The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 1248: Crazy breakthrough

After all, there is too much energy, Geng Gui has reached the peak of the senior Heavenly King level, and now he has absorbed a lot of energy, which has exceeded the limit he can bear.

Even if a lot of impurities are removed, a lot of energy that cannot be fused is stripped, but the energy is still considerable.

At this time, the body of the super geng ghost was a little swollen.

According to the state of the super Geng ghost, it was much more bearable than Geng ghost's ordinary period, and now it has reached its limit.

Huh! !! !!

Super Geng Gui gritted his teeth, and now he only needs one mouth, and a large amount of ghost system energy escapes from his mouth.

At this time, the concentration of the surrounding ghost system energy is increasing with the absorption of Geng ghost, and it is likely to attract a lot of surprises from ghost system spirits.

The remaining elves of Aoki had surrounded him and Geng Gui.

Geng Gui compresses the energy and then compresses it. It can't be compressed anymore, and his body can't squeeze anymore. So he wrapped all his energy and rushed towards the level of the quasi-champion.

At this point the advantages of super-evolution are manifested.

The super evolution allowed Geng Gui to release the strength of the quasi-champion in advance, so that he was less hindered when he broke through.


There was a muffled sound from Geng Gui's body, and then in the virtual data map in front of Aoki's eyes, the various values ​​of Geng Gui broke through the limits one after another and rushed to a very high level.

Then a lot of black mist emerged from the super Geng ghost, wrapping it up.

Now that the breakthrough is completed at this time, it means that the energy that Geng Gui can hold at this time has increased, and more energy can be absorbed.

A large amount of energy seems to be attracted by the magnet. From all angles and in all directions, it is drilled towards the black mist.

Aoki stood quietly next to Geng Gui.

Now Geng Gui is still in a super-evolved state, which is the closest to the consciousness of the trainer, so Aoki can clearly feel the physical change of Geng Gui at this time, and the spirit gradually becoming excited.

Level 75!

Geng Gui completed the breakthrough and reached level 75.

At this level, it is already the elf that can be called the semi-championship level.

Unlike the quasi-sky king, the quasi-championship strength level is defined as only five levels, from 75 to 79, for a total of five levels.

This level is the limit that most geniuses can reach.

I do n’t know how many years the elven world has developed. How many geniuses have appeared since the appearance of the trainer?

Countless rivers, like countless rivers!

But it ’s like a carp leaping through the dragon gate. No matter how genius you ca n’t get over that gate, after all, it ’s just a carp and you ca n’t be a true dragon!

The quasi-championship at this time represents the dragon gate, and the growth of the elves cannot be stopped.

It's like crossing the dragon gate. If you don't advance, you will retreat. If you don't work hard, you may not be able to reach the championship level for a lifetime.

Why are there many families in the Fengyuan Alliance who think that Aoki is very talented and willing to invest, but are not willing to invest substantially or even desperately?

It's because they've seen it and don't know how many days they have stranded at this level.

Why is Ogo's upper limit the most obvious and the most clear goal?

Because the Zvuchi family is definitely willing to invest a lot of resources in order to improve the strength of Ogo, even if it is a pile, it must be piled up to the championship level.

However, as a civilian, Aoki does not have so many resources, and those families are not sure whether Aoki can break through this threshold.

Of course, if Aoki is willing to join, they are very happy, but if they gamble with a lot of resources of the entire family, they are also afraid to.

After all, not everyone is like Aoki, who can know the qualifications and potential of their elves.

Now Aoki is half-footed into this level.

The next thing to do is to accumulate a lot of resources and energy to break through to the championship level in one fell swoop!

Fortunately, Tianxi has established the prototype of the small broken diamond kingdom. After a period of time, it will be able to provide Aoki with a steady stream of diamonds, which just can not fill the quasi-championship level of large resource consumption.

There is also the Sky team. After the lava team and the Ocean team are silent, they can be regarded as the top underground forces in Fengyuan area. Now Adams has let Aoki integrate the underground forces in Fengyuan. There is no further possibility.

Geng Gui's promotion continues.

A large amount of energy makes his ascension speed as hacking.

Level 76!

The level of the ordinary state reaches level 76, and the super evolution has almost reached the peak of the quasi-champion.

The momentum of Geng Gui's body is becoming more and more tyrannical, but it gives Aoki a sense of gradual emptiness.

Absorbed too much energy that is not your own!

Level 77!

Level up again!

Aoki's face became a little ugly, and his voice sounded in Geng Gui's mind.

"Geng Gui! Stop absorbing! Even if it is a waste of energy, you can no longer absorb it, otherwise it will cause you irreversible losses!" Aoki screamed sharply.

It was like a bite, and it made a loud noise and suddenly awakened Geng Gui who was obsessed with the rapid improvement of strength.

When Geng Gui noticed the state of his body at this time, he also knew that what Aoki was saying was not false, and he frantically wanted to cut off the absorption and fusion of energy.

But these energies are like epiphyseal gangrene and cannot be dispelled.

"Compression! Since it cuts constantly, compress! Try to compress!" Aoki roared again.

Geng Gui immediately controlled his own energy, compressing the external energy wildly.

Level 78! !!

Aoki had sweat on his forehead at this time, because in his data chart, Geng Gui's original blue qualification was gradually fading.

In Aoki's scan, Geng Gui's qualifications have been switched back and forth between blue and light blue.

If Geng Gui is to reduce his qualifications to light blue, then the foundation is really destroyed. It is almost impossible to break through and enter the Heavenly King level!

Neither Aoki nor Geng Gui thought that ~ these three Geng Gui would have so much energy.

In fact, it was Aoki who underestimated the three Geng ghosts. They merged and walked in the tomb of the dragon. They did n’t know how long they had, and they absorbed huge amounts of energy. Too messy, and now Geng Gui puts forward impurities, and the remaining energy is absolutely terrifying.

Without those impurities, the true level of the three Geng ghosts should be level 74, the top of the senior king.

The energy of the three senior Tianwang peaks is poured into one body, and it has not been broken because the energy toughness of riding Radina is strong enough.

"Attack! Geng Gui! Launch an attack and knock out all the extra energy!" Aoki shouted again.

Since there is too much energy, hit it all!

boom! !! !! boom! !! !! boom! !! !!


The shadow ball in Geng Gui's hand was thrown frantically around, bringing a series of explosions.

Fortunately, Geng Gui's shadow ball skills have been practiced, and the energy consumption thrown away gradually gains the upper hand, all the excess energy in the body is consumed.

Although it caused huge damage to the terrain of the dragon tomb, this is also no way out.

Level 77!

The level returned to level 77 and gradually calmed down.

Together with Geng Gui's qualification, it has gradually stabilized on the blue qualification. The frequency of fluctuations is also getting smaller and smaller, and the amplitude is getting weaker.

Finally stabilized on the blue qualification!


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