The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 1355: Poison skull frog

A large number of flames wrapped the flaming chicken with Geng Gui.

The flaming chicken is indeed in the strange light, and it has fallen into an abnormal state, but unfortunately, the flaming chicken is not at all prepared for the singular light, and in ordinary training, it is adapted to the singular light. Nor is it without special training.

Now Geng Gui's hands were caught by the flame chicken, there really is no chance of dodging.

Raised his foot, carrying a large number of golden flames, and kicked it **** Geng Gui's face.

嘭 ——

Geng Gui was kicked and kicked, and he drew a beautiful arc in the air. He fell heavily on the ground and lost his fighting ability.

However, after exposing this leg, a purple area appeared on the body of the flame chicken. After this purple area appeared, the flame chicken frowned subconsciously, and even one eye closed passively, as if bearing What an unbearable pain.

Before the Geng Gui lost his combat ability, the poisonous energy ball that was thrown on the Flaming Chicken began to play a role.

In addition, this is the Azu who is more adept at using poison. The genius he has cultivated in poisonous energy is certainly not that simple. Therefore, it was only the first attack that made the flame chicken very uncomfortable.

A Ju took out the elf ball and collected Geng Gui back. Although the flame chicken was poisoned, from the current situation, it is obviously more detrimental to his own side.

After all, the Flaming Chicken still has the fighting ability, but he lost an elf, and the Moru moth that was summoned at the beginning had a great loss of physical strength.

Just a flaming chicken, let him fall into the wind, then how much role the elf summoned below can play, it is very important.

After all, the flaming chicken is only poisonous, but it does not mean that he has gone to combat ability. A flaming chicken using three sword dances can not ignite the fighting power that can erupt.

After a little hesitation, A Ju once again took out an elf ball and threw it directly into the field.


A dark blue elf appeared in the field, with two yellow eyes and a red vocal cord on his chin. Each hand had only three hands.

His legs are muscular. It has three toes, a red middle toe on each foot, and a sharp spike that protrudes from the heel.

Poison Skull Frog!

The elf summoned by Aju again, the poisonous elf in the Shen'ao area, the evolutionary form of the bad frog, the poison skull frog.

Pokemon: Poison Skull Frog (Light Blue)

Gender: Male

Level: 80

Attribute: Poison + Fighting

Feature: Venomous Hand

Carrying Props: Black Sludge

Genetic skills: attack, high five, cross split, double return

Basic Skills: Fright, Mud Throw, Poison Needle, Provocation, Pursuit, Surprising Strike, Revenge, Bluff, Mud Bomb, Assault, Venom Shock, Rogue, Poison, Mud Bomb, Snoring, Tout

Teach Skills: Trash Shooting, Frozen Fist, Snoring, Absorptive Fist, Hell Spike, Bounce, Kick, Frozen Wind, Lightning Fist

Skill learner: Poisonous, Bodybuilding, Venom Shock, Hold, Earthquake, Shadow Avatar, Rock Block, Kick Off, Sword Dance, Cross Shear, Evil Wave

Champion Poison Skull Frog!

Seeing the data of the poisonous skull frog, Aoki raised her eyebrows slightly.

It seems that Aju is going to be real. The position of this poisonous skull frog in his team is likely to be the same as that of the Flaming Chicken in Aoki's team.

The characteristic of this poisonous skull frog is a poisonous hand, but it is very consistent with A Ju's fighting style and personality.

The poisonous hand characteristic is that through physical contact, it may cause the opponent to become poisoned.

The cultivation of his poisonous elves by Aju is very likely to be very toxic once poisoned.

But now the flaming chicken is in a poisonous state. Even if the poisonous skull frog tries hard, it will not have much bonus.

But when Aoki saw the sword dance skills of the poisonous skull frog, he almost understood the meaning of the other party.

"Flame chicken, the opponent is very strong! It is what you want to meet, fight it!" Aoki said in the heart of the flame chicken through electrocardio induction.

I heard that the flame chicken's eyes lighted, regardless of the toxins on his body, slowly stood up and stared sharply at the poisonous skull frog.

Although the expression of the poison skull frog has not changed, the yellow eyes are indifferent without any emotion, but the momentum as a champion elf has risen.

"Champion Elf! Aju Tianwang summoned the Champion Elf !!" With the help of the backstage staff, the host impassionedly introduced Aju's poisonous skull frog.

After all, these challenges today are more for the newly appointed Kings of the city to show their strength and ambition, the best is to get everyone's approval.

Now that Aju summons the champion-level elves, of course, he has to preach a lot.

"Scared !!!!!!"


The flame chicken and poisonous skull frog stared at each other again and rushed towards each other.

They are all fighting energies, and they have nothing to say about their physical fitness and ability to act.

Although the poison skull frog is said to be much stronger than the flame chicken in hard power, after all, one is a champion-level elf, and the other is a semi-champion-level elf.

However, the flame chicken used three sword dances plus the blessing of acceleration. In terms of speed and attack power, it is not inferior to the poison skull frog.

Huh! !! !!

Flaming chicken with flamed fists and poisonous skull frog colliding with purple collared fists.

In the middle of their fists, a lot of black smoke erupted, which was the result of the toxins coming into contact with the flames.

Immediately after the collision, they were separated by reaction forces, and the two elves retreated back and forth.

The fighting spirit and excitement in the eyes of the flame chicken became more and more intense, and in the eyes of the poisonous skull frog that remained unchanged for a long time, there was finally a trace of emotional fluctuations.

Just after landing, the two elves collided together again at the fastest speed, the collision between the fist and the fist, the intersection of the feet and the feet.

It can be seen from the battle that the fighting methods and methods of the poison skull frog are not inferior to the flame chicken. From the control of skills and energy ~ ~ is also the slightest tribe downside.

The poison skull frog is like a ninja without any emotion. Every joint of the body can become his weapon. Presumably this is the result of A Ju's usual exercise.

But it was obviously the surprise on Aju's face.

Before the flaming chicken and Moru moth fought against Geng Gui, there was no head-to-head collision, so Aju didn't know that the flaming chicken actually had skills comparable to poison skull frogs.

Know that he is a ninja, and he is still a poison skull frog trained according to the ninja training requirements.

In the usual assassination, the poison skull frog is his helper and the main attacker of many times. Now this flaming chicken can actually collide with it without falling into the wind.

When could Aoki be able to develop elven skills to such a degree?


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