The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 1315: Drakley's first results

In the end, Aoki got her research results on reciprocity from her mother-in-law.

This can only be used as a reference to Aoki, but it cannot be used specifically. After all, no one has encountered this situation of Dakley.

I just gave Aoki a reference. The specific operation method still needs him to combine the research results of Granny Kui and Dakley's special situation at this time. After analyzing the attempts, he can see if it has any effect.

So Aoki applied for a room directly in the breeder's guild, and then locked himself in to study to see if it would work.

Fortunately, Aoki has the help of a chip. The matter of trial and analysis and calculation can be completely handled by the chip.


Three days later.

This is the first time that Aoki came to this world, with the help of a chip, it took so long to make a potion.

Fortunately, he is now in the breeder's guild, even if it is some very rare materials, it is not very difficult to obtain, and now Aoki is no longer the poor that once was even a piece of money Boy, the industry he now owns is not much weaker than the resources that Ogo can use.

Coupled with his teacher's identity, and Granny's value and trust in Aoki, he can use the materials stored in the breeding guild.

Only then did such a potion be made.

Not much else to say, just finding those plants from the side of Quan Yan is absolutely priceless.

Three days of sleeplessness, even if Aoki is a powerful superpower, at this time is also unkempt and highly concentrated, so that his eyes are full of bloodshot at this moment.

However, Aoki didn't want to rest, and opened up a different space directly on the wall, then went in with an excited expression.

Whether Dracley's strength can be restored depends on how effective this potion is.

Aoki took the only master ball from his pocket and summoned Dakley in a different space.

After appearing, Drakley observed the surrounding environment subconsciously. With his original strength and eyes, he instantly recognized that it was in a different space, but Aoki was standing in front of him, and he also There is nothing more to say.

Some time after he left the dark space, Aoki made many attempts on him, and invested a lot of resources and energy.

Rao is also touched by old monsters like Daklai who haven't known how long.

However, I feel moved, but the generation gap between Dakley and Aoki has always existed. This can not be eliminated in a short time. After all, Dakley is not the kind of elf without any self-thinking. Elf who was just born and not yet mature enough.

But there are benefits, at least the relationship between Aoki and Dakley has been closer.

Aoki looked at Daklai, who had a lot of mental energy at this time, and took out the medicine he had just made.

The glass test tube was filled with a transparent and clear red liquid, and the official Aoki spent a lot of cost and energy to fully activate the internal characteristics of that material.

"This is the medicine that I just prepared. The medicine that has just been produced is the best. This time it should be able to have some effects. You try it." Aoki said.

Looking at the slightly tired Aoki at this time, Dakley just watched him silently for three seconds, then stared at the potion in his hand for another second.

He took the test tube in Aoki's hand and poured it directly into his mouth.

Aoki nodded slightly as he reached Klai without hesitation.

There is still great training value.

"After the medicament enters the body, you need your evil system energy as a catalyst, which can dispel the ghost system energy in your body to a certain extent," Aoki said again.

Then saw Dakley's body showing strong energy fluctuations.

He is not without strength, but his strength has been eroded in so many years in order to resist the erosion of ghost system energy.

Most of the evil energy and the ghost energy are entangled and intertwined.

This is the energy of restraining each other, and then entangled, it is strange that it can play a role again.

Aoki's potion, under the initiative of Daklai's initiative, seemed to incarnate into a huge grinding disk, slowly absorbing the energy of Daklai's body into this grinding disk, polishing all the energy over and over, The phantom energy dross is removed, leaving only pure evil energy.

As long as this status quo can be maintained, the problems of Dakley can be completely solved.

Aoki's eyes stared at Dakley's body tightly to see if there could be changes and effects.

Soon, under his gaze, from the dark body of Drakley, in an unknown corner, a ray of black smoke slowly drifted into the sky, slowly dissipated, and finally disappeared.

Aoki knew that this was the ghostly energy in Drakley's body.


My heart was slightly excited.

After trying so many methods and methods, I haven't been able to see the effect, and finally I can see some effect.

"Quui !!!"

But then, Drakley screamed in pain.

Aoki's face changed slightly, and he immediately used a chip to scan his current situation.

All the indicators are fluctuating, but the overall trend is increasing, which means that the effect of the medicament is very good, it may be that it is a little painful for Dakley, which is so unbearable.

All the energy on the body must be rolled into the grinding disc, which is similar to smashing all the bones of a person and then reintegrating them. In fact, it is almost the same for Dakley.

And because the medicament can last for a short period of time, Drakley himself is not willing to give up the good opportunity, so he also increases the speed of energy delivery.

The pain was unbearable for a while, so I called out,

As his mouth opened, a large amount of black mist spewed out of his mouth, and a lot of black mist appeared on his body.

Although the energy of these ghost systems is strong ~ ~, they are not pure. Absorbing them is only a bad thing for a spiritual elf. It is not good.

It was also from this moment that Dakley's data soared rapidly under the scanning of the chip.

No matter how you train and eat high-energy things, there will be no change in Dakley's strength, but at this moment, it is changing wildly.

Aoki took a step back, and the energy that escaped did not do any good to him, but let them drift in this alien space.

Level 71!

Dakley's ranks are beginning to change.

It means that this potion really works!


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