The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 1292: A kick in 1 island?

Latest website: Aoki and Black Messenger, fought fiercely in the red sand purgatory of Bangla.

In the view of the Black Angel, even if he lost an elf himself, he was not without resistance in the face of Aoki. Even if he had dragged Aoki's strongest super-evolution, he was able to complete the counterattack.

But it turned out that he looked down on Aoki from beginning to end.

Soon after, Aoki seized the opportunity again, but this time it was Madam Huajie, who continuously and explosively defeated the super tyrannosaurus relied on by the black messenger.

In the state of Tyrannosaurus, there is no need to be afraid of grass-based skills, but after super-evolution into a super-tyrannosaurus, the grass-based skills have become his nemesis.

The loss of two elves, and the rest of the elves were also damaged to varying degrees, so that the moment the Black Angel was defeated in Heruga, the emergence of resignation was more vigorous.

And as his three most powerful dragons, because of the limitations of the misty field, they could not exert their full strength, and they were entangled by the intractable super Geng ghost, and finally left the moon Ibrahim and rogue Pandas and Super Toothed Sharks do not have any advantage in the face of Aoki's Super Bangila, Bosco Dora, Madam Huajie, Dragon King Scorpion, Flaming Chicken, Dazed King, and Tiance.

In addition, Aoki currently has no loss of an elf, and all cores are very complete. Although there are injuries to varying degrees, there is no need to worry about the existence of Mrs. Huajie.

Must retreat!

The black messenger who made the decision didn't hesitate any more, and made the strongest rogue panda palace ready to retreat.

At this time, his head was full of sweat. With the support of Diane, Aoki's eyelid, which was difficult to stand, was trembling up and down, as if it would be closed at any time, but the other eye was thick. Killing intention!

Be sure to stay with him today!

Even if it has to pay some unnecessary price!

As a person from the Rockets, I have never known how many times, and finally won by chance in this kind of death.

Aoki took a special potion from his pocket.

Looking at the test tube emitting a pale green fluorescent drug, as soon as he bit his teeth, he introduced the entire drug into his mouth. Instantly, his mouth was filled with the extremely bitter taste. Stand up on your own.

The effect of the light green medicament soon came into play, and Aoki's trembling eyes suddenly invigorated, and the killing in his eyes became more and more intense!

This potion is a special prop that Aoki has developed for himself during this half year. The effect is very simple or even single. It is like a powerful stimulant, which can temporarily relieve one's physical restraint. Short The whole body is in a state of excitement within the time.

However, the side effects are also quite obvious, and Aoki may need to lie in bed for several days after use to recover.

As for lying for a few days, it depends on Aoki's body overdraft.

This is Aoki's own design.

For the average trainer, raising the level of enthusiasm of the trainer does not seem to be of any help to the battle, and may even affect the calmness of a trainer.

But for Aoki, it is equal to the improvement of strength.

Because he can make more elves ... super evolution!

Like magic, Aoki's palm flipped, and suddenly there were two more keystones in his hand.

Dean next to him immediately worried, but she couldn't change the decision made by Aoki.

All she can do is stand a little closer to Aoki, and she will be able to help better.

"Flaming chicken! Boscodora! Super evolution!" Aoki yelled in excitement.

It was said that the Flaming Chicken was once again wrapped in super-evolutionary energy, and this time with him, there was also a huge Boscodora.

"Scared !!!!!!"


The colorful lights dissipated, the Super Flaming Chicken appeared again, and the Super Bosco Dorado's momentum was also unrelenting.

After communicating with Aoki's heart, they understood the urgent thoughts in his heart.

kill him! Kill the Black Messenger!

Super Bosco Dorola took a step, his speed was too slow, but it doesn't matter, there is an elf who can help him, dull king!

Ever heard of a technique that comes down from the sky? heard about it? It's ok!

Have you ever heard of a super Boscodra that has fallen from the sky up to three meters and is covered with heavy metal?

Double-edged hammer from the sky!

The hooligan panda who was going to stop him was slammed into the island from bottom to top!

It was like a comet hit the ground fiercely!

A huge pothole with a radius of thirty to forty meters appeared in the middle of the entire island, and even the moon Ibra and the super fang shark who were about to escape were caught.

One-shot spike!

But it was n’t just Super Boscodra that received the Aoki kill message.

The ground trembled again, and two stone pillars appeared at the same time, rushing towards the moon Ibrahimovic.

The Sword of the Cliffs of Super Bangila!

Dragon King Scorpion's triple thunderbolt teeth, coupled with the combination of Mrs. Huajie's grass knotting and energy ball skills, are not what Super Megalodon can bear.

The two elves had suffered different degrees of injury before, coupled with the impact of Super Boscodora, they also caused a lot of damage to them. Now they face an explosive attack in Bangla, which is not effective. In the case of defense, they have lost their fighting ability.

But don't forget, of all the elves of Aoki, the strongest outbreak is not the super bangla, nor the super boscodra that fell from the sky, nor is it the super geng ghost still entangled with the three evil dragons at this time, It's a super-flaming chicken who silently used six sword dance skills aside!

At this time, not only was he attacking, but even his speed had been raised to the limit.

The Super Geng ghost saw the super-flaming chicken that rushed over, and his eyes flashed red. Immediately, he transferred the sniper characteristics of the Dragon King Scorpion to the super-close-flaming chicken by playing the transfer of additional characteristics.

A flying kick kicked from top to bottom!

The Black Angel's face looked a little pale ~ ~ Jump to the three evil dragons, this is the only protection he can have at this time.

boom! !! !!

The sand in Chisha Purgatory seemed to be completely stagnant at this moment.

The super-flaming chicken's foot is simply refreshing the black angel's only definition of the word explosiveness.

The whole island shuddered a little, and Bengala had evacuated the internal structure of the island, which was directly torn apart under the shock of the super-flaming chicken!

The crowd, who had left a distance at this time, stared at this scene, and the waves that appeared because the island was broken.

What kind of destructive power can actually make an island like this?

Kick an island?


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