The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 296: repel

If you want to fight, attack the enemy's weakness first, and Haoli belongs to the other two elves, which one is easier to defeat!

"Hot monkeys, cross-cutting, heroic, use hold! Then use the lower plate kick!" Hearing Aoki's order, the man was also flexible.

Obviously, in the battle, his experience is also relatively rich, not the kind of alliance members can compare.

The psychic shock of the dumb beasts was directly offset by the energy shield released by Hao Li, and he wanted to launch the psychic shock again, but the hot monkey had suddenly raided in front of the big milk tank.

"Stupid beast, continue to be mentally shocked, big milk tank, hold on! Stand for! Then use and drink milk!" Aoki was unmoved. Although the big milk tank was not strong in combat ability, but his life-saving means was absolutely first-rate.

The other party apparently did not expect that Aoki actually let the beasts continue to attack, but did not choose to protect the big milk tank.

Originally, he wanted to attack what he could save. Wei Wei rescued Zhao to limit the attack methods of the dumb beast. As long as the big milk tank that obstructed his elf in front of him was solved, he could directly attack the dumb beast. The threat is less than half.

The big milk tank heard that the special energy in the body was directly operated. A green protective shield appeared on her body, resisting the cross of the hot monkey, and the energetic force that followed was resisted by the substitute method she used. Come down.

A big milk tank after tumbling directly took out a bottle of milk and drank it, regardless of the other two elf's eyes staring at themselves.

Since Aoki lets himself drink milk, he only needs to drink milk with ease, and leave it to the beast.

The hot monkey and Haoli have just finished their attack, the old force has gone, and the new force has not been born.

With this critical point in time, the drowsy beast wrapped in the strongest super-powered mental impact directly hit Hao Li's head. The double attribute restraint made him dizzy.

But at this time the hot monkey had already reflected, and a dodging animal avoided the next mental shock of the dumb beast.

"Stupid beast, move instantly." Aoki ordered immediately.


Almost as soon as Aoki's order was over, the dull beast disappeared in place and appeared directly on the back of the hot monkey.

"Good opportunity! Hot monkeys, use punishment." The man murmured.

For evil punishment, the foolish beast also used a meditation, then the power of punishment will be stronger. If you hit the foolish beast, it can definitely cause huge damage.

"Stupid beast, hold on! Then mind hammer!"

The green energy hood that immediately appeared around the dumb beast resisted the punishment of the hot monkey, and then the pink head with a faint blue light flashed directly against the hot monkey's chest.


Fly it directly with one blow!

The man watched the hot monkey being blown away, and Hao Li recovered from the mental shock, his face was dark.

"Large milk tank, use help! The dumb beast, chase after victory, use the mental shock again, the target, Hao Li!" Aoki did not let the dull beast continue to attack the hot monkey flying in the air, but locked the target on Hao Li.

Hot monkeys still have a chance to hold on. It is not easy to defeat the opponent directly, but if it is a mighty force, if they bear the mental shock of the dumb beast again, they may lose their fighting ability directly.

After drinking the milk, the big milk tank restored his strength, and directly used the help skills to the dumb beast, which increased his skill moves by half!

Help skills can increase the power of the helpee's moves by half. The premise that the help moves need to be used successfully before the helpee's moves.

With the help of the big milk tank, the dull beast after the state was added, the energy in the body soared, and the power of mental shock was improved!

Meditation coupled with the help effect directly hit Hao Li's body.

His head was violently impacted again, his eyes rolled over, and he lost the fighting ability directly.

The man saw Hao Li fell to the ground, his face turned from black to green, and once again took out an elf ball around his waist.

Aoki keeps an eye on the man's movements, and as soon as the other party moves, he lets the beast attack the elf he summoned again.

Sure enough, the man threw an elven ball again.

Just as Aoki was ready to go, a Dooturi appeared in the ground.


Is it usually an elf?

Who knew that the man rolled over and rode directly on Duduli's body, then took out the elf ball around his waist, and wanted to take back the hot monkey and Hao Li.

I saw a black light suddenly flashing towards him from the direction he was leaving.

Although he did not respond, one of the heads of Duduli under him reflected, and the sharp bird's beak pecked directly toward the black light.

In order to avoid Dudu Li's attack, Black Light could only change its direction slightly, grabbing an elf ball in his hand directly.

I saw that his hands became bloody, and the elf ball that originally wanted to recover the hot monkey was taken away by the black light.

And the black light didn't disappear, but stayed beside Aoki, it was the dark crow who had been exploring the road in front.

I waited for a long time and didn't wait for Aoki's arrival. If I was worried, I could only look back, but I didn't expect to see this scene.

The other hand held the blood donation DC's right hand tightly and stared at the poke ball in the hands of the Dark Raven ~ ~ He Haoli can give up, but the hot monkey can be called his ace It is his strongest attack and qualification among his elves.

Although this Duduli under the **** has a higher level, but in terms of combat effectiveness, it is really not the opponent of that hot monkey, otherwise when he entered the forest at the beginning, Duduli was not the hot monkey with him Already.

However, the elven ball that belongs to the hot monkey has now fallen into the opponent's hand.

He stared at the dark crow fiercely, clapping his teeth and patted Duduli directly to let him retreat.

The strength of the opponent is obviously above him, and the attributes of the entering elves also have an advantage. If they continue to fight, I am afraid they will be left here.

The elf can no longer catch it, but his life is really gone.

Turn back without hesitation!

Duduli's legs strode on the ground.

"Stupid beast, mental shock!" Aoki wanted to stop, but in order to avoid being attacked by the opponent's elf, the two men opened their distances in the fight.

After Duduli took a few steps, the distance was even further.

When the spirit shock of the stupid beast arrived, it had already shaken off several positions.


The dark crow screamed, signalling that he could chase.

But stopped by Aoki.

"Forget it, no need to chase, both of his main elves are left here, and they are considered half-used. You rush to catch up, we can't get there in time, you may be killed by the other party." Said sanely.

The more such times, the less able to get up.

Poor Kou Mo chase!


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