The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 270: I have mine at home

After hearing Aoki's words, Ogo stunned.

Coco Dora?

This kind of elves is unique to Fengyuan area, but even in Fengyuan area, they are very rare.

But this is not much different for others and for Ogo.

Immediately laughed out loud, "Haha, this is simple. There is a mine in my house. There are steel elves in it. I'll take you around to see if you can find what you want, not just cocoa. Dora, as long as you fancy, you can get one for free. "

Aoki frowned, "Mining area? All steel elves? Iron dumbbells?"

Really have a mine at home?

Ogo's laughter came to an abrupt end, and then said a little awkwardly, "Well, yes, yes, but with iron dumbbells, I may not have permission, you know ..."

"Haha, I'm joking with you. I can't afford elves like iron dumbbells. This is not a solution." Aoki also laughed. He just wanted to tease Ogo, but he didn't really want it. the meaning of.

But who knows that Dawu is serious, I saw him look at Aoki with a serious face, "Aoki Jun, if you really want it, I say to my dad, based on his relationship with Father Liu Sheng ... .. "

"Don't, don't, I'm really joking with you. I really can't afford the iron dumbbells. Even Coco Dora I can't afford it now, just make a reservation with you in advance." Aoki waved her hands.

He wanted Cocodola only because this time on the unnamed island, he found that his team really lacked a high-blood-proof front elf, and Cocodola was among the elves he could get now. Compare the sprites that meet the conditions.

After all, the old man in front of me, but the future steel champion, he will have a powerful Boscodra in the future, and it should be only the form of Kotola, or it has finally evolved into Boscodra .

"That line, when you need it, just call me and go directly to the mine in my house. I will take you to find out. Although there are not so many elves in the wild wilderness area, if only the steel elves, That has nothing to say. "

Aoki's heart moved slightly when he heard Ogo talking about the wild wilderness area.

It seems that there are several mini dragons in the wild wilderness area, right?

This should be the only few mini dragons that are not under the management of the Yulong family?

At this time, it should still be in the wilderness area. After all, when Xiaozhi just set off for the wilderness area, he still saw the mini dragon and hackron inside.

Would you like to try it yourself?

Aoki was a little emotional, but it was a quasi-god elf. If there is no super-evolution, the strength of the fast dragon is relatively strong in the quasi-god.

But it's not time yet.

That hackron is so powerful that he doesn't have to beat it.

And his strength is not enough to keep a quasi-god elf, unless he is always with Mr. Liu Sheng, but this is obviously impossible.

The Rockets will not let themselves go easily.

Put it on first, there's still time anyway, and then check it out.

"Yes, Aoki-kun, I heard that you have been drifting at sea for more than ten days this time, have you seen a lot of things? Have you found any strange or never seen stones?" Ogo asked.

In addition to the elf, Ogo is most interested in stones.

"I haven't seen it. You know that I spend most of my time at sea. I can't see anything." Aoki spread his hands, saying that there was no gain.

"Haha, yes, but I heard you were very domineering when you came back. How about riding a powerful tropical dragon? Would you like to come?"

I heard that Aoki could only smile bitterly. The strength of the tropical dragon is not weak, but now he doesn't say he doesn't cooperate with him at all, and he doesn't like fighting, he can't force it.

But if there are other elves, dumb beasts, there is still some gap in strength with Dawu.

Not to mention, the metal monster around Ogo can't solve it by himself.

Is this the best elf of Ogo? Not necessarily.

The metal monster evolved into a giant gold monster, but two metal monsters are needed. Is this metal monster the stronger one now? And Dawu is not just a metal monster. His Boscodora and armored birds are all very powerful spirits.

"It's not necessary for the time being. I know there is still a gap between your strength and yours now. Let's wait next time. The next time we go to your mine, we will have one." Aoki refused.

Ogo glanced at Aoki in amazement, not because Aoki saw that he was stronger than him, but that Aoki was so confident that when he met next time, he would be able to fight against himself. It was not easy.

Not to mention, Ogo has always been the most powerful of his peers. As a trainer, his self-confidence is absolutely top, and Aoki is a few years younger than himself. Do you think you can fight yourself when you meet next time? ?

Without saying a word, let Aoki think that this metal monster is his strongest elf, Ogo agreed with a smile, "OK."

"So what are your plans for the future?" Ogo asked.

He couldn't help rushing over today before he had finished his work.

"I will disappear for a while ~ ~ Go out and practice, but before going out, I may go to Zijing City to exercise the elves."

"Is it Purple City? It's a really nice place. There are combat trainers everywhere in that city.

Well, I'm going back to Kanaz anyway, or I'll accompany you to Purple City first, and then I will go back to Kanaz by myself. "

"Willn't it delay you?" Aoki asked hesitantly.

Dawu waved his hands indifferently. "It doesn't matter. It can't be done anyway. Let's be lazy."

"It is estimated that I will spend that life in the second half of my life, and enjoy it while I can enjoy it now, otherwise I am afraid I will regret it later."

Aoki also said that he was silent. Many people wanted a life like Ogo all his life, but for Ogo, it didn't have any appeal to him.

It's just that the responsibility he shoulders prevents him from giving up, so he can only do what he wants before he takes over completely.

Regarding this, both Dawu's father, the elders of the Zvitch family, and senior officials of the German company have expressed acquiescence.

Because in my opinion, Dawu is definitely a very good heir. Even in the usual study, he can make himself an excellent trainer, and he has nothing to learn about the things the company needs.

The name of genius is nothing more than that.

In fact, Aoki is not a little bit worse than Ogo. It's just that Aoki is not only possessing the experience of the first quasi-king, but also a very powerful chip.

So it seems that Aoki is almost the same as Ogo.


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