The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 1217: Arrive at the Zvitch family

Ten days passed by.

In these ten days, the training of the elves basically met Aoki's requirements.

This is inseparable from a large amount of resource input. As long as the elves have a little physical and energy consumption, they will have special energy blocks to supplement their physical strength.

Unless the spirit is unable to resist, Aoki will stop the elves.

In this regard, Aoki, who is a superpower, is still very measured and confident.

In addition, Aoki also has experience in recovering his mental strength. Basically, as long as he falls asleep, he can recover to the full state.

It is because of such conditions that the growth of the elves is visible to the naked eye.

Among them, Bangila successfully broke into the senior Heavenly King level, which is the performance of successful training.

The remaining elves have improved to varying degrees.

However, as soon as ten days passed, Aoki decided to change it for the time being. High-intensity training does not mean that the longer the duration, the better.

Today Aoki took the elves to Kanaz.

That's right, Aoki is going to see Ogo in Kanaz city, or to say that seeing Ogo is just one of the things. The main thing is to go to the Zvuch family to discuss a cooperation.

In the name of Aoki personally, they talked about cooperation with the Zvucci family, and the Zvucci family also agreed to this exchange, which shows that at this time the degree of influence of Aoki has reached.

Of course, there is also the relationship between Aoki and Ogo.

Maybe ... and some unspeakable secrets from the Zvitch family.

In short, Aoki was followed by a Leo road whose body size had reached normal, and a chryulian suspended around him was greeted by the Zvuch family's squadron.

Aoki is not here for the first time, but the treatment gap between this time and last time is really a little big.

Led by the housekeepers of the Zvitch family, Aoki came to Ogo's specialized training ground during this time.

Dawu is directing the elf to fight with a man, and if he looks closely, he is actually his second uncle, the man who fought on the hunter's guild battlefield with the King of the Moon, the younger brother of Grandpa Hibiscus.

The talents of the trainers themselves are not very strong, but even so, under the vigorous training of the Zvolch family, they still have the current combat power.

Aoki stood quietly watching Ogo and his uncle fighting.

At the end, Ogo immediately walked towards Aoki, with a playful smile on his face, "Say! Are you here to check the military situation?"

Aoki also laughed, "Yeah, the battle was very exciting just now, you are not afraid to expose too much, let me know your hole cards?"

The two laughed loudly, and fisted each other habitually.

At this time, the nearby Ogo could fully see Aoki's face, and suddenly hesitated.

"Um, Aoki ... Are you going to plastic surgery? Recently, my face seems to have changed a little, but I do n’t see the difference when I look closely. I always look a little handsome." Ogo looked at Aoki's face, surprised He said quietly, and stretched out his hands to pinch Aoki's face to see if he had a facelift.


Aoki slaps Ogo's hand away. "There have been great changes, but there have been some changes recently. I am awakened by my handsomeness every morning, hahaha--"

"Well-it smells shameless, but don't say, it's really handsome a lot, obviously it doesn't seem to change much." Ogo said disgustingly.

There is still a slight gap between the appearance of Aoki and Ogo.

This is why Aoki asked Sakagi to ask someone to customize a special human skin mask.

Aoki has prepared a lot of masks, all of which are masks that change from their ordinary faces to their true faces. Such a slow change may be unexpected, but not too unexpected.

For example, Ogo now feels that Aoki has become handsome, but if he looks closely, he can't tell where the change is.

After just a few more changes, Aoki can show it to everyone in real appearance.

Although this will bear a certain amount of risk, the risk is not great for a four-day king.

In addition, Aoki has special super powers, and even the body is still in the development stage, it can completely push the changes to these reasons.

It is said that the eighteenth women's college change, who can guarantee that the eighteenth men's college will not change, as long as the pace of change is controlled, Aoki is not yet eighteen years old, everything is possible.

The human skin mask was originally made according to the original appearance, and there should never be a particularly exaggerated difference.

After all, the eyes, nose, and mouth are in the same position. Just changing the details will turn into another face.

Now Aoki's dress, temperament and appearance, combined, is more like a handsome and powerful man than before.

Ogo's second uncle also came over, and saw Aoki's appearance at this time, but also showed a little surprise, but more were satisfied.

Can't stop nodding.

Aoki glanced at Ogo's second uncle, always feeling his eyes a little strange.

Laozhangren see son-in-law?

"Aoki, it doesn't matter if I call you that, right?" Dawu's second uncle said with a smile.

Aoki nodded, and put a hint of strangeness and doubt in his heart, and said with a smile, "No problem, I and Dawu are good friends. You are an elder, you can call them by any means."

The second uncle nodded again and again. "Then you can call me the second uncle like Dawu. You do n’t have to be too restrained, you do n’t have to be born too much, just like in your own home. If you have any requirements and needs, you can talk to the housekeeper Say."

Aoki nodded again.

A little enthusiastic, but he still said, "Okay, trouble Uncle."

"Uncle, let's get here today for training, doesn't Aoki have any more things to say to Dad?" Ogo said.

The second uncle nodded and gave Dawu a look that only two people could understand. "Also, don't let your big brother wait for a long time. Biggo, you take Aoki over. I will ask someone to arrange lunch. Aoki will have a light meal together."

"Uh ... okay." Uncle Ogo's eyes, of course, also saw the sharp Aoki.

He had vaguely guessed something.

But ... the other party didn't say it clearly ~ ~ There is nothing to refuse. The elders called for a meal, they always obeyed.

Ogo took Aoki towards the deepest room of the Zvuchi family, and encountered many Ogo's people along the way.

When they saw Aoki, they were very friendly.

Although it is said that the clan's education must be very good in a family with a true heritage like Zvitch, but this seems to be a bit friendly to transition.

Dawu and his seven aunts and eight aunts are about to come up with Aoki for a thorough inquiry and "investigation of household registration".

Fortunately, Aoki has not appeared on television recently, and everyone still knows him, otherwise it will be very troublesome for everyone to introduce themselves.

Finally, through the maze-like castle of the Zvuch family, came to the office of the patriarch at the deepest place.


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