The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 299: Reward

Only in this way can we explain why the three forces united and only barely competed.

Guga's strength alone is estimated to be able to resist the combination of second and third place.

Sure enough, the cadre-level captain has a big gap with other captains.

However, Aoki also has an understanding of Gujia's strength. If he has no other cards, now Aoki will definitely play a lot better than the last time.

To be honest, Aoki now doesn't consider Guga as his opponent at all.

It can even be said that none of the people on the trial island are being treated by Aoki as their opponent.

Except for the four cadres and the remaining quasi-cadre-level strong men, the men they sent made Aoki a little daunting, and the rest of the participants were not the point.

Aoki directly threw the light green qualified stinky flower elf ball to Fox and said, "Three elf, will there be a chance to impact the top ten?"

Unexpectedly, he took this stinky elf ball into his hands, and Fox's face couldn't hide his surprise.

They know the stinky flowers of pine. Senior qualifications, although weaker among senior qualifications, and preliminary senior qualifications, are still very precious on the trial island.

It is with this stinky flower that he can enter the top twenty.

Now that Fox has got this stinky flower, maybe he really has a chance to hit the top ten.

When I saw Fox biting his teeth, he said, "Please be assured that I will be shocked. I dare not say if the tenth place is my opponent, I will know it after playing!"

After all, Smelly Flower was still an elf of someone else, and it couldn't immediately become the main combat force after conquering.

However, it is common to exchange masters between the testers on the trial island and the elves, so it will not be too difficult to conquer, it may just be that the use of wartime skills is not coordinated.

Tian Zhen next to him saw Fox get this stinky flower, with unabashed envy in his eyes.

He was really envious. Fox had never known him before.

When it really appeared in front of everyone, it was when Aoki named it to give a reward.

I did not expect that Aoki was the first person to give a reward.

Aoki did this just to show these people that he would not hesitate to those who are loyal to himself.

It was once again seen these people and the people who ate them.

As for Skye, he doesn't envy Fox in the slightest. He knows that even Fox can get such a reward. As the strongest player in the game, and the most loyal and Aoki himself, the reward will never be lower than Fox.

Sure enough, didn't let him wait too long, Aoki took an elven ball from his pocket and threw it directly to him.

"This is a stinky mud that I conquered outside. I have a high-level intermediate qualification (green). The combat power should be stronger than your big mouth bat. I hope you can come back with a top three." Aoki faint Said.

This stinky mud is the dark yellow qualified stinky mud that Aoki conquered in the gopher cave.

Before entering the unnamed island, he had been promoted to light green. After digesting the corpses of elves who were stronger than him on the unnamed island, he was successfully promoted to green qualification, and even reached the 28th level.

In addition to not having experienced much combat, the combat effectiveness on paper is good. How to turn it into effective combat strength depends on Skye's own training.

And in the calculation of the chip, this stinky mud wants to upgrade the qualification again, the resources and time required are completely disproportionate, and there is no value to continue to cultivate, then simply give your subordinates a boost of strength.

After receiving the elven ball from Aoki, Skye showed an unbelievable look. High-level intermediate elves?

This qualified elf can be compared with Guga's Aber monster. As long as he is trained well, he may not have exceeded his chance.

Just give it directly to yourself?

Now, Master Aoki, don't even look down on such qualified elves?

Skye wasn't calm at all. "Yes! Thank you for your reward!"

"This elf is not low-level, but I haven't let him fight. You have some time tonight, get familiar with it, and try to use it tomorrow."

Tian Zhen's eyes are even redder. Senior middle-level qualified elf, just give it like that? He began to regret why he was not a person who turned to Aoki. If he has an elf of this level, let alone the top ten, the top five can sprint.

After mastering this elf completely, he can stabilize the top five.

Not only him, but the rest of the people also looked at Skye and Fox very enthusiastically, the two who followed Aoki first.

Then Aoki thought for a moment, and once again took out an elf ball from his pocket.

Everyone's attention is focused on this elf ball. Aoki should reward the elf in this elf ball next. Those who did not get the reward are looking forward to getting this elf.

Without much hesitation, Aoki threw this elven ball to the hot Tian Zhen.

With his incredible eyes, he held the elf ball in his hands.

"If you have merit, you will be rewarded. If you have any, you will be punished. Those who lie on the ground will receive the punishment they deserve. But Aoki will not hesitate to those who are merit. Bisky is only a little bit worse, but the level is not low. You should take a good look at tomorrow's trial. "Aoki glanced at the audience and said ~ ~ Tian Zhen had been standing with Skye before, glaring Pine wood people.

Those who originally had other ideas bowed their heads, while those who had been loyal to Aoki looked at Aoki fiercely.

They are not afraid of fighting, they are not afraid of death, and they are afraid that their leaders will not see their efforts and will not get the reward they deserve.

But now Aoki convinces them!

"Yes! You must win the top ten for adults!" Tian Zhen shouted excitedly!

Unlike Fox, he was rewarded for the first time by Aoki. It is such a precious elf, how can he not be excited.

Aoki waved his hand and said, "Do your best, the first few are not very important, and your ability to improve in the future will not be slow. As long as you do not betray, there will only be more and more high-quality elves."

With that said, I took out a few elven **** from my pockets and put them in my hands. I took them and took them back.

The value of these elves is much higher than given.

"I can't blame you for what you have done before or what you want to do, but! If I find out later, the whole body will not be left for you!"


The people below immediately responded in unison, and the eight bodies lying on the ground were their role models.

"Sky, collect and distribute the elves of these people, according to the situation!" Aoki said.

Skye glanced at Aoki, and learned from his eyes that those who wanted to do it but did not dare to do it, although Aoki said that he had never blamed it, is it really so?

Feeling a coldness in my heart.


Debt repayment, this is the sixth more! Is it time to reward Hibiscus for effort? Monthly tickets, recommended tickets or something, comeon!

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