The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 1246: 3 Geng ghosts

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Suddenly Bone Dragon made such a sound.

When Aoki moved his thoughts, the chip started scanning, and it turned out to be the real cause of this bone dragon.

Looking at the data list in front of me, it was found that there were three Geng ghosts attached to this skeleton together, but these three Geng ghosts were somewhat special.

It seems that these three Geng ghosts are in a strange state.

Pokemon: Geng Gui (Cyan)-Fusion Status

Gender: Male

Level: 70

Attribute: Ghost + Poison

Feature: Cursed Body

Carrying props: None

Genetic skills: ghost face, dark fog, cloudy fog, clear smoke

Basic Skills: Shadow Fist, Hypnotism, Tongue Lick, Resentment, Black Eyes, Curse, Night Shadow, Strange Light, Assault, Tooth for Tooth, Shadow Ball, Dream Eater, Evil Wave, Same Life, Wrongdoing

Teaching Skills: Sleep, Shadow Ball, Spiritual Mind, Special Change, Snoring, Freezing Fist, Lightning Fist

Skill Learner: None

Fusion status.

Aoki has seen this state for the first time.

The other two Geng ghosts have almost the same data, as if they were three clones. Except for the differences in genetic skills, the rest are almost identical.

While Aoki was still thinking, the bone dragon seemed to be focusing on something and rushed towards Aoki.

In other words, he rushed towards the ghost in front of Aoki.

Aoki's expression was clear. Regardless of their purpose or any special place, it was definitely not wrong to defeat them first.

Super powers use ECG to communicate with all the elves, and all of Aoki's elves acted for a while.

Magdalen stretched her arms forward, and a light blue energy beam condensed and projected from his hand, freezing Bone Dragon's feet in place.

Several huge rattan sprung out from the ground and tied the bone dragon firmly in place.

Immediately afterwards, the prepared evil wave burst out from the crow's head and the dragon king scorpion.

嘭 —— 嘭 ——

The wave of evil blasted on the bone dragon well.

The dumb king didn't show any sign of weakness. The superpowers were turned into silk, and while the dragon was tied with a knot, it was wrapped around in a circle, making it impossible to break free.


The two shadow **** also hit the bone dragon's head without hesitation. He knew that Aoki was concerned about the super evolutionary stone, so the first targets of the elves were the bone dragon's head.


Huh! !! !!

With the throwing of Geng Gui's shadow ball, the skull of the bone dragon had cracks, so it was directly broken under the continuous turning attack!

Accompanied by the hysterical hysterics of the three Geng ghosts.

While the skull was shattered, the superpowered filament of the dumb king was wrapped around the superevolutionary stone and dragged it to Aoki.

However, Aoki did not take over the superevolutionary stone in the first time. Instead, his eyes were staring at the bone dragon, and the terror in his eyes could not be concealed.

Because he also has a Geng ghost, Aoki is very clear and understands what Geng Gui looks like.

But at this time, the ghost in the bone dragon subverted his view.

Even without the camouflage of the bone dragon skull and the shackles of the skull, the appearance of Geng Gui at this time still remains the original.

The only difference was that the white bones on the outside had disappeared, leaving only a dark piece and two red eyes.

From these eyes, I didn't see the eyes that the intelligent life should have, which contained only pure jade hope, greed and madness!

This simply cannot be said to be an elf!


When Aoki was shocked, he saw that the bones of the bone dragon were like tarot cards. After the skull was broken, all of them became powder.

The combination of the three Geng ghosts is presented in front of Aoki.

The three Geng ghosts have completely merged together where they touched, as if they were a whole.

It looks like a deformed monster!

As the bones were broken, Madara's freezing, Madame Huajie's weeding knot and Dao Wang Chaoneng were bound, and a gap appeared for a while!

The three Geng ghosts screamed, disappeared in the spot for a moment, directly merged into the shadow of the ground, and then quickly rushed towards the Geng ghost in front of Aoki!

Aoki's face changed suddenly, and their goal was Geng Gui!

They want to devour Geng Gui, or integrate Geng Gui into them!

At this time, it was too late to collect Geng Gui, and Aoki could only command the elf to attack the shadow that came over.

But because there is no entity, it ca n’t be restrained, and can only use some energy to attack, the spirit of the idiot king, the energy ball of Lady Huajie, the vicious wave of the head of the crow and the dragon king scorpion, the frozen beam of Madara, and Geng Ghost own shadow ball attack.

Although they all hit each other, they also caused a lot of harm, causing them to scream in pain.

Instead of failing to stop them, the pain made them more hysterical and desperate!

Sudden increase in speed!

"Geng Gui!" Aoki roared in his head, letting him avoid it quickly.

But Geng Gui stood firmly in front of Aoki, his eyes fixed on the dark shadow.

Behind him is Aoki!

As Aoki's shadow, it is a mission to protect Aoki as his lifelong life ~ ~ If he avoids himself now, will Aoki be exposed to the attack of the other party?

Looking at the opponent's posture, the dumb kings really can't stop them.

Geng Gui didn't obey Aoki's words for the first time, but concentrated his energy to the extreme.

Blind defense is not his style. Facing a deadly opponent, of course, he must be positive!

Huh! !! !!

Aoki also immediately understood the meaning of Geng Gui, and it was obviously not the time of reprimand now. A palm of his hand was rubbed around his waist, and a keystone appeared in his hand.

Now Geng Gui's level has reached level 74. As long as he is super-evolved, he will have the power of a quasi-champion. In the face of three Geng ghosts of level 70, even if they are merged together, there should be no problem.

But what made Aoki unexpected was that the speed of the group of black shadows once again increased and came to Geng Gui in an instant.

It was like a huge mouth, and Hei Ying wrapped Geng ghost down.

"Super evolution! Geng Gui!" Aoki squeezed Keystone tightly in his hand, watching Geng Gui immersed in the shadow, his face dignified.

Fortunately, the super-evolutionary energy is not isolated by the black shadow. A large amount of super-evolutionary energy is ejected from the hands of Aoki, and the corresponding super-evolutionary stone is found!

The black shadow that was about to enter the shadow again was like being dragged out by a net bag.

The superevolutionary energy turns into filaments and penetrates into the shadow from all angles and directions.

Aoki Geng's voice came out from the shadow.

Huh! !!


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