The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 1334: 2nd Legion Challenge


When Aoki took the last material he was looking for in this valley, and finally there was a trace of movement in the valley that was so quiet.

Aoki slowly sorted out the stains on his body, stood up and looked at the crowd standing behind him at this time.

A group of people wearing dark green military uniforms, headed by a man with a Chinese character face, looked like Kong Wu was powerful, and his clothes could not completely cover the flesh on his body. .

Behind the brave man with the national character face, there are all the Union soldiers in neat costumes, and they can see the perseverance from each of their faces.

Everyone is followed by at least one elven, and the attributes of these elves carry the attribute of evil.

An army made up of evil spirits.

Aoki raised her brow slightly, and a faint smile appeared on her face, and asked gently, "The Second Army?"

The leading Chinese-faced brave man took a big step forward, first saluting, and then shouted in full spirit, "Hello Aoki, I am the temporary legionary commander of the Second Corps. On behalf of the entire Second Corps, yes You apologize, this is our patrol area, but we did not arrive the first time! "

There was no such aggressive attitude as imagined, and he apologized first.

Aoki glanced at the rogue panda who was taller than the man with a Chinese-faced face, and then glanced at the elves who followed him at the moment.

It is indeed the most elite group of people in the Elven Alliance. Being able to enter the Second Army means that no one is better than them except the First Army.

At first glance, Aoki looked at it, except for some people who stood behind, all of them had the strength of the King of Heaven.

Even the weakest elves have reached the elite level.

Properly the league's best troops.

Because of their different training methods in combat and peacetime, if they are fighting alone, they may be weak except for the first strong man and a few officers.

But don't look down on them because of this. When they form a legion, under the command of a unified and possessing sufficient strength and force, the combat power that can erupt is not so simple.

Aoki's elves can resist the attack of the beast flame bird, but they may not really be able to resist a combination attack.

If they just appeared when Aoki and the Flamingo were fighting, as long as Aoki can successfully restrain the Flamingo for a little time as before, and create opportunities for them, it is estimated that if the combination of skills goes down, the Flamingo will not directly lose the fighting ability. To become seriously injured.

This is the power of the combined legion skills.

Of course, in order to release such a combination of skills, it takes a long time to accumulate power, and there are great requirements for everyone in the legion. Otherwise, let alone the accumulation of power, may also lead to a decrease in power, so the legion It takes such a long time to accumulate skills at the level of combined skills.

In such a legion, the strength of a single person cannot play an absolute role, and the tacit cooperation with each other is the most critical.

This man with a Chinese character face is now the temporary commander of the Second Army, which is the deputy of the black messenger. It is said that he was pulled up by his hand, and he has extra respect for the black messenger.

Now it seems that Aoki couldn't think of a messenger like the Black Messenger, and his vision was rather good.

This rogue panda with the national character face has the quasi-champion-level strength. According to the wind speed dog of the Seventh Army Corps Chief Tennessee when he came in, this national character face really has the ability to serve as the legion leader.

Aoki waved his hand and said, "It's okay, things have been resolved, you don't need to bother, there is nothing you can do to help yourself."

Hearing Aoki's words, the brave man with the Chinese character face did not leave directly, but stared at Aoki with a burning gaze.

Seeing his expression at this time, and the expressions of the people behind him, Aoki suddenly laughed, "If you have something, it is better to say it directly, and whether it is to you or to me in your heart can not be regarded as one Good thing. "

After hearing the words, a hesitation appeared on the face of the square-faced and strong man, but it was replaced by firmness soon, "Please King Aoki can tell me, we ... is our former head really the undercover of the gods? "

Sure enough, he still talked about the black messenger, but his attitude was much better than Aoki imagined.

At least the senses given to him were much better than those given to him by Tennessee, the head of the 7th Legion Corps. This is what a Union soldier should look like, go straight and do it if you don't want to.

Slowly shook his head, "Ca n’t say that he is an undercover of the theology. From my personal perspective, he was just bewildered by the various interests of the religion, lost his heart to become a trainer, and was too chasing power It ’s so powerful that it loses its soul. "

Originally, Aoki shook his head, and the eyes of the strong man with the Chinese character face were still slightly brightened, but after hearing Aoki's explanation, it quickly faded.

"I can become a trainer, I can go to this point, and I have such strength because of the help of the head ...

Although I know this is a bit rude, I still want to challenge you, Aoki!

This is not only an explanation for the help the head has given me over the years, but also an explanation for myself and for all our members.

Regardless of the final outcome of today's battle, all your grievances from our Second Army and Aoki Uki will be cancelled! The Chinese character bravely said firmly.

Hearing his words, Aoki's mouth rose slightly.

Interesting ~ ~ To be honest, from the beginning of this strong man talking, Aoki disappeared most of the second army ’s mustard, and the last word he said, even made Aoki to the Alliance Corps This armed organization has a new understanding.

At least as smooth as the Seventh Army Commander Tennessee, the flattery of Imam cannot represent all the members of the Legion.

As the former Second Army Legion leader, the Black Messenger has done a lot of leaked secrets to the alliance, but at least he has done a very good job of managing and teaching the entire Second Army.

"Okay!" Aoki nodded, gladly accepting the challenge of the Chinese character face strong man.

The other party has clearly expressed his intentions and solutions. Aoki is also unwilling to be stared at by the entire Alliance Corps because of the black messenger. Since the cause of the incident is the Second Army, then it is drawn from the Second Army. Stop it.


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