The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 1300: A Orange's Union

Latest website: When Aoki left the underground laboratory, he met two people waiting for him at the door.

Aoki was slightly surprised by the appearance of the two men.

"Well, Aoki is here." One of the two was Nazi, and she was talking to the person next to him.

The person standing beside him was A Ju who was also in Sakagi's office.

Aju gave Nazi a look.

Seeing this look, Nazi reluctantly froze, and said to Aoki, "Aju is looking for you, please talk for yourself.

Cut, making it seem like how much can't be known. "

After speaking, Nazi moved to start and Nazi disappeared.

Finally Aoki and Aju were left in the corridor.

But neither of them spoke first, so they stood in the corridor so silently, facing each other silently.

After a long time.

"I don't know why the cadres came to me?" Aoki finally opened his mouth first. He didn't have that much time to spend with him.

A Ju is not a person who is very good at communication, and as a master of assassination, speaking is not his favorite.

"Did you get rid of my poison?" A Ju finally spoke, her voice slightly cold.

Hearing this Aoki understands that the King Genji who once came to Guandu area is really poisoned by him.

Being able to approach a veteran Four Heavenly King so quietly shows that A Ju's assassination ability is far above his own strength.

However, Aoki is not afraid of Azu ’s assassination method. Her superpower can feel the approach of a stranger at any time. Even if Azu has a special method to escape the perception of superpower, she ca n’t escape the chip. Perception.

And at this time, Aoki's Geng Gui has reached the peak of the quasi-champion, and can appear to protect his life in the first place.

As for the elf strength displayed by A Ju, Aoki was even less afraid of him.

So for Atsu, Aoki didn't dread the three-pointer like everyone else, but just stared at him very flatly.

"Yes," Aoki responded, without much emotion in his tone.

The relationship between Aoki and Genji is known to anyone who has investigated him slightly.

Genji provided Aoki with a little help. Although Aoki is a member of the Rockets, he is also an affectionate person. Genji, Adams and many other elders in the Fengyuan League have given him a lot of help. Even Ogo, Mikkeli and Hibiscus gave Aoki a lot of help.

So far, Aoki has not done anything that harms the interests of the Fengyuan Alliance. Even the Sky Team has only filled the vacancy of the underground forces in the Fengyuan area, and even helped the alliance manage the black or gray areas to a certain extent. Outlaws.

After learning that Aoki became the four-queen queen, Aju also conducted some investigations and knew the relationship between Genji and Aoki.

So there was an embarrassment on A Ju's face that would not change for years. "The thing about Yuanzhi Tianwang is because the people of the Hunters' Guild found me, so ..."

It would be a little embarrassing for someone like him to say an apology, but Aoki's intentions were almost clear.

Since Aju's attitude softened first, Aoki didn't give him a look.

"It's okay, things have passed, and I can be considered a blessing because of disaster. I became a senior cultivator." Although I can't see my face, I can hear Aoki's attitude in tone.

Ah Ju also breathed a sigh of relief. The way of speaking today is indeed not his style, but Aoki, as the first person in the Rockets to become the four kings of the league, has something to say.

"Guandu is separated. I have a high probability of becoming a new region, the four heavenly kings in the city capital area. I hope to be able to form an alliance with the Aoki king." Aju directly explained the intention.

"Allied?" Aoki frowned slightly.

"Although I am in the city capital area and you are in the Fengyuan area, the distance between the two areas is not very far. When the new area is established, there will definitely be a series of activities and some multi-directional cooperation. I hope to At that time, we can cooperate to strive to hold Fengyuan and Chengdu areas more firmly in our hands, "explained Aju.

Aoki got it when he heard that.

Whether it is the Kanto area or the newly divided city area, the championships of both areas have not been determined.

It seems that Orange is hoping to be able to compete for this championship throne.

Aoki nodded in agreement, but she didn't really care.

Even if Guandu was separated a little earlier, would the influence of the Yulong family in Chengdu be so simple? At that time, Du will definitely be airborne to the city to become the champion.

Because ... in the Kanto area, some people refused.

In addition, the alliance with Atsu is only a verbal transaction in Aoki's view. For the person whose interests are paramount, Aoki will not easily believe it.


one day later.

Aoki quietly arrived in the city of dead leaves.

Here, a new batch of testers will set foot on the Rocket's ship and head to the endless sea full of dangerous trial islands.

Some of these testers were voluntary, and some were orphans and poor people who were roaming the streets and were arrested by the Rockets' dedicated personnel.

Most people are between the ages of twelve and thirteen to seventeen or eighteen, and the main age group is between fifteen and sixteen.

Have a certain ability of independent thinking, age will not be very large, have enough potential.

Aoki, as the highest cadre traveling with the ship, is of course at the top of the ship. Without his permission, the rest cannot approach.

The person in charge of this voyage, a quasi-sky king captain, was shocked and happy when he learned that a top cadre would go to the trial island together.

Amazed that a top cadre actually went to Trial Island, but he was pleased that he felt his opportunity came.

This is a top cadre, at least a senior Heavenly King or even a stronger person. If he can see him and miss something, it will greatly help him.

If it can be taken as a subordinate, then of course it can't be better.

But Aoki didn't care about him.

When these testers got on board, Aoki lay on the railing on the top floor, watching the people who stepped onto the ship below.

Soon ~ ~ he found two wonderful works of Musashi and Kojiro.

Others were frightened to get on the ship, but they could not see any fear from their faces, and even a little excited, as if going to Trial Island would be a particularly good thing.

In fact, in the eyes of the two of them, going to Trial Island is a quick way to quickly become the middle and senior levels of the Rockets.

I don't know how many people join the Rockets every year, but they all start with small soldiers.

And those who have come out of the trial island have better luck. There is a squadron level or even a squadron level position. Even if there is a bit of luck, there is no position, but the strength and resume will be stronger than ordinary members, and the rising speed will A lot faster.

A smile appeared on Aoki's face, "It's really habitual innocence, let you have a little bit of trouble on the trial island first."


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