The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 1251: Crustacean Evolution

Seeing this message, the expressions of both Aoki and Genji were a little dignified.

If it wasn't important, Adams would never use special devices to send cross-space messages to the two.

Nor will he choose to summon two Four Heavenly Kings at the same time.

"Teacher, let's go back quickly." Aoki groaned.

Genji nodded, and called back all the elves who were playing outside, hesitated a little, and Genji found the leader of the Tyrannosaurus family, which was his old man.

After soliciting his opinions, the leader of the Tyrannosaurus agreed to go out with Genji and explain everything in the clan and the space.

Tyrannosaurus leader goes out!

A 89-level quasi-god, there are too many things represented.

Owning this Tyrannosaurus leader, even if it is a regional champion, is not without a fight.

"Aoki, go!" Genji stood on the back of the leader of the Tyrannosaurus and said to Aoki.

"OK!" Aoki nodded.

However, just when he was about to put away the crustaceans with their eyes closed, the crustaceans shot a lot of white light.

Shot through the gaps in his white armor.

Aoki and Genji are the four heavenly kings. Of course, they also understand what is happening, so their expressions are very exciting for a while.

After waiting for ten days, I could not wait for the evolution of the crustaceans, but I did not expect that at this critical moment, it would start to evolve.

And judging from the appearance of the crustaceans at this time, this evolution will be a huge metamorphosis. If there is no accident, this evolution may continue for a long time.

"Teacher, you go first, I will catch up after the evolution of the crustaceans." Aoki said to Genji.

Wen Yan said that Genji was a little hesitant, but after watching it, he shot a few evolutionary white light crustaceans, which was still beyond his heart's anxiety.

"Then I'll go first! When the crustaceans evolve, someone will take you to the exit." Genji said.

"Okay!" Aoki nodded, giving Yuanji a reassuring look.

Then Genji patted the head of the Tyrannosaurus, signalling that he could go.


The Tyrannosaurus leader Yangtian screamed, flapping his wings to bring up the wind, carrying Yuanzhi towards the exit, and quickly disappeared into the sky.

Aoki watched Genji's departure, and the dignity on his face still remained.

Go to the crustacean.

Looking at the crustacean with her eyes closed, she is concentrating on digesting the "dragon blood" in her body. In Aoki's sight, the crustacean's qualifications are jumping back and forth, blue-dark blue-blue.

Aoki's palm flipped and three stones appeared.

Two blue slate fragments of blue sky, and one is a super evolutionary stone harvested in the dragon tomb.

First put the superevolutionary stone next to the crustacean, and noticed that the superevolutionary stone card with special induction approached, and the crustacean with closed eyes slowly opened his eyes and looked at the supernatural in the hands of Aoki with doubt Evolution stone.

From this stone, he felt a connection in the underworld, which seemed to bring great benefits to himself, but this feeling was not so obvious.

Sure enough!

Aoki was slightly pleased that this superevolutionary stone was indeed the superevolutionary stone of the Tyrannosaurus. In this way, Aoki was even more looking forward to the evolution of the Tyrannosaurus.

Touching the smooth back of the crustacean, "It's okay, concentrate on evolution!"

Having said that, I took out the crustacean's qualified potion from the storage space.

This qualification medicine cost Aoki a lot.

And because of the expansion of the chip database, Aoki has continued to optimize this medicine to strive for the best fit, and wants to fully develop the crustacean's qualifications.

There is no way to be so troublesome.

Because originally, in Aoki's view, the crustaceans wanted to complete transformation in evolution and make their own qualifications go one step further, so they could only rely on qualification medicines.

Therefore, Aoki has been improving this medicine, hoping to increase the quality of crustaceans to the maximum.

Fortunately, at the last moment, Genji provided Aoki with such a special method. Otherwise, Aoki may not be able to raise the crustacean to the purple level even if it is improved.

right now! It can be expected.

All the potions were poured into the crustacean's mouth.

After the crustacean drank the qualification potion, he began to devote himself to impacting his evolution.

Aoki put her eyes on the two blue sky slate fragments in her hands.

The two fragments are large and small, but under the scanning of the chip, there is not much difference, but since the sizes of the fragments are different, the effect will definitely be different.

Crustaceans evolved into Tyrannosaurus! Under the role of super evolutionary stones, super evolution can be completed. If you carry blue sky slate fragments, it goes without saying that it will definitely be one of the overlords of the sky in the future!

Put the two pieces together.

Originally, there was no energy fluctuation without induction. The two fragments, which are similar to ordinary stones, actually attracted each other and slowly joined together.

After the blue energy flashed away, the two pieces merged into one larger piece.

"It seems that the blue sky slate is undoubted, this time it is really leaked." Aoki secretly said to himself.

Putting this fused piece together on the back of a Crustacean, maybe it will make the evolved Tyrannosaurus flight talent more powerful!

With the passage of time ~ ~ more and more white light has evolved, gradually encasing crustaceans.

This time, it can be said that Aoki experienced the longest evolution waiting.

Because the dragon blood in the crustacean is undergoing metamorphosis, this is a relatively slow process, and Yuanzhi also knows this, otherwise he won't leave first.

Aoki sat on the ground and began to guess what was causing Adams to be so anxious that he sent messages to both Genji and Aoki.

This was the end of his working meeting when he became the Four Heavenly King. Is it any special thing that happened?

Hunter Guild?

There will be no more invasion in a short time. Adams must have said that someone who had been to the League of Confederations said that the Hunters Association should be watched for the time being.

Then there is only one thing!

Remnants of the Lava and Ocean teams were found!

In other words, the people of the lava team and the ocean team themselves appeared in the league's sight!

if it is like this...

It means that Gaoka and Gurado may be waking up soon!

If these two super-ancient beasts awaken at the same time, they will definitely start fighting at the first contact, and then it will be a natural disaster!

I am afraid that only this matter can make Adams so anxious.

Just when Aoki felt that he had guessed almost the same, the white light on the crustacean was getting richer and brighter. Through the white light, one could see the changes taking place in it.


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