The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 1255: Dive into the ocean

After hearing Genji's words, Aoki closed her eyes.

Since it is the action of the Ocean Team, then the water Indus must bring the spring, and Aoki has planted superpowers in the brain of the spring. If he wants to, he can sense the location of the spring.

In Aoki's perception, the position of the fountain was still moving, and the speed of movement was not slow, indicating that the opponent should still be a submarine riding at this time, looking for a sleeping place for Gaoka.

Aoki can clearly feel that Izumi's heart is very complicated at this time.

Not only the joy and excitement about to find Gaoka, but also the confusion about what is likely to happen, including the mistrust of the man named Water Indus.

Since Water Indus got the indigo blue orb, his original personality has become more vivid and even a little irritable.

This made Quan increasingly doubt that the dream that Aoki showed her was a true prophecy.

This made her very contradictory at this time, not knowing which side to believe.

Seeing Aoki's eyes closed, there was a hint of curiosity on Genji's face, and he asked, "What's wrong?"

Aoki slowly opened her eyes. "In the last battle with the Marine Corps Cadre Spring, I took the opportunity to leave a superpower on her. Now that she is so close, I can perceive some of her positions."

Wen Yan said that Yuanzhi's expression was a moment of joy, but it became a bit complicated immediately.

Aoki froze.

"What's wrong? Teacher?"

Genji reluctantly shook his head and said, "If the marine team is really operating at the bottom of the sea, we are at a disadvantage. After all, being in the water is not conducive to fighting."

It is indeed a bit troublesome to say so.

"Teacher, since they are all humans, even if they are better at fighting in the water, people cannot stay in the water for a long time. As long as they are prepared in advance, I believe it will not be a problem. And have you forgotten what your apprentices have? ? "Aoki said.

With his palms spread out, a superpower barrier emerged out of thin air, wrapping himself and Yuanji in.

Seeing Aoki's hand, Genji reacted and said with a smile, "I forgot.

However, this time may require us two to face the Water Indus of the Ocean Team and his men. I ’m worried that the Alliance ’s support will be too late, so if a battle occurs, you must pay attention to protect your own safety. This time you will be able to win the Water Indus. !! "

There was a strong confidence in Genji's eyes.

The ocean team and him are both children of the sea. The only difference is that the water parasols are underwater, while Genji is driving his own boat to sail at sea.

Most of the extraordinary things that the Oceans have done are handled by Genji.

"Let's go! Now that you can confirm where they are, go ahead and take them all down before they find where Gaoka is!" Genji said.

Aoki nodded.

Out of the Elf Center with Genji, at this time Miss Junsha and other Union police were waiting outside for the arrangement of Genji and Aoki.

"Heavenly King! Aoki King!" Miss Junsha saluted, "I don't know what we can do."

Genji nodded, "Miss Junsha asked you to comfort the island's inhabitants. I and Aoki decided the location of the ocean team. There may be some small movements, etc., I hope you can control the residents. "

"Yes!" Miss Junsha answered immediately.

Then Genji threw the elven ball and summoned the Tyrannosaurus leader.

Now, of course, the sooner the better, so Aoki and Genji stand on the back of the Tyrannosaurus leader together.

After the wings fluttered a gust of wind, they flew towards the place where the marine team was.

After all, the strength of the Tyrannosaurus leader is much stronger than that of Aoki's Tyrannosaurus. Even if there is no super evolution, no blue slate fragments, and the speed is much faster than Aoki's Tyrannosaurus.

A howling wind blew head-on, and Aoki opened the barrier of superpowers.

"Sometimes, I really think that superpowers are really very convenient on any occasion." Genji sighed.

Think about yourself while riding a Tyrannosaurus Rex, but you dare not stand so straight on your back. The roaring wind is not something he can handle.

"Superpower is actually a person's mental strength condensed to the extent that it can be reached. The teacher may also have the opportunity to become a superpower. I can do a test for you in the future, but I want to improve my superpower. Much more trouble. "Aoki said.

Genji waved his hand directly. "Forget it, I don't have much time to spend on this again. You are a young man, unlike our old man like us."

Aoki nodded and said nothing more.

Awakening of superpowers In Aoki's view, Genji does have some opportunities, but it is estimated that talent is not better than himself. If there are no adventures or special props, it may not reach the level of a primary superpower in this life.

Rather than wasting time on this, it is better to train more elves, maybe you can go further.

Not to mention, Genji's old man, this Tyrannosaurus leader has a great chance to go one step further, as long as he breaks through level 90, he will officially enter the ranks of the most top group in the world.

At that time, the vision and feeling of looking at things and things may be different.

After flying for an hour or so, at the speed of the Tyrannosaurus leader, he finally caught up with the marine team's submarine.

"The submarine of the Ocean Team is below ~ ~ They are still moving fast, what does the teacher say?" Aoki said after closing his eyes a little.

Genji groaned slightly, "Go!"

After making a decision, Tyrannosaurus was flown to the rough sea.

Aoki immediately stretched the superpower barrier and nodded at Genji.

Genji knew, and put the Tyrannosaurus, and the two fell straight into the rough sea.

Take out the elf ball, summoned the monster monster, Yuanji also took out an elf ball, summoned the tyrannosaurus.

Although Tyrannosaurus is not the main spirit of Genji, as a captain sailing in the sea and mountains, there are still some water spirits.

The two men approached the submarine quickly under the guidance of the elves.

Since Aoki's superpowers used the superpowers used by the gods, the submarine's radar could not detect their approach.

Although the giant marsh monster and tyrannosaurus looks huge, compared with the base of the ocean team, this huge underwater warship has a big gap.

Genji's worry is completely unnecessary. In such a large warship, there is no need to worry that he cannot show his full strength.

The giant marsh monster and Tyrannosaurus were posted on the battleship carrying two people.

Then Aoki opened a closed door with super powers and dived in directly.

Presumably, the people of the Ocean Team could not think of them, and they would be quietly lurking in as they shuttled quickly in the sea.


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