The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 1313: Things must be reversed

Aoki's visit this time does not represent the Fengyuan area, but only on his own behalf, so there is no grand welcome, but Du and Konar greeted him at the door.

As for Hiba and Kikuko here at the same time, it was also because they were just ready to have a meeting. Aoki deliberately chose this time because he was looking for King Kikuko this time and wanted to know something.

"King Kikuko, King Hippo." Aoki nodded with a smile.

The two didn't put on a shelf, and they stood up from their chairs, "Aoki."

Although Aoki is younger than them, and in terms of strength, it should be weaker than them, but after all, they are the four kings of the league, and their status is exactly the same.

And Aoki has the potential to make them both dare not belittle them.

"Sorry to choose to bother you at this time." Aoki said apologetically.

The current Guandu area is really an eventful one, because of the division of the region and the division of the alliance, they must be very busy and green as the four or four kings.

Just look at the exhaustion on the face of the old Kikuko King.

As a person who has been sitting in the position of the Four Heavenly Kings for decades, he has dedicated himself to the alliance for so many years, and still sticks to his post.

To her, Aoki still respected her.

It was because of this busyness that the alliance brought Kona up. After all, Liu Bo's character is not like a person who likes to do things. It is better to let a person who can do things serve as the four heavenly kings.

"It's okay. Although it's a busy time, it won't have any effect on us.

Listen to Adu saying, Aoki, are you asking me something? Said Kikuko.

As a contemporaneous person with Dr. Oki, Kikuko has no problem calling him Duo and Aoki.

Aoki took a seat by himself and nodded. "Yes, there are some things that bother me, and you want to ask King Kikuko. After all, you are a ghost king, and your ghost army is also famous throughout the elven world. , And my thing is also very much related to the ghost system. "

In any case, it's always right to shoot the flattery first.

Didn't see Kikuko because of Aoki, at this time his face was almost wrinkled into a chrysanthemum?

"Aoki, what you said ... you are also my junior, Xuecheng guy has been hanging you by the mouth, claiming that you are not engaged in the research of elf, it is really a pity.

If you have any doubts, you might as well speak it out and see if I know it. "Juko waved her hand, and you don't want to tell the truth.

Sheba and Du, who were aside, covered their faces in shame and wanted to leave.

This person, when they are old, they like to listen to something nice, especially in the things they are most proud of.

As an expert of the ghost system, Kikuko is of course unable to escape this "true incense law".

"Yes, my friend just conquered an elf, but because this elf lives in a place where the phantom energy is extremely strong, so this elf is eroded by the phantom energy, and he hunted it for cultivation I ’m at home, but I do n’t have a great way ... ”Aoki gave a brief account of Dakley ’s situation.

Of course, many of these things are taken carelessly.

Listening to Aoki's words, Kikuko's brow gradually frowned.

"According to you, this situation is really the first time I heard that an evil elf lives in a place with high energy in the ghost system, causing his body to be eroded by the energy of the ghost system, as an evil Elves, restrain the existence of ghost system attributes, should not be easily eroded by ghost system energy.

Let ’s not say why an elf lives in that place for so long, just to say how much phantom energy is needed to erode him ... ”Juko's face was a little dignified, she was thinking about the ghost she knew Where the energy is strong, which one can meet these situations, in the end, I still can't think of the results.

Aoki also knows that there are many loopholes in his statement, but this matter cannot be clearly stated.

"Forget it, do n’t look for the reason, think about a solution. The general elves are eroded by the ghost system energy. If they are completely eroded, they will be directly transformed into ghost system spirits. Not much difference.

If it ’s only half eroded, there ’s almost no way for ordinary elves to get rid of it. After all, if you want to get rid of these phantom energies, you need to inject the energy that restrains the phantom energies, such as evil, but then the energy in this elf It will be more and more complicated, more than worth it.

However, the elf you are talking about is an evil elf. Don't worry about the energy becoming complicated, but the process is still relatively slow.

And this way, your breeders are better than our ghost trainer. "

Kikuko talked to herself a lot of things, and she started to talk about it from the beginning.

Aoki frowned when he heard the words of Kikuko. He thought the same at the beginning, but he made several experiments on the trial island, and the final results were very ineffective. He wanted to help Dakley recover, at least It takes 70 to 80 years, and it also consumes a lot of evil materials, and the cost is very high.

Seeing Aoki frowning, Kikuko continued, "It seems you have tried this method.

Also, as a genius breeder, how can I not think of such a basic method, then it is more troublesome. If I can, I really want to be able to see where things happen. The thing must be reversed. Maybe the solution is that. local..."

Things must be reversed ...

Aoki's heart trembled. "You mean that in the case of extremely rich energy, can you resist those things that can not be eroded?"

Juzi nodded ~ ~ It ’s like a place where radon is very rich, often the antidote is on the edge of radon, those vegetation that can resist radon. If you say, the phantom energy is really so rich, then This kind of thing definitely exists in this place, if it can be found, it is relatively simple. "

"If you find it, it will be a lot easier?" Aoki's brows frowned even more. According to Juko, the few small red grasses that she found should be able to help Dakley recover, but this is also Aoki. I tried it, but I didn't get any results.

"Yeah, but this kind of thing can't be solved by taking it directly. It needs some materials to be catalyzed before it can really exert its effect. However, I don't know exactly how to do it. This is also my hearsay, but it is said that you cultivate your family. The President of the General Conference was the first to find such a thing to be extremely rebellious.

It shouldn't be hard to meet her in your identity, and your teacher Liu Shenggang ... keke. Kikuko gave Aoki a look you know.


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