The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 1199: Is my Genji knife not good enough?

Non-stop, rushed to the battlefield of the Hunter Guild as fast as possible.

After the Adams control of the Alliance Headquarters, after learning that the Meteor Falls battlefield was over, he immediately let the Alliance forces on the Hunter Guild battlefield take the initiative to start the battle.

Because the alliance was multi-line combat before, the battlefield here at the Hunters Guild was a defensive posture.

He has Huayue, Patriarch Junsha, Patriarch Joy, and the second uncle of the Zvuchi family, which is the father of Zvuchu Muzi.

The three chief search officers, more than 600 members of the Alliance's garrison, as well as some Alliance Road Museum troops in Kaina City and Guchen Town.

Such a lineup can only choose to retreat when facing the Hunter Guild, which shows how many troops the Hunter Guild has dispatched this time.

The direct war of the alliance, although it caught the Hunter Guild a bit off guard, was not ready.

But it was in the middle of them, and in a hurry, they chose to start a war with the alliance, and for a while they had the absolute upper hand.

But just when they thought they could win, the dull king suddenly appeared on the battlefield with the Aoki crowd.

moment! The whole situation was completely reversed.

Although it is only seven people, the league's top strength has more than doubled.

The one in charge of the hunter's guild operation, which is fighting Huayue, is Yang Duo's largest backer inside the hunter's guild, an old man with half-white hair and fifty-six-year-old hair.

He was just one of six people at the highest meeting of the Hunters' Guild, ranking fifth, and others called him Yang Yang.

This action is exactly what he launched. The King of Heaven fighting here is either his subordinates or ties, or he is a person who uses various benefits and conditions.

Hunters' Guild, Kanto, City, Fengyuan, Shen'ao, Hezhong, Carlos, there are currently six regions, each region has a chief person in charge, and the chief person in Fengyuan area is Yang Laowu.

When he was in Fengyuan area, not only did he lose the Yangdou, but also the profits and oil and water of Fengyuan area, no wonder he couldn't help it.

Originally, his purpose was very simple. While the alliance, the lava team and the Ocean team were deadlocked, he suddenly brought people into the fortune and established hunter guilds in various towns again.

As long as the league is tired of dealing with the lava team and the ocean team, it will open his eyes and close his eyes. After all the hunter guilds have been established, the alliance wants to be uprooted again and again, the price will be a bit large. The guild can take root again in Fengyuan area.

However, he never thought that Fengyuan's response was so great that he chose to go to war without giving the hunter's guild a chance.

That's why the current situation has evolved. He has already been riding a tiger.

There are only two options. One of them is to defeat the Alliance ’s large forces directly, and then open a branch in a grand manner. When the time comes, they will defeat the Alliance with a positive force.

Secondly, he can only retreat, but he invited so many people to come, and how much it cost. Only he knows. If he can't settle in Fengyuan, he will not only lose a lot of resources, but also lose Fengyuan Big piece of cake.

Then in the highest meeting of the Hunters Association, he will be the one with the least voice.

It is estimated that many of his subordinates are unable to feed.

How could I know that the alliance changed suddenly and the Alliance suddenly took the initiative? He thought it was an opportunity, but he didn't expect to wipe them out.

Originally, he was the fifth child in the battle against the evil King Huayue.

The equally powerful patriarch Junsha was stopped by a woman wearing black leather clothes and high-tech black sunglasses. She could only see her lips smeared with purple lipstick.

This person is the leader of the largest hunting group in Fengyuan area, and her strength is strong. Yang Laowu promised her many benefits.

Coupled with the uprooting of the Hunter Guild in Fengyuan, her hunting group income plummeted, and she was invited.

The rest of them also face trainers with similar strengths.

"Yuanzhi Tianwang, are you here?" Yang Laowu looked very ugly when he saw the appearance of the people in Yuanzhi.

Genji smiled and spread his hands, without speaking, summoned the elves directly, and was ready to end the battle with a sweeping trend.

However, Yang Laowu's face was gloomy, but he did not show much panic and despair.

I saw him shouting towards the sky, "I promised your terms, I need to win this battle!"

After shouting, everyone looked into the sky and found nothing.

Aoki frowned, and had a bad feeling.

"If you had promised us earlier, wouldn't there have been so many things? Now our conditions have changed, as previously said, we need to raise three more levels!" A lazy voice suddenly sounded from the sky.

Then a crack appeared in the sky, and a person slowly walked out of it.

Aoki's pupils contracted.

This superpower fluctuates and there are open space cracks


Do they want to get involved in Fengyuan?

Or is it already involved.

What came out was a woman in a silver-gray dress with a strange pair of white glasses on her face, similar to the computer-type glasses of the Shining Flames.

I saw her standing in midair out of thin air, with subtle fluctuations at her feet!

Hearing her words, Yang's fifth face became very ugly, but he still gritted his teeth and said, "OK! But I need to win this victory, otherwise you will get nothing!"

On hearing that, the silver-grey woman smiled.

Hooked his fingers towards the crack in the space behind him, from which three people again dressed in silver-gray clothes, two men and one woman, dressed similarly to her, stood in midair in the air ~ ~ The woman in silver-gray clothes said to Yang fifth again, "No, I will help you drag them, the rest is up to you, after all, our number is not dominant."

Yang's fifth child's face became more and more ugly, frowning tightly, wondering whether it was worthwhile.

However, most of his net worth is devoted to this battle. If he fails, he may really have nothing, and the other party obviously grasps him, so he puts forward such harsh conditions unscrupulously.

"OK!" Is almost a word squeezed from the gap between the teeth.

Genji stood on Tyrannosaurus Rex, looking at the group of people, frowning and said, "Sir, this is our alliance and hunter's guild. I hope you choose carefully! Don't make mistakes!"

Genji's attitude is very tough.

Is it true that the name of the alliance is not deterrent now? Anyone who comes here can look down on the alliance like this.

Is my Dragon King's name not loud enough, or is my Yuanji's sword not good enough?

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