The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 300: One-horned rhino

However, as an assistant elven, the molu moth has relatively high requirements on genetic skills and characteristics.

In addition, Aoki could not enter the territory of the Moru moth for a short time. It is estimated that once it enters, it may be sieged. You can see if there are other opportunities in the future.

Now the elves were a little tired, and Aoki wasn't going to hurry, so it's better to trim it first.

From the previous situation of the Molu Moth territory, the elves encountered later may still have higher levels, and there will be greater danger. It is only after all the elves have recovered that their safety can be guaranteed.

After sitting quietly on the grass for half an hour, he simply solved the lunch problem for the elves, and Aoki continued to walk in the direction pointed by the beast.

In fact, before entering the final trial, Aoki considered whether to leave superpower coordinates on his three men, so that he could find them faster.

But in the end it didn't.

First of all, even if these three people are collected, they don't help Aoki much. It is not worth the effort to take care of them.

Also, although the final trial is full of dangers, it is also an opportunity.

Being able to go to a place where Trial Island has never been before, and encountering many good-quality elves, if you can conquer one or two, your strength will definitely increase rapidly.

Everyone has their own luck, life and death, so Aoki let them be free.

After a little observation on the grass, I found that this grass is a relatively public place, and many herbivorous elves come here to look for food.

Of course, the public environment does not mean safety, there are still many aggressive elves who come here to hunt.

The dark crow stood on Aoki's shoulder and watched the surrounding environment vigilantly.

It can be seen that many undeveloped worms often appear here.

Unicorns, green caterpillars, ladybugs, etc., which are relatively weak before being evolved, all feed on this area.

As a result, a lot of strong birds, big-billed finches, bobo, and Bibi birds feed on these weak little worms, and the elves of the higher food chain will appear here.

In Aoki's line of sight, a Bibi bird slid down from the sky at a rapid speed, and the goal was a unicorn that could only graze on the grass.

Feeling the sudden emergence of shadows in the sky, the worms around them stiffened their bodies, trying to avoid the sight of Bibi birds with cluttered towering grass.

But he didn't want to, Bibi Bird had already locked his target.

Just when the unicorn reluctantly accepted his fate, a strong sparrow came out from the other end of the grass, blocking the feeding direction of the Bibi bird.

The group of strong birds and the group of bibby birds always did not deal with each other. The two elves were entangled directly in the air, and the half-dead unicorn crawled away quickly, avoiding a disaster.

It was just that the battle between the strong birds and the Bibi birds slowly evolved into a fight between the strong birds and the Bibi birds.

Dozens of flying elves from two groups, like a dark cloud, appeared over the grass.

For the battle of these bird elves, many other elves who often appear here are accustomed to it.

You have to fight a few times every day, and there won't be any huge casualties. Just watch the play.

In particular, I want to think that Kentero, a powerful and powerful group of elves, often glanced at them and continued to graze.

No matter how the Bibi birds and the strong birds fight, they will not proactively challenge them.

Otherwise, with the violent temperament of the Kenteros, the lair can be dismantled for you.

This seemingly endless grassland has a hint of wild wilderness.

The wild wilderness area is artificially created by the simulated elven ecological chain, and this is a small elven ecological circle that is actually formed under natural evolution.

Do not think that Bibi birds and sparrows are looking for unicorns for food, and there are no natural enemies.

When unicorns and silk spiders eventually evolved into big needle bees and aridos, they would also feed on strong sparrows and bibby birds, depending on who is more capable at that time.

The existence of Aoki and Dark Crow did not cause much attention, after all, it was too small compared to the entire grassland.

Walking on the grass, the elves here are relatively less aggressive, as long as they don't deliberately challenge them, it is safer.

While Aoki was observing the surrounding environment and walking slowly, he suddenly found a few strong elves in the grass, wrapped in gray armor.

One-horned rhino!

Aoki's eyes lightened slightly.

One-horned rhinos are relatively rare, and after the evolution, the horned rhinoceros' combat effectiveness is still considerable.

But this kind of unicorn rhino is an elf belonging to the rock and ground systems. The overall resistance is not very good. It is four times restrained by the water system and the grass system, and it is double restrained by the fighting, ground, steel, and ice systems. On the whole, the impacted area is still very large.

However, his high attack and high defense and high physical strength almost meant that he had dropped off the special attack and special defense. It was considered an elves who specialized in physics, and the overall race value was not very wasteful, only slightly slower.

The point is that the unicorn rhino is a relatively rare elf. If the qualification is good, the value is also relatively high, and it can be sold at a good price in the hunter's guild.

For those rich people, having such a domineering elf is very face-to-face ~ ~ For some trainers, the evolutionary rhinoceros rhinoceros of the unicorn rhino is even tougher Synonymous.

And Aoki also knows that the rhinoceros rhinoceros has another evolutionary type, super armored rhinoceros!

This evolutionary form has not yet been discovered. People just think that the rhinoceros rhinoceros is the final evolutionary form of the unicorn rhinoceros.

If this evolutionary approach that once again boosts its strength is announced, the value of unicorn rhinos will soar again.

Aoki, who was interested, slowly approached the past.

The one-horned rhino is an elf with high requirements on the surrounding environment. Unlike Kentero, as long as there is no red clothing on his body, even if it is only one meter away, it will not have much impact.

But one-horned rhinos are different. As long as there is a little wind blowing around, it will cause their vigilance.

Imagine the impact of a group of one-horned rhinos, which is more terrifying than a group of Kenteros.

After all, this is an elf wrapped in armor, which is like a tank in an elf.

In order not to attract the attention of the one-horned rhinos, Aoki slowly bowed down and let the half-tall weeds cover it.

Step closer to the past.

At the current distance, if the exclusive rhinos launched an attack, Aoki would have trouble running away.

Fortunately, the unicorn rhinos are more powerful when they hit a straight line, but if they turn, they will slow down.


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