The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 1274: Sky Team Leader

Latest website: a large indoor conference room.

This is the largest indoor meeting room of the Sky team at this time.

Many people came in from the door one after another. Some people greeted each other kindly after seeing Rose, Pirates, etc. Some people just nodded, and some people walked with their heads up, as if they were Look down on the people in this meeting room very much.

These seemingly arrogant people are all the former lava party, the ocean team and the hunter's guild. When they think they know the bottom of the sky team, they feel that they are superior. After all, they are like the lava team or the ocean team. People who have been cadres in the great forces.

Especially when Rose and others don't have enough pressure.

The entire conference room can accommodate more than forty people, most of which are quasi-king king captains. Only about ten people have reached the king level and become cadres.

Of course, Skye, Alec, and Miyamoto, etc., because their qualifications are old enough, although they do not have the rank of Heavenly King, they also sit in the position of cadres.

And from the point of view of the arrangement of the position, those who later joined the cadre sit more forward.

The position of the main seat has always been empty, Rose just put a smaller size seat next to the main seat.

"Master Rose, don't you know what's so urgent about calling us? Brothers are very busy lately, if there is no important thing, I will leave early, after all, our task is very heavy." One of the hairs A middle-aged man in red, sitting in the position of a cadre, said with his legs crossed.

Although the adult was shouting in his mouth, he didn't mean to respect Rose.

And as he spoke, and there was no agreement, most of them were former members of the lava team. Now under the leadership of this middle-aged man, they have become a force completely out of the control of Rose in the sky team. .

It is also the most unconvinced group in the entire Sky team.

嘭 ——

Rose hadn't spoke yet, but the red-haired middle-aged man flew directly from his position and hit the wall hard behind him.

"Who ?! I don't know if you can't use the Elves when the Sky Team is in a meeting?" Someone drank immediately.

As he spoke, the people in this room clenched the elven ball in their hands, and looked around vigilantly. The human power was indeed too weak in front of the elven power.

The red-haired middle-aged man's face turned red, but he couldn't move at all, and hit the wall without falling. It seemed as if he had been pressed against the wall with a huge palm.

The door of the conference room opened again, and two people walked in from outside. It was Aoki and the woman who always followed him respectfully in a black robe.

"Boss!" Rose and others immediately stood up and shouted respectfully when they saw the people coming in.

Many people have met Aoki for the first time, but since Rose has yelled at the leader, presumably this person is the leader of the Sky Team who has not seen the dragon.

The leader's voice appeared in twos and threes, except that he and the red-haired middle-aged man had just started to coax, and looked at Aoki with some suspicion.

Aoki didn't care about them either. He sat on the main seat and looked at the man who was about to suffocate on the wall in the distance.

The super power was loosened and he almost choked him down from the wall.

"Keekekekekekekeke ... Damn ... Damn, you say he is the leader, he is the leader? Pretending to be a ghost !!!" Then he stood up, stunned, and threw three elven **** directly.

As the three elves appeared, there were also some riots in the conference room.

Aoki frowned, shouting softly, "Crow's head, Madara."



Two dark shadows appeared from the corner of the conference room, rushing towards the red-haired man!

嘭 —— 嘭 —— 嘭 ——

His three elves fell in response, and the crow's head and Magdalen just directly attacked him with just three simple attacks, and defeated the three elves who were about to reach the official Uranus.

For a moment, the entire conference room became very quiet.

Even the middle-aged man with red hair was a little shabby at this time, only to feel the cold feeling brought about by the sharp claws on his neck, and then he reacted.

The whole person was flooded with horror.

"Who allows you to jump out of your teeth with such weak strength? Is it you? Or you?" Aoki murmured, looking at the two people sitting at the conference table.

Suddenly, a lot of cold sweat appeared on the foreheads of the two, and they didn't know how to explain.

However, Rose was very accurate. The three of them wanted the dove to occupy the nest, but the red-haired middle-aged man was the one who used it. He jumped happily to attract hatred. The two of them sat silently. It is the person who really makes a plan.

"Boss, no ... not ..." one of them immediately said in a fright.

I always thought that the empty leader position was to do something. I didn't expect that such a person would really appear, and it looked terribly strong, and they were not at all a strength level.

Aoki ignored them, but glanced at the rose sitting beside him.

She immediately noticed, took out a book, and put out the names of some people and their mistakes, or provocations, all of them without falling to the ground.

The person whose name was called suddenly turned pale.

"Everyone who has n’t been named, after the meeting, find Rose to receive a reward. I can't blame anyone who has been named. As long as you can do things well in the future! Of course, except for a few of you." Aoki said.

Suddenly, a happy expression appeared on most people's faces, except for those who were just now.

"Asshole, you're only one person no matter how strong you are. As long as we are united, we can control the sky team. Are you willing to be the subordinates of your whole life?" The only person who was spotted by Aoki to have no speech at this time could not bear Lived, shouted.

Aoki smiled and said to those who had been standing behind him, "They will leave it to you!"

"Yes! Lord!"

The man, always wearing a black robe, slowly pulled down the hood on his head, and several elven **** appeared in his hands.

"Quan Cadre ?!"

"Master Quan!"

"Actually, I am the Izumi of the Ocean Team. I didn't expect her to join the Sky Team ?!"

For a moment, a lot of exclamation sounded again in the conference room.

The appearance of Izumi was more deterrent than Aoki after showing part of his strength. The happiest people who jumped at this moment suddenly turned pale.

How could they never have thought that Aoki even conquered the spring.

In this way, the leader of the sky team is really quite scary!

Quan went to solve those people, but the remaining ones would not be responsible?

Not ~ ~ All the people present here, except for the few who followed him at the beginning, were all planted by Aoki, so that they were completely in control of Aoki.

They didn't dare to say much, but those who had not been named just now would be rewarded with a Heavenly King Elf who had just been three.

This is to let them see the generosity of Aoki.

Izumi joined the Sky Team, so that the originally turbulent Sky Team suddenly stabilized.

Aoki was able to be his own shopkeeper.

But from this moment, no one dared to underestimate the leader of the sky team, Aoki, who is a supernatural dragon.


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