The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 1235: Guandu's first day

Annihilate local forces?

Aoki wants it!

These forces do not clear away, just like a single leech, quietly absorbing nutrients from Fengyuan area.

However, it is unrealistic to want to clear them all, so Adams just let Aoki clean up those who jumped most happily. These forces and the league have records.

Anyway, the Sky team is safe and necessary, and will not enter the league's field of vision.

"Also, the Lava and Ocean's remnants have all disappeared for the time being. You should pay attention when you do things, and find them to report immediately." Adams said again.

Aoki nodded.

"As for the forces that are still very peaceful in this time, you can see if there is any room to operate. Collection or alternative cooperation is also possible, but you must ensure that they are not hostile to the alliance. It is still most convenient to deal with these underground forces. "

When he said that, Adams hesitated slightly.

This is contrary to his philosophy, but it has to be said that it is a very useful and efficient method.

For example, compared to other turbulent cities, this city is almost too stable.

Just because the sky team was settled, some small children in the city did not dare to mess up.

Some people are just like this. They are not afraid of the alliance, but they are afraid of the dark forces in those places, because they are very clever and know that even if they are caught by the alliance, as long as they do n’t do too many unforgivable bad things, they do n’t have to worry about their lives. But Those underground forces won't tell you anything good or bad, it's just a word if you mess up! Kill!

So after the Sky Team fully grasped the crime rate suddenly dropped, these statistics can now be placed on Adams' desk.

"Yes!" Aoki should come down again.

Then Adams arranged and assigned some work and tasks.

From these work lists, it can be seen that Fengyuan Alliance is ready to improve its overall strength, and all aspects are for the convenience of different trainers.

For example, lowering the threshold for initial elf collection, reducing the treatment and accommodation fees charged by elf centers for non-alliance trainers, and regulating the price of commonly used materials in the entire market, such as elf balls, ordinary healing agents and sprays, etc. .

These are all out of pocket for the league.

From beginning to end, the Union's Finance Minister never really smiled, frowning.

These are all money. When they say they are spilled, one or two people can't see anything, but he can predict how many trainers will emerge in Fengyuan area in the next period.

Coupled with Aoki as a model for civilian trainers, I do not know how many civilians will be, and resolutely embarked on the path of trainers.


While the Fengyuan Alliance was meeting, meetings were held in other regions. The main discussion was about Aoki becoming the four kings of Fengyuan, and the youngest four kings so far.

Seven-year-old and four-day king who has only reached eighteen months.

"Haha, Du, your youngest four-day king's laurel is now snatched by your good friend." A shirtless shirtless man can see his muscles everywhere, and there are many conspicuous scars. It is the fighting king of Guandu area, Sheba!

Wen Yan, Du slightly smiled, "It's really fast, even Aoki's speed of improvement, even I was shocked, ashamed.

Although my elf is better than him in terms of hard power, at present I still only have a single-core tactic. It is really hard to say who will win or lose against him. After all, I am not a big guy and can ignore his double sandstorm. "

"Well, this is not what we should say in the King of Guandu. As the most talented Dragon King in the Dudu area, your personality that is not afraid of the day will actually increase the momentum of others and destroy your prestige. Your continuous challenge to Greek Pakistan ’s record of eighteen times, but no one can surpass it. ”Sitting aside, holding a crutch in his hand, looked a little older mother-in-law said with a smile.

At this time, the ghost of Guandu is the Supreme Commander of the King, Juzi, and the ghost army.

In another position, there was also a relatively old man who was expressionless and had a white scarf hanging straight around his neck.

However, Liu Bo said nothing and did not mean to participate in their topic.

Close your eyes and sit in position ... rest.

The other three were obviously used to his condition.

After hearing Juko's words, Hilba face was bitter. "Fu, if you want to discuss something, I will give you the position of the third king. Don't challenge me."

Du became the fourth queen, no matter in order or according to strength.

How easy is it for the proud Dragon King Tiandu to compromise?

Then came the appalling eighteen Lien Chan.

Challenged Sheba eighteen times in a row. Although she never won it once, she made Sheba miserable.

Du shook his head, "No, I know there is still a big gap between you and you.

But inspired by Aoki, I found the key to the second core! When I succeed in dual-core tactical training, I will challenge you again, and then I should not lose so badly. "

"Oh?" After hearing Du's words, Shiba and Juzi showed a hint of surprise. Even Liu Bo, who had been closing his eyes, had a gap in his eyes, looking at Du with a confident look.

"Haha, it is indeed the first genius in our Guandu area. I didn't expect to find the second core so soon ~ ~ Rest assured, as your dual-core tactics take shape, I will definitely fight with you with all my strength. Otherwise, it will really capsize. "Sheba laughed.

It seems like how good it is for him to find a second core.

"That being the case, then you can start the Uranus Tour? It can be used to sharpen your second core. First, tour in Kanto and Seongdo. When the dual-core tactics take shape, go to other regions and let them see us in Guandu. Genius is not inferior, "Orange said.

Uranus Tour?

Wata nodded for a moment, then nodded, "OK! Let's start with the Uranus Tour."

Kandu's expression knew that he was very ambitious and confident at this moment!

At this time, Liu Bo stood up, walked silently to the door, stopped, said a word, and walked out of the room.

"The most talented people in Guandu area have always been"

After hearing Liu Bo's words, Ju Zi and Sheba's faces changed at the same time.

But Du did not know who Liu Bo was talking about, and asked with a little curiosity, "Who is the person that King Juzi, King Shiba, and King Liu Bo so respect?"

Kikuko and Shiba stared at each other, then Kikuko was helpless, and there was a bit of bitterness, saying, "You also know this person ...

Is the current leader of the Rockets, Sakagi! "


Fifth more! Ask for a monthly pass! Thanks for the great reward of a big cloud guy, plus more!

At the end of the last year, the work of hibiscus is really a bit busy. I run around every day, and the code words are on the high-speed rail mobile phone, so I may return to the fourth time. In short, hibiscus as much as possible to maintain.

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