The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 272: manor

Pansy City.

Aoki and Ogo bid farewell on the outskirts of Zijing.

Ogo wants to return to Kanaz and continue to complete what he hasn't done yet, while Aoki needs to enter the city of Violet and familiarize his elves with the body that masters the rapidly increasing level through battle.

The location of Zijing City in Fengyuan area is very good, it can be said that it is in the middle of Fengyuan area.

Traffic is very well developed.

Therefore, even if the city is not the most developed city in Fengyuan, it is also a relatively large city.

And because the battle is popular here, there are many trainers from all over the place gathered here. On the battlefields everywhere on the street, there are real trainers fighting.

Zijing City is known as the city of joy and joy.

Because a lot of colorful skills often appear, and because it is a normal battle, winning or losing is not the point, the point is that the elves are very happy with humans.

After entering Aoki City, Aoki did not go to the center of the elf center in the first place, nor did she go to the famous battle ring in Aoki City.

Instead, he looked for a more reliable agent to help him rent a manor in the suburb of Zijing.

Aoki came to the city of Doraemon, mainly for fighting, but not just for fighting.

Originally in his plan, survival in the wild and elf battles were the ways he needed to increase the level of the elf.

But now the level of the elves is increasing too fast, it is not suitable to participate in the battle immediately, what he has to do now is to help the elves to stabilize the foundation first.

After the elves have fully mastered their bodies and skills, the battle begins.

Under the heavy money of Aoki, the housing agency quickly helped Aoki set up a small house, but the manor had a large open space, and spent a total of 100,000 Aoki coins.

The lease period is one month.

In less than a month, Aoki will go to see the Rockets' final trial. Whether it can fly into the sky depends on this time.

Under the earnest leadership of the housing agency, Aoki came to this manor where he might live for more than ten days.

The house is not large. It is a two-storey villa with all kinds of homes. The second floor is a huge bedroom and living room. There are only two rooms on the entire floor, so it is very spacious.

The first floor is a large dining room, a sophisticated kitchen, a guest bedroom and a relatively small living room.

Outside the house is a huge manor house covering an area of ​​nearly 50,000 square meters. The manor is fenced with railings. Outside is a dense forest. If there is no road across the main entrance, no one may guess that there is a manor.

However, because it is relatively biased and there are no people around, some wild elves often come in and harass.

Therefore, the original owner of this house chose to sell it.

Of course, the sale was not so easy. With the communication of the housing agent, we agreed to a one-month lease.

There are some fruit trees in the manor, and the ground is covered with lawns. The lawns may be uneven and there are more weeds because of the long-term carelessness. However, this is for Aoki who is used to living in the wild. ,no problem.

What surprised Aoki was that there was actually a huge swimming pool in the manor. Although it seems that the water in the swimming pool has not been changed for a long time, according to the intermediary, there is nothing wrong with the water supply system of the swimming pool. If you want to be useful Just change the water to one side.

Aoki is very satisfied with this house, if not only for one month, Aoki even wants to buy it as a long-term place to live.

There are no people, and the surroundings are quiet. Isn't it Aoki's most satisfactory environment?

This way you don't need to worry about any secrets.

After the decisive payment of 100,000 confederation coins at a time, the real estate agent immediately got out of the way.

Aoki is about to start the final sprint on the final trial.

The dumb beasts, ghost stones, and big milk cans were directly released. As for the other elves, they would not be released until Aoki confirmed that they were completely safe.

First of all, Ghost Stone checked the entire house for any surveillance cameras, and then Daemon was responsible for checking the grass and swimming pool of the entire estate for any problems.

As for the big milk tank, Aoki took it directly into the house and started preparing dinner for the elves.

Today's big milk tank, under the influence of Aoki, has become a cooking expert, and all kinds of ingredients and cooking methods are familiar to the chest. As long as Aoki glances at her, she understands what Aoki needs.

It can be said that she is now Aoki's assistant.

When the ghost stone and the foolish beast told Aoki, there was no problem in the entire manor, and the surrounding environment was very safe, then Aoki let out all the elves except the stinky mud.

Even the big-billed bird that had been dust-sealed in the elven ball was released by Aoki.

Because the manor is too big, if you need to take care of it, it is better to participate in more elves.

There is no dust except in the house ~ ~ Some people may take care of it regularly, but now the manor is a mess.

The Dark Crow was replaced with a new load-bearing device, and then worked with the two elves to clean up all the weeds on the manor's grass, trying to be as high as possible.

This is already the exercise content belonging to two people.

The stupid beast and Tyrannosaurus were arranged by Aoki to handle the water in the swimming pool.

The drainage system of swimming pools is really too slow today, requiring faster drainage and cleaning of algae and garbage in the swimming pool.

Tyrannosaurus Rex was a little reluctant at first, but in a look of Aoki, he immediately became obedient.

Ghost Stone was arranged by Aoki to use his poisonous energy to dispose of all the inaccessible things in the manor, such as useless plastic buckets and garbage bags, in an effort to dissolve all the toxins, but it was not allowed to harm the lawn and the land.

As for the scorpion-tailed scorpion, he was tied to the original weight-bearing device of the dark crow by Aoki, allowing him to climb up to the trees in each manor to build branches, so that each tree must be pruned to the same extent as possible, and controlled Good health, don't step on or break the branches directly.

This requires a certain amount of physical control.

When the big-billed chick is released, Aoki is to alert him around the manor to see if there are any more dangerous elves or suspicious human beings.

For some time to come, the big-billed **** will become a guard of this manor.

Guard from high altitude.

After being released by Aoki, the tropical dragon lay lazily on the grass of the manor and began to snore.

I flew for three days before, but this time I flew for another day, but I was a bit tired.

It was said that it came out to eat delicious food, but as a result, it did not eat much, but it flew itself enough.

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