The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 1232: Good luck big league

In the cheers of everyone, Aoki became the fourth four king of Fengyuan area!

Wear the Four Heavenly Kings Medal with the characteristics of Fengyuan Alliance.

A yellow version of the reduced head of Bangiraya when the sky is shouting, and the surrounding is dotted with crystals, representing yellow sand.

Sandstorm King ’s Medal is a handmade medal made by a special craftsman ten minutes after Aoki determined the name.

It still looks very domineering, and it also echoes Aoki's identity.

After the ceremony is over, the medal will be specially treated so that it can not be imitated, can be distinguished from genuine, and carries Aoki's personal information, identity certificate and bank account, a unique online account of the alliance's senior management, and so on.

I thought it was very simple. After all, when Kanto became the Four Heavenly King, it was over soon, and I was soaked up that I became a senior cultivator.

First of all, Adams announced the successful role of Aoki, but as the new King of Heaven, most people need to be satisfied. Although the battle between Aoki and Ogo fully reflects the strength of the two, there are always some gimmicks. Satisfied with such results, trouble everywhere.

So in order to cope with these people, the new King of Heaven has a week of waiting time for challenges. Anyone who feels Aoki is unqualified can come to challenge within one week. There is only one challenge place a day, and it does not expire.

The success of the challenge does not mean that the other party can become the new Four Heavenly Kings, but it is possible that the new Four Heavenly Kings will step down. Of course, this must be discussed at the conference of the alliance to prevent some older generations from deliberately bullying the new ones.

In fact, such a system is a display. Basically, no one will come to challenge it, but it is only to block some people's mouths.

Do you think the new Four Heavenly Kings are unqualified?

OK, you can just pick him off?

No strength?

Shut up without strength ~ ~ But also because of this system, Aoki needs to stay at the alliance headquarters for a week.

This is not a big problem.

Adams announced another thing after telling it to people all over the world.

This year's troubled autumn season in Fengyuan, the battles of all sizes continue. In order to promote the atmosphere of trainers in the entire region, in the near future, there will be a huge Fengyuan major league. Anyone who can gather eight medals can participate in this competition.

In addition, the league promised that this time the major league alliance would assign it to directly enter the league and participate in various jobs according to the final nouns and strengths.

This kind of reward seems to be the same as saying nothing, but as long as someone with a little brain knows that this is the league's talents in wide recruitment, as long as it performs well in this competition, it is likely to be one step up and become the league. Hot star.

At the same time, being able to work within the alliance, it is easy to reach the senior management of the alliance. No matter which senior management is appreciated by that time, maybe it is a step in the sky!

This is an opportunity for many civilian trainers, as well as those of small families.

After Adams' announcement, they fisted up, ready to go back and start challenging Daoist.

It is believed that in the following period, there will be a large number of travelling trainers throughout the Fengyuan area. In this section, the basic safety of the trainers and the rules of the tournament are all matters of the league.

After announcing these things, Aoki was also taken to the backstage by the staff and changed into a four-king king costume specially made by the alliance. These are clothes made by the latest technology developed by the alliance, which can adapt to different levels of harsh environments.

Because Aoki was a search officer before, this suit was also modified on the clothing of the chief search officer of the alliance. It looks more domineering and handsome, but Aoki thinks that it is almost the same as the clothes of the sao bag. Even the cloak behind it is not much different, with a dark red hue.

But there is no way, the league also tried everything to make him a cover for a long time later, so he should be handsome and domineering.

Coupled with the recent restoration of Aoki, they complement each other.

Put on your clothes, pin the medal on your chest, and the staff quickly reduced a hairstyle according to his clothes, face, and so on. Such a change, especially the change of clothes, the change of hair, made Aoki the whole Human temperament has changed.

When they walked to the front desk again, the audience was also amazed, and the cheering sounded one after another.

It seems that Aoki, a civilian who can come to this point, is still quite popular and has attracted countless fans.

Then with the help of the staff, Aoki and the other three Heavenly Kings, Genji, Hanazuki, and Bonnie, took a series of photos together.

Under the initiative of Genji's active modesty, Aoki, who was a bit more handsome, debuted at the C position, and naturally became the four-king king's face value!

After leaving some precious photos for commemoration, the grand Four Heavenly Kings took office as the conference ended.

The audience also satisfied to return.

At the same time, the Internet was also boiling up at this time. The name of sandstorm Aoki became the hottest topic in a short time.

A series of past and civilian identities of Aoki were also revealed by powerful netizens.

It adds the miracle color of Aoki as the four kings.

It has also become an idol in the minds of many civilian trainers ~ ~ Imagining that I can achieve this level in the future.

Aoki, as a party, must participate in the alliance to start the meeting at this time.

The new Four Heavenly Kings took office, different from the previous generation of Liu Shenggang, this time it is really in the top position, so a lot of work requires consultation and distribution.

Genji, Hanuki, Bonnie and Aoki, the four need to re-divide the main tasks of the current alliance.

Originally, Genji didn't care much, that was because Adams was doing it, and the tasks of Huayue and Bonnie were beyond the standard. Now Adams is stepping down as the champion. Many things Genji must do even if he doesn't want to do it.

At the same time, after seeing Aoki's strength and dual-core tactics, both Huayue and Bonnie showed a feeling that they were about to be caught up. They also did not want to take on so many complicated tasks and needed more time. To improve strength.

In this regard, Yuanzhi also expressed support.

Judging from the lava team, ocean team, and hunter's guild this time, in addition to Yuanzhi, the remaining four heavenly kings have some weak strengths. They need to increase their strength as soon as possible to ensure that the alliance has enough force to deter, so as not to be again Xiao Xiao generations look down.

And the lava team and the ocean team have not completely disappeared. They may even be more dangerous and need to be prepared at all times.

What seemed to be some easy-going alliances were slowly upgrading the overall atmosphere of the entire region and the basic literacy of the trainers.

This time the big league, and Aoki as the new four kings took office is a good start.


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