The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 1332: Extremely stupid

boom! !! !!

A huge explosion sounded, and a huge gray mushroom cloud appeared as a result of the explosion in the rain.

The Flamingo is just under that huge mushroom cloud.

Nine Tail, who had been resting aside, has now stood up, her hair all erected, and she felt a thick threat from a series of attacks by the elves of Aoki.

Now this nine-tailed is starting to worry about the Flamingo, because from her own perspective, she can't resist the crazy attack of this combination.


Aoki, sweaty and rainy, sat on the ground, and he felt very tired now.

For the first time after becoming a superpower, I felt that my brain was not enough and it was very difficult to command.

At this moment, the brain was full of tingling, as if someone was sticking a needle to his head one by one, and his eyes were closed tightly, because the pain clenched his teeth, and excessive force caused friction between the teeth. "Squeak" sound.

The sweat on the head did not disappear, but the sweat that had flowed out because of the heat, now became the cold sweat left by the pain.

The flushed face changed, but the braised pig head, which was originally cooked, suddenly turned into a white salty pig head.

His face turned completely white, which was a phenomenon of extreme anemia. Suddenly the blood flowed too quickly, the brain was not supplied with oxygen, and anemia appeared.

The two nostrils keep getting bigger and smaller, and the thick air is flowing in and out of the nostrils.

This is really a brain overuse, the use of superpowers has soared to the limit.

The elves of Aoki rushed over, and Madam Huajie and Maji Yana immediately sent for treatment.

This barely relieved Aoki's pain, letting his bite slowly loosen, and his closed eyes slowly opened.

Looked in the direction of the explosion.

Although it was said that this was indeed a chance and gave the Firebird such a ruthlessness, Aoki did not think that the attack just now could defeat the Firebird as a beast.

This is a divine beast, and the level has reached level 94. How can a real divine beast be so easily defeated.

"With such a great deal of noise, is there no old fellow in the alliance or the army stationed inside Baiyin Mountain noticed the situation here?" Aoki thought in his mind.

To be honest, this is a counterattack with a very immature mind. Aoki cannot give such a strong resistance to the firebird's provocation. After all, the other party is the real strong side, and the weak should shut up and endure in silence.

This is the correct way to live in this world, this wild environment.

But everyone has weaknesses, or weak points inside.

And when Aoki saw Bangira so ruthlessly blown away, passing by his own eyes, the string in his heart that he did not want to be touched was touched, thinking of the dark crow who finally took the attack for himself in the previous life. The effect of that knot in his heart can be imagined.

So ... Aoki is furious, furious regardless of the consequences.

Now the high flaming bird was successfully pressed to the ground by himself, even if only temporarily, he had successfully retaliated back to Bangla.

The anger in my heart dissipated, and I thought carefully about how stupid I was just doing.

It's stupid for your own security, it's just ... stupid.

But for all the elves, including himself, it is comfort and thought.

How many times in a person's life can he have such an idea?

Now Aoki is comfortable, but an elf is now really angry.

Tigers don't send cats when I'm in critical condition!

"Well !!!"

A particularly loud bird's song sounded almost half of the mountains inside the Silver Mountain, and a large number of elves were startled by the song of the flame bird.

I saw a giant flamingo covered with moist soil and looking a bit wobbly, flapping its wings from the ground and fluttering staggered.

The temperature in the entire valley rose suddenly, the dark clouds slowly dispersed, and a beam of sunlight passed through the gradually dispersing dark clouds, just shining on the flame bird.


A red-gold flame rose from his body, all the dirt and dust disappeared.

The entire flamingo looked more handsome, the temperature in the valley was still rising, and Aoki slowly stood up from the ground with the help of Mrs. Huajie.

Watching the flaming bird at this time.

This is the true bird of fire, and this is what the world's fire spirit should be.

But feeling Aoki in the state of the flame bird at this time, the heart is not very good.


At this time, the white-haired old man who was still sitting calmly on the snow was also somewhat surprised.

"I didn't expect to be really irritated by this little guy, good guy, how long hasn't this flame bird really got fired?" The gray-haired old man looked strange.

"Forget it, let's save the little guy first. This guy's anger is not so easy to soothe."

When the old man was just about to leave, he was still in the same place.

The surprise and wonder in his eyes grew thicker, stopping his figure. "She actually appeared here, too, was she attracted by this little guy?"

The surprise in the eyes of the old man grew stronger and stronger, and he gave up the intention of heading towards Aoki.

"Just don't know what the purpose of her appearance is to save that little guy?" The old man's brow gradually frowned and began to think about the stakes in it.


Aoki didn't know what happened on the Baiyin Mountain Snow Mountain.

He only knew that if no one appeared now, he would probably explain here.

But after waiting for a long time, he did not wait for the attack of the flame bird, and even the flame bird did not look at himself at this time, but looked at a void without anything.

Intuition told him that there must be something in this void at this time, but he could not perceive this elven or human with the super power lacking in his eyes at this time ~ ~ kui— "

Dakley knew about Aoki's current situation, so he pointed in an air and signaled that the other party was there, only because of some special ability, so he remained in a stealth state.

"Well !!!"

The Flamingo shouted in that direction, it sounded full of momentum, but Aoki saw a little fear and a little ... awe from his eyes?

To be able to make the flaming bird as a divine beast awesome, that is only the elves, and it is not an ordinary elven, it must be the legendary beast, strength, ability, or the beast of which the priesthood is above him.

Soon Aoki's mind removed many of the beasts he knew, and finally locked on one of them!


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