The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 1322: awkward

One of the purposes of Aoki's entry into the Silver Mountain is to find some materials for making Daklai's recovery potion, and at the same time to exercise his spirit in this high-intensity and high-risk environment.

Why does the league stipulate that entering the Silver Mountain requires at least Heavenly King level or above?

It's because Uranus-level elves are very common here. If you don't have Uranus-level strength, you may only look at the door.

Of course, even if you are a master of the Heavenly King class, you do n’t dare to walk around randomly. At most, you can turn around a few times to see if you can collect some valuable materials or catch a few high-value elves. .

For the people who enter the Silver Mountain, the alliance also has rules. Each person can only capture a maximum of three elves, and cannot kill the elves indiscriminately. They can be defeated, and they can also accidentally kill one or two elves, but they cannot With his own strength, he slaughtered the elves here.

This is one of the reasons why the Alliance Army will sit here.

Prevent the elves inside Baiyin Mountain from rioting, and prevent the trainers who enter it from causing excessive damage to the ecology of Baiyin Mountain.

Of course, if you have the strength and confidence to evade the tracing of the alliance, then don't worry about this.

In fact, it is similar to a wild elf that has a very high level and also has a high degree of danger in the wild wilderness area.

After passing through a tunnel, he entered a virgin forest, towering woods, mottled ground, bushes everywhere, and elf looking up everywhere.

This is the inner area of ​​Silver Mountain, which is a relatively high-risk wild area in the Elven World.

After Aoki entered, they summoned Tyrannosaurus Rex, King of Spinosaurus, Shannai, Lucario, and Frog.

When you haven't entered the inner area, but only in a relatively peripheral area, these elves are most suitable for training.

Aoki sat on the back of the flashing wonderful frog flower. With her super powers, Sunetuo hovered silently beside Aoki, leaving superpower coordinates on the tree next to her so that she could use Aoki to move instantly at any time.

Tyrannosaurus flying above the woods can ensure a wide field of vision, and at the same time be able to prepare for attacks in the sky.

Lucalio became very active after entering this place, as if he had returned to his own home, moving back and forth between the trees.

The power of Lukalio's waveguide will allow him to feel the goodwill and maliciousness of all the elves within a kilometer of his center. If any elves want to attack them, they will absolutely not escape Lukalio's perception. Unless the opponent's strength is far above Lucario.

But coupled with Xanadu's super power scan, they can still approach them silently. In Aoki's view, unless it is a champion elf, it should be impossible.

However, it is currently in the periphery and it is almost impossible to meet the champion-level wild elves.

And in the wild environment, can improve their own strength to the champion of the elves, or they are very talented, and the rest are constantly, or they are some very long-lived elves, these elves will not randomly Humans and elves attacked, unless it caused damage to their interests.

As for the Assassin King, in this environment, there is no benefit to him, and it is very inconvenient to fight.

It's just that Aoki's purpose is to hope that he can adapt to various fighting environments, even in this complex overgrown ancient forest.

Soon, Aoki didn't have much time to enter the forest, and they encountered the first wave of elves who attacked them.

Inside Baiyin Mountain, the ecological chain between the elves is more complicated, and there is a relationship between hunting and hunting, and there is also a very serious concept of territory.

Having a certain strength and rushing into the territory of one or a group of elves, in the eyes of the wild elves, this is provocation.

A group of fierce and fiery monkeys rushed down from the dense woods and attacked Aoki, who seemed the weakest wind.

As a fiery elf, the hot monkey has only one option when he encounters an elf who breaks into their territory: attack!

It's just a pity that they chose the wrong opponent this time.

"Saina-" Xanadu opened her eyes in the meditation for the first time and launched her super powers. Several powerful hot monkeys were suspended in mid-air.

Aoki's face had a smile on her face, and the hot monkeys were approaching. Shanaiduo had already told him, only to wait for them to be delivered to the door.

Just in the periphery, among the several hot monkeys that came out, there was actually a hot monkey of the king level.

The remaining elves were ready.

The fastest responder was Lucalio, who also shuttled through the woods. His hands and fists merged in front of him, and he opened his hands toward both sides. A bone stick with flashing white fluorescence appeared in his hand. The bone stick was tricked into his hands and looked very flexible.

Leaping from the treetop, he jumped among all the hot monkeys that were imprisoned at this time.

The power of the waveguide on the stock list quickly gathered, and a back-and-forth rotation swept all the hot monkeys out.

Immediately afterwards, the remaining elves also acted.

From below the huge flower of the wonderful frog flower, two huge rattan whips with the thickness of Aoki arms were stretched out, binding two hot monkeys that were bombarded by Lucalio, pulling them down one by one, Slap on the ground and flogging forcefully!

The other hot monkeys that fell towards the ground became the target of the Dragon King. The huge water current resembled a shell. The Dragon King found a very tricky angle, and the water cannon spit from his mouth successfully turned three All the hot monkeys hit, killing three birds with one stone!

In the end, the fiery monkey of the Uranus class was defeated after seeing his companion three or two times, and was instantly furious, but before he acted again, Shanaiduo's mentality imprisoned him again.

It's like throwing a ball and throwing him straight into the air.

The tyrannosaurus prepared above was like a forward who received the ball from the midfield, and in front of it, the goal was like the sea, and it was vast and boundless.

Suddenly, Armstrong's Spiral Wing Spread Winged Hatchling Takeoff ... The Dragon dived and slammed this Uranus-like hot monkey to the ground fiercely.

Huh! !! !!

Broken the branches of trees that I don't know how much ~ ~ startled I don't know how many bird elves.

One way is that a stone stirs up thousands of waves, but this is the scene.

A raid of wild elves was easily solved with the cooperation of several elves.

But looking at them eagerly, Aoki knew that their interest had just emerged.

It was like Lucalio, who had just used a sword dance, and found that they had not exerted force, and they all fell down.

Aoki said with a smile, "It's so easy to have such a fighting opportunity. Since you all want to be dissatisfied, then ... wonderful frog flower, sweet aroma.

Let the storms come more violently! "


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