The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 1221: Xanadu

Xanadu's eyes became very complicated.

There are memories, thoughts, nostalgia, remorse, pain and least joy,

She watched the evolution of Kirillian think of her former self, and after comparing each other, she thought of how miserable she was.

The same kind of elves, after meeting different trainers, turned out to be so different.

There was a trace of sadness on Shan Naiduo's face. There was no anger, no resentment, and no remorse, only the sadness that could not be changed.

No matter what that person did to her, after all, it was her trainer, and she didn't know when it started. The person's eyes gradually became indifferent and unemotional.

But before that, Shanaite still remembered that he and his trainer had a happy time, but this happy time, after the tragic experience later, has been diluted almost.

Today, when I saw Kirulian in evolution, I barely recalled it.

The momentum of Shanaiduo ’s body began to skyrocket, soon surpassing Boscodora and Banguila, and soon surpassed the dull king and Geng Gui, reaching the peak of the senior heavenly king.

Did not stop!

As a result, Shanaidi stepped into the quasi-champion level.

This made the dumb kings' expressions more serious.

But Xanadu didn't seem to have any feeling for her strength breakthrough. She just looked at the evolution of Qi Lulian, and her memories were getting stronger and stronger.

Slowly, a smile appeared on Shan Naituo's face, but two red tears were left in her two red eyes.

Falling on the petals below.

Maya Yana, who came from one side, suddenly left tears. Although Maya Yana's body was mechanical, her soul gave her infinite possibilities.

Tears of Maji Yana began to flow frantically, and she could clearly feel the sadness in Shanai Duo's heart.

I ran to Shan Naiduo's side and wanted to wipe her tears and help her, but Shan Naiduo's tears still couldn't stop.


Maji Yana was so busy, she felt much more than Aoki imagined.

The vitality of Xanadu is passing away! !! !!

She is irreversibly moving to death! !!

Maji Yana wanted to use her soul to replenish her life energy, but found that she could not replenish it completely. She refused her help, and she wanted to leave.


"Chaneteau, Chaneteau, she's ending her life !!!" Diane, who understood what Ma Ji Yana meant, translated her words.

Tears burst into tears in Tiance's eyes.

"Sanato, she ... use her last life to improve her strength ..."

"Maji Yana, Maji Yana, she can't help Shanaidi to restore her vitality. Shanaidi is rejecting Majiyana's treatment ..."

"Sanato is about to die !!! Her life has come to an end !!!"

Tianxi translated the words of Maji Yana, and the tears in her eyes also flowed like Maji Yana. They are all fairies, they are the closest beings to life, and they can feel the kind of sadness in Shanai Duo ’s heart. Sadness in the heart.

The dull king and Geng Gui aside, they also slowly let go of their guards, and looked at Shan Naiduo with a complex look.

Aoki was standing next to Shan Naiduo, and when he looked at it closely, he could see the skin and hair of Shan Naiduo, withering at a speed visible to the naked eye.

If, apart from Ma Ji Yana, who feels the most obvious, it is the evolving Cherylion.

She felt the sorrow in Shanaite's heart, and even in evolution, Qi Lulian's tears were endless.

Slowly, Xanadu put her hands together and put them on her chest. A small crystal flickering with energy fluctuations appeared and hovered between her hands.

At the moment when this crystal appeared, the momentum of Shan Naiduo's body plummeted, and he immediately became the quasi-champion, and then fell to the Heavenly King and the Heavenly King level ...

Shanaiduo finally glanced at the spar in his hand, tossed it gently, and threw it into the side of the evolving Kirulian.

Close your eyes slowly, there is still a smile on the corner of the mouth, the tears in the corner of the eyes have not completely dried up, fell backwards ... concealed by the superpower of the dumb king, and slowly laid on the ground.

Maji Yana felt that the vitality of Shan Naituo had completely dissipated, and even if the ability of the soul heart was strong, she could not be revived.

This is a quasi-champion-level super-powered elf, completely willing to give all his own to another elf. This difficulty may not have appeared in the elf world so far, this is the first time.

Even if she felt uncomfortable, she had already reached the critical moment of evolution. She just couldn't figure out how to understand it. She was clearly not yet communicating, and she was willing to give everything to herself.

Maybe, it's just that Chirulian touched the most sensitive place in the heart of Shannaito. The goal she dedicates is not Chirulian, but her former self.

Kirillian just happened to be a replacement for her.

The scope of the light of evolution began to widen, and Chirulian's body shape began to change.

Three minutes later, the white light dissipated, revealing the evolved Xanadu.

Xanadu's body is white, looking like she is wearing an elegant dance evening gown, and the inside of the skirt is green.

Her hair style also changed, and turned into a curly shape, extending to the underside of the head, and a strand of green hair was blue, representing the **** of will.

The arm is also green. There is no clear boundary between the arm and the hand. The fingers are slender and connected directly to the hand, like wearing gloves.

The fin-shaped horns before her evolution moved to her chest and back after the evolution was completed.

Xanadu's face has a spiked structure, like wearing a mask.

The green band on the chest is connected to the middle of the horn, and the glove-like arm is attached, which looks like wearing a long skirt.

Kirillian successfully evolved!

Xanadu showed in front of all the elves.

Watching a Xanadu fall and a new Xanadu stand up, the elves of Aoki wanted to express congratulations, but couldn't get up.

He was an enemy before, but now he has given everything for his companions.

Even the dumb king and Geng Gui could no longer be hostile to Shan Naiduo who was lying peacefully on the ground.

After the evolution was completed, Sanato and Aoki also got her data at the first time.

Pokemon: Shannet (Light Purple)

Gender: Female

Level: 35 (rapid promotion)

Attribute: Super Power + Fairy

Characteristics: Copy

Carrying props: None

Genetic skills: farewell gifts, mortalities, misty fields, exchange fields

Basic skills: Power of the Moon, Auxiliary Power, Mist Field, Wish of Healing, Scream, Mind Power, Shadow Avatar, Teleportation, Voice of Charm, Lucky Spell, Magic Leaf, Healing Waves, Dancing Kiss, Meditation, Spiritual Power Read, seal

Teaching Skills: Frozen Wind, Swap Traits, Mind Move, Swap Site, Mind Head, Sharing Pain, Magic Reflexes, Loud Sound, Help

Skill Learner: None


First more! begging!

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