The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 1303: Imprisoned

Latest URL: "Who is it? !!!" In another distant space, an elf lives here alone.

He felt that the mark left in the elf world was being attacked, but at this time he was temporarily unable to leave the space, or was unable to enter the elf world for a while.

For a while, around him, a large number of island-like land suspended in the air, as well as looming, broken buildings, and a waterfall flowing upward.

It feels like the rules in the whole world are completely confused.

I saw six spooky, striped wings passing in front of these broken islands, with some golden lines and a huge tail.

But it just passed away and he couldn't see his full picture.

"Alzeus !!! Sooner or later I will be back !!!"


Under the constant attack of the crow's head and the dull king, the walls became thinner and thinner, and Geng Gui and the Dream Monster later joined the attack together.

As the four elves attacked together, with the sound of roaring and broken stones, the wall was finally penetrated by them.

boom! !! !!

But the movement this time is not so small. Behind this wall is like a ferocious hurricane. A large amount of phantom energy visible to the naked eye is gushing out of the broken wall cave.

For a time, the unprepared Crow's head and the dull king were blown away, and the superpower film wrapped around Aoki almost broke.

Fortunately, Geng Gui, who responded quickly, appeared in front of Aoki, and a large amount of ghost system energy penetrated into Geng Gui's body autonomously.

Huh! !!

Geng Gui shouted.

The dream demon also appeared beside Geng Gui, helping him share the pressure brought by the energy shock.

The dull king appeared to Aoki's side in an instant, the superpower barrier was consolidated, and the head of the flying crow appeared to Aoki's side, posing a defensive posture.

Aoki itself did not show a panic look, but was slightly surprised. I did not expect that the energy of the ghost system in the cave where they are staying is not the richest, it can only be said to be the diluted energy, and at this time was bombed The energy behind the broken wall is really rich and extreme.

At the moment, even the light shining through the entrance of the cave was completely black, and the light couldn't shuttle inside.

Aoki came to Geng Gui and Dream Demon.

"Geng Gui, how do you feel?" In the data scanned by the chip, the value of Geng Gui, which had completely stagnated, is constantly rising.

This is a sign that he is about to cross the boundary, which means that Geng Gui is relying on the energy rushed out of it to impact the championship barrier.


Geng Gui closed his eyes and called out.

"Sure enough! It really has a lot to do with riding Radina!" Aoki muttered when he heard Geng Gui's words.

Just after entering, Geng Gui said that when he felt a little familiar with energy, Aoki vaguely guessed that he was riding Ridena.

After all, in this world, the elves who can make this kind of phantom energy concentration, riding Radina is the first object that Aoki can think of.

Of course, it is not the only elf. The life of the ghost system can't be calculated by anyone. Maybe an old monster who has lived for thousands of years is not necessarily, and Aoki knows that more than one ghost system can do it. To this extent, for example, Marcado, or Luna Yala, the Moon Beast.

But Luna Yarra was a bit unrealistic, and it was possible for Marcia.

But when Geng Gui said that he was familiar with energy, he was almost locked in Riding Dina.

Just after Geng Gui identified some of the ghost system energy in it, it was almost 100% certain.

I just do n’t know what Ridena did here, I feel there are a lot of things hidden behind this stone wall.

Judging from the current situation, if you want to go in, you need to wait at least until the energy in it is no longer rich, or wait until Geng Gui and Dream Demon have absorbed the same, after completing the breakthrough.

This breakthrough requires a lot of energy, just now it seems that there is a continuous supply of energy.

Fortunately, it has been more than half a year since Geng Gui's strength soared, and his body can now hold a lot of energy.

On this sudden, animated, Geng Gui completed the breakthrough, successfully rose to level 80, and officially entered the championship level!

Suddenly, Geng Gui absorbed a lot faster, and the amount of energy he could hold was much higher.

"Geng Gui, it's almost there. This energy is enough for you to strengthen yourself. You don't need to improve.

Dream demon, you are almost there. "After a while, Aoki stopped Geng Gui and Dream Demon who were still absorbing.

Dream Demon's level at this time also increased to 74.

She has reached the limit she can withstand now.

But after they absorbed, and the energy escaped unintentionally, the interior was not so rich.

The situation inside is finally able to see some.

After Geng Gui and Dream Demon consolidated a little, headed by Geng Gui, Aoki led the elves toward him.

It looks like a long passage, surrounded by the dark stone crystal walls that were previously broken. The whole looks like a ... prison?

Or a cage?

But for what purpose is it necessary to build such a place.

As he approached the interior, it was found that the energy of the ghost system was gradually getting stronger.

Soon I came to the end of the tunnel, a place like a pool, and the phantom energy in the tunnel flowed out of this pool.

"Here ... probably the eye of the whole phantom energy." Aoki looked at the black spring in the pool below, and wondered whether the black spring was condensed by the phantom energy or was it really water, It's just filled with the energy of the ghost system.


As Aoki approached, waves had appeared in the calm waters.

It seems that something is coming out of the spring ~ ~ Perceiving the movement, the crows heads cross Aoki in front of them for the first time, watching the situation in the lake with vigilance.

Aoki's brow also wrinkled. He always felt that riding Radina was so exhausted that it was for the elf under the water.

Jingle jingle

The sound of crisp metal beats, and an elf figure slowly levitated from the water to the water.

It was just that four black metal chains were tied to his hands, and they made the crisp sound before.

Seeing this slowly appearing elf, Aoki's pupils suddenly contracted, and a name came to his mind.

Nightmare God!


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