The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 1261: Soaring Water Indus

Without the help of rainy weather, of course Di is not Aoki's opponent.

However, his strength was there, and still caused a lot of trouble to the elves of Aoki.

But the final outcome was no accident.

Solving the drops of one of the three cadres of the marine team, and conquering the spring of one of the three cadres, Shuiwutong's men were suddenly disintegrated by Aoki.

"When you leave here directly, I will send you a position where you will take over the marine base of the marine team. There should be many marine team members. You can collect them selectively, and determine the specific conditions and details. You take care of yourself. "Aoki said to Quan beside him.

Before letting the chip drive the ocean team's ship to another sea area, now only Aoki knows where it is.

And the chip also controls the ship's main control computer. Anyone who wants to gain some control of the ship must get Aoki's consent.

Izumi was a little shocked when he heard Aoki's words, "Sir ... have you cracked the ship's self-detonation?"

Aoki nodded with a smile. "Such a good base in the water has blew up a lot of pity, and there are many resources stored by the marine team, even those of the abandoned marine team, are precious wealth. I hope you can Full control. "

"Yes!" Quan answered immediately.

She found that the closer she was to Aoki, the more she could see through him.

Originally thought to be only one genius Junjie in the league, he later became the four heavenly king.

As members of the Ocean Team, although they were afraid of the Four Heavenly Kings, they were not so afraid. The two sides stood on the opposite side because of their different positions.

However, Aoki showed her the prophetic scene, which was repeated more than once in her mind almost every day.

Until now, she discovered that Aoki had done much more than she expected, and she was only a relatively important piece in Aoki's plan.

Having controlled the base fleet of the Marine Corps, and allowed himself to control those members of the Marine Corps, does he want to succeed Shui Wutong as the leader of the Marine Corps?

However, due to his current status as the four heavenly kings, the importance of the alliance president Adams and the first four heavenly kings Yuanzhi is obviously that the alliance is greater for his benefits and there is no possibility of betrayal.

However, since he couldn't figure it out, Quan didn't want to do it anyway, and still finished his task and work honestly.

After explaining the matter, Aoki took the spring to leave the different space, and in a situation that nobody noticed, he sent it to the sea cave.

As a member of the marine team, the ability to move in the sea is no problem.

Quietly sending away the spring, Aoki immediately returned to the cave with the elves.

At this time, Yuanzhi's firepower was fully open, and the two people, Shuiwutong and Chao, could not pose any threat to Yuanzhi.

And at this time Genji took his old buddy Tyrannosaurus leader to the battle, but this was a dragon spirit more powerful than the scale-tailed dragon.

In addition, in the last meteor waterfall, Water Indus gave up a few elves in order to protect themselves. The current strength is much weaker than before.

The strength of the tide is about the same as that of Izumi, and fighting with Aoki may have the same ending as Dri, let alone Genji. He is more than just helping to contain.

So what appeared in front of Aoki was that two people were rubbed on the ground by Genji.

Aoki returned to the hole, causing different reactions from the three.

Genji was very happy. According to their plan, he was able to deal with Water Indus and a cadre. With full strength, he could guarantee to defeat them within a period of time. As long as Aoki was responsible for holding the other two cadres.

That's why Genji fights so fiercely.

Now it is unexpected that Aoki first solved the two people on his side.

The people of Shuiwutong and Chaolian are ugly. They can't beat Genji and they persist. The reason is that the two people, Dihe and Absolute, are able to deal with Aoki. As long as they drag the two to liberate, they will fight together. No need to worry about Genji anymore.

I never expected such an ending.

"Teacher, I'll help you!" Aoki shouted at Genji, and then led the elves towards them.

With the approach of Aoki, the expressions of Shuiwutong and Chao also changed at the same time, and they are no longer rivals. If Aoki intervenes again, it is estimated that the two of them will instantly lose their resistance.

Water Indus face was gloomy, looking at Gaoka in front of him, and the indigo blue orb that awakened Gaoka was also in his hand. His lifelong wish was about to be realized, but they were stopped by them.

And the tide next to him, at this time, he had already retreated.

"Leader, staying in Qingshan is not worrying about no firewood!" Chao said to Water Indus.

But Water Indus ignored him, the expression on his face became more and more embarrassing, more and more distorted, and a strange voice in his heart became louder and louder.

Hurry up and wake up Gaoka! As long as Gaoka is awakened, all enemies will become powder!

At this time, Shui Wutong's mentality was somewhat abnormal, and Yuan Zhi was forced into such a dead end. This sentence became the last straw that crushed him.

"Just wake up Gaoka! You will all die!" After that, with a resolute mentality, let all his elves **** him to break through the barrier of Genji regardless of life and death.

I have to say that it ’s still difficult to stop the crazy Sycamore ~ ​​ ~ By death, Sycamore can not care about the life and death of his elf, but Genji ca n’t do it, but under the helpless defense A gap was exposed, and the water parasol successfully broke through the line of defense, and then hesitated without hesitation into the blue halo pool.

The tide also took advantage of the time when the water Indus went crazy, and immediately evacuated the cave with his own elf. At this time, things were no longer in his hands.

As the water sycamore rushed into the pool, Genji and Aoki immediately subdued his elves.

These elves are very powerful and can't stay outside. They need to be brought back to the alliance to be held.

"Teacher!" Aoki walked to Genji's side and watched the blue lake appearing at this moment.

Genji expressed a dignified expression. "Notify the Alliance that Gaoka may be awake. All seaside cities are prepared to prevent the impact of the tide, and then ask about the situation on the side of Huayue and Bonnie."

Aoki nodded and immediately took out the communicator to report to Adams.

Gaoka's awakening has become inevitable, but the humans at this time, the alliance at this time, may not have no resistance when facing Gaoka!

After all, Gaoka, who just woke up, is definitely not the strongest.

And in the face of Gaoka, the league has its own hole cards.

Slowly the waves on the lake grew larger and larger, and a dark shadow floated from the bottom of the lake.

Genji's expression became more dignified, and he drank, "Be prepared, you can retreat at any time if you can't resist it! This is the sea, it's Gaoka's territory!"


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