The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 1219: Weird lunch

Start a company in partnership!

As a result, the relationship between Aoki and Ogo became closer.

With Aoki's current potential and strength, it is worth drawing on the Zvuchi family.

After discussing the business, the three set out for lunch together.

When Aoki walked into the restaurant, he was shocked.


Looking at this scene, I don't know what to say.

In a very rich and richly decorated restaurant, sitting, standing, densely packed, are all people, and they are also the seven aunts and eight aunts who are dressed in formal clothes.

According to Ogo's usual dressing habits, it is not surprising that they wear them like this, but what is the look of rare animals?

"Ahem." Father Hibiscus knew it was too scary.

Ba Zi hasn't skimmed, and I don't know who spread it.

The old man glanced at Dawu, and saw Dawu's face embarrassed, and his handsome face had some distress.

He was also quick to say that his cousin Mu Muzi might find someone he likes.

No way, Mu Muzi's shadow left him too deep when he was young. In Ogo's view, the horrible tigress at home can marry out quickly. It is really better. I hope someone can immediately subdue she was.

Even if you can't subdue it, it's best to switch to personal bullying. Aoki is a good choice.

In fact, people who are pursuing Mumuzi can line up from Kanaz City to Zijing City, but these people don't look down on me.

Even if I do n’t see my cousin much anymore, it ’s also a cousin, not a cat or a dog.

Aoki is good everywhere in Ogo's opinion. The only disadvantage was the appearance, but now he is a bit handsome, and maybe he will become more handsome in the future.

This was the first man who was not explicitly rejected by his cousin Mu Muzi. Dawu felt that Aoki was the man sent by heaven to save himself.

So I was quick and didn't stop the car.

In the Zvuchi family, it is not only Dawu who is concerned about Mumuzi.

No, knowing that Aoki came to visit, all the seven aunts and eight aunts came, and wanted to see who was able to surrender Zvqi Mumuzi who was not afraid of the sky.

Then all of a sudden the scene became extremely embarrassing.

Fortunately, there was an old man, and no one dared to talk more. In this embarrassing atmosphere, Aoki sat down next to the old man and Ogo.

With Aoki's position on the table at this time, we can see that the Zvuchi family attaches great importance to Aoki.

A little later, Dawu's second uncle appeared in a formal attire with his daughter.

Today's Zfuqi Muzi does not wear the chief search officer's costume, but wears a standard short dress, which looks very different from usual.

Let Aoki feel a bright light.

Although Aoki is not reborn as a woman, it is because his age has not yet arrived, which does not mean that he does not have any feelings about beauty.

It is usually self-restraint and relatively strong self-discipline.

However, I still have to admit that today's Zifuqi Muzi really made his eyes shine.

It is a rare beauty, compared with Girona in the Shinao area and Kona in Kanto.

However, Mu Muzi's temperament is more "moderate" than them.

Aoki saw Mumuzi, and of course Mumuzi saw Aoki.

The two eyes widened and small eyes understood the whole process at once.

From the beginning, Aoki had some speculation. I didn't expect it to be true. What is Zvoki doing?

Group-aided blind date?

Kate's Lao Tzu is only 17 years old, and there are still several months before the age of 18.

Mu Muzi didn't know it, but her father said that a very important guest came today and asked her to dress more formally.

But when she walked into the restaurant and saw so many relatives and Aoki, she understood.

But now I can't help it, I can only sit next to Aoki without changing his face.

"What's the matter, why did you little kid suddenly come to our house?" Mu Muzi ate food without expression, and her posture and movement were in line with her current dress.

Aoki is eating by himself.

As two colleagues, they often communicate a lot. Mu Muzi also knows the relationship between Aoki and Ogo, so he has always seen him as his younger brother.

How could there be so many moths.

"How do I know that I just came here to talk to my father about a business, and I was unexpectedly treated as an animal." Aoki whispered.

噗嗤 ——

Hearing that Mumuzi smiled.

But at this quiet table, her smile attracted a lot of people's attention.

For a moment, the eyes of all relatives were a little ambiguous.

I think it is Aoki and Mumuzi who are chatting happily, and the rumors uttered by Dago all of a sudden, even if they were half-truths, are now true to them.

Aoki looked at Mu Muzi's smile, but it was the first time she had seen her like this, and she looked good.

Smelling the smell of her body, there was a slight fragrance.

"Ahem, you take it seriously, I don't think their eyes look right," Aoki said.

Hearing Aoki's words, Mumuzi reacted, raised his head and saw the ambiguous eyes of relatives, and his face suddenly turned red.


After being so persuaded by them, it became true even if it was not true.

Mu Muzi is so angry, even if you really want to find an object for yourself, how can you be bigger, Aoki is not yet 18 years old, okay?

Although eighteen years old is already a young age in the elven world, after all, children in normal families go out for travel, usually at the age of ten.

But look at today, why Ozawa, Aoki, seems a little more handsome.

Is it an illusion?

Mu Muzi stared at Aoki's face and looked at it, the more he felt the change, but he couldn't tell what had changed.

But her curious and unintentional behavior was misleading again.

Who wouldn't think so when I saw a girl blushing and staring at the face of a boy?

But the communication process between its solid wood and green wood is like this.

"Hey, devil, has your kid gone to plastic surgery ~ ~ why hasn't it changed?"

"Well-you are really a family. Even the problems are the same. I have said that it is the development of facial details caused by development. It just changes for the better."

"No! Definitely not! You either have a facelift or you have makeup."

"Even if it's a facelift and makeup, can you stop staring at my face, you can't wash it now when you jump into the Yellow River." Aoki looked helpless.

"Oh." Mu Muzi responded.

But soon her curiosity came up again, "What river is the Yellow River? In which region? I haven't heard of it. It sounds pretty good to you.

Also, are you plastic surgery or makeup? Can you recommend it? "



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