two leave kings, Chiyanmatsu and Shuiwutong frowned.

"Orange Huadao Pavilion, thousands of miles?" Chi Yansong said.

For the strength of thousands of miles, the lava team still knows a little.

The burst of fighting power may be stronger than Genji.

Aoki's eyes narrowed, scanning Qianli for his strongest and the most terrifying leave king.

Pokemon: Leave King (Light Blue)

Gender: Male

Level: 80

Attribute: General Department

Characteristics: Laziness

Carrying props: pay attention to the headband

Genetic skills: Tarzan pressing, tearing claws, key attack, tickling

Basic Skills: Bluff, Arm Hammer, Punishment, Throwing, Grabbing, Yawning, One More Time, Laziness, Sudden Strike, Instant Amnesia, Desire, Gradually Break, Double Return, Crazy,

Teaching skills: Lightning, True Qi, Frozen, Fire, Snoring, Lame, Longing, Kicked,

Skill learner: hold, bodybuilding, provocation, destroy light, shoot down, 100,000 volts, earthquake, shadow ball, shadow clone, jet flame, rock block, swallow return, kick under the wall, air bomb, shadow claw, rockfall

Thousands of this leave king is really strong.

If, according to what he said, the more laziness is, the longer laziness is, the stronger the power can be and the stronger the duration of the outbreak, then this leave king is very scary.

When Genji's Tyrannosaurus broke out, it was estimated that he could only be crushed and beaten.

Although general spirits do not have many advantages and disadvantages in terms of attributes, general spirits can learn a lot of various skills.

Qian Li, the leave king, has more skills in his skill learner than his basic skills.

"Your leave king ~ ~ seems to be stronger." Yuanzhi said with a smile while looking at the lazy leave king who was thousands of miles away.

Qian Li also smiled, "I accidentally broke through some time ago."

"Good!" Genji nodded in satisfaction.

It's good to break through, so he can be more confident.

"How about? Choose one?"

"Now that I'm recognized, I'll choose the leader of Chiyanmatsu." Chili said indifferently.

It seems that red flame pine and water sycamore, for him, there is not much difference.

"Hahaha, okay!" Genji laughed and jumped on the Tyrannosaurus Rex, directing his elf to attack the water Indus.

Water Indus looks ugly.

If he chooses, he must choose Qianli as the opponent.

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