The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 1189: Aoki VS Izumi (1)

Understand Aoki.

People on the Ocean team don't know the true goal of Water Indus.

They simply worshiped the ocean, and worshipped the **** of the ocean, Gaoka, so they followed the water sycamore that had been pursuing Gaoka.

In other words, it was the water sycamore that "got" the gaoka they worshipped.

In short, there is no conflict.

But the personal goal of Water Indus is to allow the sea to sink the entire world.

This is a disaster for all humanity.

Of course, it also includes the people of the Ocean team.

They just move in the ocean, and that doesn't mean they don't have to return to land.

Izumi is the only one in the marine team who can speak up and raise questions when Water Indus finally wakes up Geoka and liberates the original Geoka.

It is a pity that Shuiwutong did not listen to Quan's persuasion and forcibly awakened Gaoka and let him recover in its original form. They were the first to be submerged by the sea.

The original Gaoka was beyond the control of the Indigo Orb.

In other words, the indigo blue orb is just a prop for awakening and communicating with Gaoka, combined with some special things, it can return it to its original form, and it has no ability to control it.

Because whether it is indigo blue or scarlet orbs, they are actually shed from Gaoka and Gulado, and they can wake up their props instead of restricting their own tools.

"The purpose of Water Indus is to replace all the land with the ocean. I wonder if your marine team is acting with this goal?" Aoki asked with a smile.

"Replace the land with the ocean?" Izumi heard Aoki's words, and hesitated.

Immediately smirked, "How is that possible? The goal of the leader is to wake up the **** of the ocean, Gaoka, so that our ocean team can become the master of the ocean."

Aoki shook her head and did not speak again.

Sure enough.

Water Indus is not a fool.

Knowing your own philosophy is against most people's ideas, so I haven't talked about my true purpose.

However, Aoki did not emphasize to Izumi anymore.

Now that the two are still hostile, how could they let the other party change their thoughts because of their own words.

Just before things happen, you can bury a seed yourself, maybe you have a chance to germinate.

After all, it still depends on strength to speak.

Geng ghost emerged from the shadow of Aoki.

Even if the opponent has only three elves, his strength is better than himself.

Aoki doesn't care about the six elves specified by the alliance.

How much do you care about my elves, can you just win?

A large number of elves is also an advantage!

In this regard, Aoki appreciates the thoughts and attitudes of Chiyanmatsu and Mizuki.

Everything is based on the perspective of winning. As long as he can win, it doesn't matter what method he uses.

If you lose, you have nothing.

The daddy king, Geng ghost, dragon king scorpion, lady Huajie, bangla, boscodora, flame chicken, giant marsh monster!

The eight elves stood in front of Aoki.

Izumi looked at the elf of Aoki, looking dignified.

"I still underestimate you, you have been hiding your strength before, but I didn't expect to be here waiting for me."

"I didn't hide any strength. It was just that the previous people were not worth my shot." Then, he put his hand on the dumb king's back.

His own super powers are fully integrated with the super powers of the dumb king.

The spirit of the dumb king is more solid, and the method of deity is still good.

The dull king's eyes exuded a bright blue superpower light, slowly floating into the air.

Covering his superpowers to all the elves will help them avoid some difficult skills.

In this state of the dull king, the strongest is not a single battle, but a large control field.

Control not only yourself, but also your opponent.

Rich superpower energy spreads around him, like layers of ripples, diffused into the air.

As long as he thinks about it, the superpower energy in any corner can be controlled by him.

The strongest field control!

After Geng Gui emerged from the shadow of Aoki, he disappeared into the shadow everywhere in the tunnel at this time.

With the blink of his eyes, he played the characteristics of the Dragon King Scorpion, and then exchanged the characteristics. One by one, the daddy king, Mrs. Huajie, the daddy king, Bangila and the monster monster.

Sandstorm teams and rainy teams can't handle it now.

After all, both the Sandstorm Team and the Rain Team have not yet fully formed and cannot show their full strength.

Moreover, in the current state, the two elves, dumb king and Geng Gui, are at the core, and the team mode is more capable of showing due combat power.

Later, with Mrs. Huajie as the center, a patch of green meadow flowers spread from her feet. This is the largest grass field that Mrs. Huajie can currently provide.

Seeing Aoki directing the elves to open the formation, Izumi's face was even more dignified.

"This Aoki has a deep research on all-person battle"

Unfortunately, there are only three elves now, and many things cannot be done.

So what she can do is to let her elves create more water when Aoki swings out of formation.

Even if it is not a small pond, there are a lot of potholes in the tunnel, leaving a small pool of water.

Elves such as Bangla and Flaming Chicken are obviously restrained by water energy.


The flame chicken raised the flame all over, and the feet took turns off the ground, one arm raised, and a special rhythmic dance appeared.

Not only him, but also different elves, such as Banghira and Boscodora, have begun to increase their skills.

"Triple surfing!" Quan shouted sharply.

She knew that she couldn't wait any longer. Aoki had more elves and her formation was completely set aside. It was obviously even more unfavorable to let his elves make further increases.

It is said that water flows instantly under the feet of giant tooth sharks, iron lobsters and emperor sea lions, and the currents of the three elves merge together at the moment they appear.

It turned into a huge wave, rushing towards us.

class! !! !!

Bangila yelled, his palms slammed on the ground, and he shot a huge rock directly.

Along with him, there are Boscodora and the monster monster.

Soon a rock wall was formed directly. Triangle rock wall.

The load area is smaller.


The dumb king's eyes flickered, the superpower energy rushed into the water, and the wave of the turbulent wave was suddenly much smaller.


Mrs. Huajie waved her hands, and a huge rattan rattled out of the tide, and slaps at the three elves who use surfing skills.


The Dragon King Scorpion uses double tongs to aim at the ground and drill into the ground.

Geng ghost smiled and hid in the shadows, disappeared.

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