The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 281: Improved combat power

After seven days.

Aoki got on the plane leaving Fengyuan area.

This trip to the fortune has yielded much more than he planned.

Not only gains in money and resources, but also improvements in the level and strength of the elves.

It took seven days to fight in the playing field, and skillfully used all the things that each of the elves got in training in actual combat.

There are only a few days left to return to the trial island. Ying has sent someone to inform Aoki through the shadow group's communicator. In the evening one day later, the port where Dead City came last time to set sail for the trial island.

If time has not yet arrived, unless he is dead, he can only wait for the Rockets' relentless pursuit.

However, Aoki itself has no intention of avoiding it. The final trial may be a horrible challenge for others, but it is not a flying opportunity for him.

The flight to Golden City was booked online a few days ago.

Leave a message to Dawu through his mobile phone, he is going to be busy for a while, Cocodola will say the next time he goes to him.

As for other things, if they can be found, they will be ordered for the time being, no matter how much money is missing, they will be replenished together.

At the same time, Aoki also called and contacted the father Yagyu who had accepted him as an apprentice. After learning that he was busy in his laboratory and had no time to deal with himself, he hung up the phone decisively, and then The phone was dropped into the newly purchased space ring.

The space of the previous ring was obviously not enough. After Aoki won the money on the first day, he went to the black market to buy a ring with more space.

After all, I do n’t know how long to leave this time, and the ring needs more and more reserves.

Among the elves of Aoki, the most delicious tropical dragon has changed from a big milk tank.

The amount of food for one of his elves can be equal to the sum of all the elves, and half of the grain stored in the Aoki ring is given to him.

After all, the tropical dragon is still the strongest of the Aoki Elves anyway, and it is still a flying mount. When necessary, he needs to fight and escape.

Although the competition during this time was mainly to let the elves control their bodies, the level of inevitability was improved after many battles.

But this time the promotion is not the same as before. This time, after one-on-one actual combat, in continuous training, the body naturally reached the limit and completed the level upgrade.

With the exception of tropical dragons and tyrannosaurus dragons, almost every elven level has been increased by one level.

Now the Aoki Elves, the lowest-level claw tail scorpion has grown to the 23rd level, and he is not the worst elf in the team.

He has now surpassed the big milk tank and successfully got rid of the weakest label.

In this regard, he was happy for a long time.

Of course, there is also a component in the big milk tank for discharging water. After all, she is only an auxiliary elf, and does not need a strong fighting method.

The claw-tailed scorpion is almost what she grew up watching, so it's okay to let it go.

And because of the high-energy calcium tablets bought by Aoki, the claw-tailed scorpion has grown to a meter in height and looks like a small calf.

A few cups of milk and calcium flakes in a big milk tank every day. Can they not grow big? The normal scorpion scorpion is only 80 centimeters tall, and the normal scorpion scorpion is twenty centimeters larger than normal.

And he continues to grow.

As for dumb beasts and mules, what they did most of the time was to use the skills they just learned.

Compared to Paula's talent for the ice system, the dumb beast spent a long time on the jet flame of the fire system to use the normal jet flame, and then spent more time releasing this ability Smooth, until now foolish animals have not fully mastered this skill.

After all, it's not just about training skills. Physical training and superpower training are also very important.

However, now anyway, finally in the Aoki team, an elf who can release the fire skills, although not very skilled.

And Paula's release of frozen light has been handy.

Paula's talent in the attributes of the ice system, even Aoki, who has seen the world, can't help but admire, in the future facing the dragon spirit, he can be regarded as a killer.

Moreover, under the guidance of Aoki, the use of ice skills is no longer just a formal one, and she is slowly coming into contact with the derivative changes of the ice skills.

For example, the initial version of the skill of boulder is just to let the elf throw out some ice cubes condensed by ice attributes, but it is also an ice-based attribute. Why not consolidate the ice cubes or change the shape, If it becomes an ice cone, is it more lethal?

This is the direction that Paula needs to study when training.

And the Dark Crow, he is now fully familiar with the load of 70 pounds, and under this load, the speed is still fast.

Aoki can now say without hesitation that the development of the dark crow has met his requirements. If a high-quality dark stone now appears, the dark crow will not even object to evolution even if it directly uses evolution.

Of course, this is not to say that the Dark Crow has been developed to the extreme. It is only to say that it has reached the minimum standard of Aoki. If it continues to develop ~ ~ it is also possible.

Just in terms of pay and return, there is no previous ratio.

And Ghost Stone, in this short seven days, he completely absorbed a bottle of poisonous gas again, and the effect of poisonous gas and other things on him will not be so great. If you want to continue to develop poisonous properties , Then it is necessary to replace other poisonous props.

Originally, Aoki wanted to develop poisonous properties for the scorpion-tailed scorpion, but considering how long it will take to change, the final trial will soon begin, and it is helpless to let this matter temporarily.

During this time, the improvement of the elves saw Aoki, and he was not idle. Through the analysis of the energy crystallization before the chip and the method of summing up, Aoki has been slowly implementing it.

The most significant is the big milk tank, which has undergone some changes in qualifications.

Originally very pale light green, it has gradually begun to deepen. Aoki is considering whether to continue to trade with the big milk tank farm to improve the quality of the big milk tank.

A mixture of a certain amount of energy crystals and various medicinal materials per elf every day can improve the elf's qualification with minimal side effects.

Just because the basic qualifications are different, the difficulty of raising them is also different.

That is to say, except for the original light green qualification of the big milk tank, which has been taken continuously for seven days, the changes are relatively large. The green qualified dark crow can barely see much change in the seven days.

Not to mention the light cyan qualifications pulling them, with little color change, but at least there are not many side effects, right?

As long as you wait for a certain period of time, Aoki will be able to upgrade her elf's qualifications, which is how many people dream of.


Second more!

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