The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 1349: King of the City 4

"Next is our city!

King of poison, King of Orange! "

The four kings in the city area and the Kanto area play differently. After all, they are not as well known as Kona and Kona, so the playing method is not the same as Kanto, but after shouting the name, they are shown to the audience. a bit.

A man wearing a dark purple ninja costume with a mask covering half of his face, appeared on the stage in a ninja manner out of thin air. Except for a few people who could see the trajectory of his actions, most people did not know how he appeared .

However, this hand is a little sigh of relief for the city people who are a little nervous and restless.

After all, A Ju is not an unknown person. The owner of the Taoist museum in the city of Red was once only one step away from the Four Heavenly Kings. Now that such a long time has passed, I must have the strength of the Four Heavenly Kings.

For ordinary people and ordinary trainers, the strength in their minds is only on the playing field. According to the fighting method stipulated by the league, the person who can achieve good results is the strong person. For the wild life and death all members There is no concept of fighting at all.

Aju may not be strong on the surface, but if it is a battle of life and death, in the current Kanto area, only King Kikuko can guarantee that he will definitely win.

Based on the physical qualities displayed by Aju, the only person on the stage that can compare with him is the King of Fighting, Shiba, but Shiba is known for his strength, while Atsu is better at flexible body style and strange ninjutsu. .

"Second place! Super King, One Tree King!" As A Ju appeared, the host announced the second four King Heaven.

A man wearing a strange purple-pink Chinese suit with a mask covering his eyes was a bit like a magician at first glance.

Yishu also appeared out of thin air, but in a different way from Aju. After all, Azu's body can still be seen by some people, while Yishu relies purely on instantaneous superpowers, a natural standing on his shoulders. The sparrow, the instantaneous movement of space energy, is emitted from the body of this natural sparrow.

"Third! Evil King! Ewha!" Immediately after that was Ewha.

She had silver-blue hair and a waist, she was very lazy and casual, she looked at some non-mainstream clothes, and her face had a bad smile on her face.

She jumped from the sky, with the help of the head of a crow who also looked bad.

As a wicked king, the crow head is one of her signature elves.

For the two people, Yishu and Ewha, the audience present was relatively familiar. Unlike the crossing, which has always been under the spotlight, when Kona, Yishu and Ewha appeared in front of everyone in Guandu, At the Olympic Games, although they were little known geniuses before, they were not widely known.

Until after the Olympic Games, the three talents formally entered everyone's eyes.

However, it was because the stars gathered in the Olympic Games, Yishu and Lihua were a little worse in strength and luck, and did not enter the final four that attracted much attention.

However, although they have some doubts about their position as the Four Heavenly Kings, they are still acceptable.

After all, whether it is a tree or pear flower, it occasionally shows its strength in front of the public, and the bad pear flower has not only become the object of people's tragedy, but because she frankly said that this is her true self, and she does not want to pretend , Attracted a large number of fans.

Call her and the ice goddess Kona as two goddesses with opposite personalities in the Guandu area.

However, Yishu's fame is a bit of an incidental meaning. When people talk about Kona and Ewha, they will mention a tree of the same period, but he is definitely not the object that is focused on.

There is no indication of this tree, but silently cultivate the elves and improve their strength.

It can be said that the announcement of the three four heavenly kings gave people in the urban area a little peace of mind, at least without random selection, choosing a few people who they did not know or had no impression at all.

"Fourth below please! The King of Steel! The King of Lark!" Immediately, the host introduced the fourth King.

King of Steel! !!

Lark! !!

Not only did the audience present that they had not heard of this person, even Aoki, who had watched the ceremony in the VIP room, had never heard of such a person.

Neither the memory of his previous life nor the news he once knew on earth, there is no information about this lark, and Aoki's understanding of this person is completely blank.


But while he was thinking, he saw Youyu with a large white top hat and a snow-white gown all over her, standing on the back of a giant gold monster, slowly falling from the air, giving it to people A spotless angel as if descending from the sky!

With a faint smile on her face, she felt a warm feeling all over her smile.

Although people don't know much about this person named Bailing, after seeing the giant gold monster under her feet and the confident and warm smile on her face, she became less worried.

Although a giant gold monster can't represent anything, but people who can not worry or fear at all on this occasion, the most basic four heavenly kings have at least the energy.

But looking at the eight heavenly kings standing on the stage at this time, all the fools knew that the four heavenly kings in the Kanto area were obviously stronger and more convincing.

The host did not say much on this, even if he was asked to say, he did not have the qualification to evaluate a big man like the Four Heavenly Kings.

According to the plan of the Guandu Alliance at the beginning, at this time, I would like to thank everyone who came to this ceremony from various regions for the higher status characters.

Among them, the leader of the Fengyuan area is the sandstorm King Aoki, and the introduction is the future helm of the Zvuchi family. The current chief search officer of the Fengyuan Alliance.

As for Furong and Mikkeli, although their strengths are also strong, they still do not have a strong identity. Even Mikkeli has returned the Liuli Road Museum to his teacher, focusing on improving his strength.

The people from the Shen'ao area are Girona, who has just become one of the four kings of the Shen'ao, as well as the big leaf of the fire department and Wu Song of the super power department.

The leader of the United District is Wanlong, who has become the king of the ghost system. UU reads www.uukanshu. Com also has a slightly improved Capella in super power control, which is good at using cranberries of evil spirits.

The head of the Carlos area is also an acquaintance of Aoki, Caruna.

Accompanying them were Dora Sena, who is good at dragons, and Pachira, who was a little surprised by Aoki.

It is not the noble knight Yan Jia, nor Zhimi, who is good at water spirits, but Pachira, who is good at fire spirits.

I don't know if the Flash Flames interfered in this incident.


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Thanks to the sleepy-eyed drowsy gangster for three million rewards! Thanks guys!

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