The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 1267: Angry Grado

"Is the chairman's elf hurt?" Aoki asked.

Hearing Aoki ’s problem, Adams looked relieved. "Yeah, I was seriously injured when I was young in order to protect me. I have been suffering from injuries for many years. Fortunately, my teacher Liu Shenggang helped, otherwise I may be today. There will be no shots. "

Seeing Adams speak so lightly, Aoki knew from the complex expression of Genji next to him that it was definitely not that simple.

However, it is also a matter of the older generation, and Aoki will not ask too much.

"If possible ... can the president give me a closer look after this incident? Maybe there is still a chance for rescue," Aoki said.

Heard that Adams and Genji's eyes were bright.

Now Aoki is not a child anymore. He is a real four-day king of richness, and the youngest senior breeder certified by the alliance. Maybe there is a chance?

When Liu Shenggang was injured last time, and Liu Shenggang was helpless, did Aoki successfully save him?

"Okay! Hahaha-I have forgotten that we are rich, but we have one of the best geniuses in the history of breeders!" Adams said with a laugh, and from this he can see that he was definitely a very confident and domineering trainer when he was young.

Otherwise, they will not sit for such a long time in the Fengyuan League championship position.

If you want to become the president of the alliance, you must have management skills. The strength is relatively secondary, but if you want to become a champion, strength is the first prerequisite!

Then Adams looked at Genji's Tyrannosaurus again. "Your old man, judging from the current situation, it is estimated that it will not take long to complete the breakthrough."

A smile also appeared on Genji's face. "It should be almost the same. Fighting with Gaoka for such a long time just helped him find his way. After this incident, I think it will disappear for a while, when you will be Aoki. It will be a bit more busy. "

He also patted Aoki's shoulders, looking relieved.

Aoki suddenly showed a helpless expression, how did she feel like she was fooled?

Did Yuanzhi know that his old man was about to break through, and then took over the work assigned by Adams, and finally all of them came to his own?

Also managing the entire search department? Isn't this the job of the champion?

Even if there is no champion, go to those senior four days, like Huayue, Bonnie, etc. Why do you have to bear so many things as a newcomer?

Bullying new people, right?


However, their communication was quickly interrupted.

Interrupted by the roar of Gulardo and Gaoka.

The three, Aoki, Genji, and Adams, went from the elves' back to the military aircraft dedicated to the alliance. Standing at the side door, they could see everything below.

When the elves might fight, they stood on their backs and became an obstacle.


The sound of melting glaciers appeared from Gulado's feet ~ ~ At this time, the black lines on Gulado's body gradually lit up, and the fiery red body seemed to become hot lava.

The ice melted quickly, but Gulardo did not fall into the sea, but under his control, a small piece of land gradually rose from the bottom of the sea, allowing him to stand.

The name of the **** of the earth really fits well.

But building land in the sea depends on Gaoka's disagreement.

Gaioca glanced at Gulardo, then lurked into the ocean floor, seemingly gaining momentum.

After less than a second, Geoka on the bottom of the sea slammed his two huge fins, wrapped in a large amount of water, and caused a huge Lang tide, which suddenly jumped into the air.

The current under his control raged towards Gulado.

The expressionless Gulado's eyeballs suddenly moved, and he growled again, one foot struck fiercely on the newly formed ground.

The mountain shook instantly, and a huge wall appeared in front of him.

Gaoka's huge waves roared on the magma wall of Gulado, and made a huge roar. The splashing water waves caused some small helicopters flying in the air to shake in different amplitudes.

Scourge attack!

This was only the first contact between the two elves, and it turned out to have such a big movement.

At this point was standing by the beach of Kena City, who wanted to see the battle.

The battle was not seen, but the tide brought by the aftermath of the battle was that they retreated, and had completely evacuated the beach.

"The battle has begun," Genji said on the plane squinting.

Adams nodded, "Yes, but this should not be their real strength. Although they are strong now, they are not worthy of their super-ancient legend elf status."

Aoki stood aside and said nothing.

When Genji and Adams both focused on Gaoka and Gulado, Aoki's attention was on the water paulownia and red flame pine.

It is indeed a pity that these two people who have fought for their lives in order to summon these two elves.

However, Aoki was more concerned about the fact that at this time in their hands, the increasingly bright indigo blue beads and scarlet orbs.

This is the key to whether Gaoka and Gulardo can show their full strength.

Unfortunately, there is no chance to **** it.

After seeing that Gyoka and Gulardo fought once, they found that they could not bring any effective attacks to the opponent.

The eyes of the two elves lit up almost at the same time ~ ~ From the original black eyes, yellow eyes, black pupils, to golden eyes, golden eyes, except for the color difference of the eyes Besides, the remaining changes are almost the same.

Aoki frowned.


I saw that the eyes had completely turned into blue water sycamore and the eyes became red red flame pine. At the same time, holding the orb, they were thrown at Geoka and Gurado respectively.

The difference is that while the Indus blue orb was thrown, the water sycamore also dropped a blue energy crystal, while the red flame pine only dropped the scarlet orb.

Because his red energy crystal was already snatched by Aoki.

Seeing the first change on Gurado's face in this scene, Gaioka has one more energy crystal that he once stored. Then he can release much more energy than himself in a short time. .

Although you can recover by giving yourself more time, these gaps are critical at this time.

Gulardo, who swallowed the scarlet orb, sulked into anger, twitched his tail, and pulled red flame pine into the hot magma that just appeared.

A generation of regional power leaders lost their lives in this way. Although it was not much different from death before, it was a puppet, but as long as they were separated from the scarlet orb for a period of time, they could always recover.

After gaoka swallowed the indigo blue orb and energy crystal, he threw the water sycamore into the sea water.

If luck is good enough, there is still a chance to survive.


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