The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 307: Respective battle

The two bears stared at each other, apparently knowing each other.

As for that Kairos, the same elf in a forest, has also been seen many times, so there is still a certain tacit understanding between each other.

The three elves moved almost at the same time. Their purpose was very simple. They were delicious food on the barbecue. As for any elves who wanted to beat or kill, it was estimated that there was only one Ape monster lying on the ground. The circle bear wants to kill with ease.

For the elves who disturbed their eating, the Dark Ravens were really not prepared to give any good looks.

Even the tropical dragons, who have not liked fighting very much, look at their eyes with the desire to fight.

But seeing the dark crows eager to be around, the tropical dragon still felt that it was better to give them troublesome things.

With the weight of two circling bears, they slammed on the ground and stepped out of the ground.

The fierce **** flew over.

Soon, the bodies of the two circling bears condensed in addition to the white light, and the momentum was even stronger.


It seems that these two circle bears are still good in terms of genetics.

It was like two small tanks coming straight.

With the actions of the circling bears, Kairos, who stood aside, crossed the two horns on his head and came straight, trying to break through the elves with the deterrence of giant horns.

With the impact of these three elves, if they are ordinary elves, there is really no way, because you cannot stop their impact.

Aoki sneered, "Dark Crow, the team blessed, and then you go to Kairos! Stupid beast, super powers with the wave of water, let the two ring bears wake up, pull, icicle crash, Their brains are cooling. "

The Dark Crow used the downwind skills for the first time, so that the speed of the whole team was improved, and then the flight system energy with condensed shape on the wings, directly collided with the rushing Kairos without any fear!


Kairos saw that the elf who was blocking him was a little black bird, and he stood in place and wanted to increase himself, but in the face of the mischievous dark crow, all his increase was futile, but the dark crow got The effect of his increase.

When he reacted, the Dark Crow's advantage was even greater.

Don't look at Kairos's size is much larger than the Dark Raven, but the Dark Raven, developed through strength and body, shows no sign of backwardness in close combat.

And because of stealing Kairos's amplification skills, coupled with the restraint effect of the flight system, the Dark Crow slowly gained the upper hand.

Aoki no longer cares about the Dark Crow, allowing him to play freely. After such a long time, Aoki is still very relieved about the fighting ability and combat skills of the Dark Crow.

Just as the Dark Ravens and Kairos launched a battle, the work of cooling the two ring bears by the dumb beasts and Paula began.

I saw a rushing bear in a rampage, and in the face of the water waves of the stupid beast, he drove directly, regardless of the water stains on his body.

But when they thought it was so easy to end, the dumb beasts told them what the combination of energy and superpower was.

The current seemed to be conscious, followed closely behind them, trying to devour them.

When they found that they couldn't shake off the water polo behind them, the eyes of the two circling bears turned red, their horsepower was full, and they ran faster.


But the faster they rushed, the more severe the final impact. They had long waited for their pull, and directly hit with icicles to create a huge ice block. In front of a circle of bears.

And in order to prevent the ice cubes from being broken, the puller also deliberately increased the hardness and thickness of the ice cubes.

The end result is that the two circling bears are mounted directly on the ice cube, like hitting a cold steel wall.

Although the ice cube was knocked out of two stamps, it had no effect because it was thick enough.

Just as the two bears shook their heads and were about to buckle themselves from the ice cube mountain, the water group that the drowsy beast chased behind them directly wrapped them.

I thoroughly felt what it was like to drown.

"Pulling, freezing the light, freezing them up and calming down, beastly, continue to increase the amount of water!"

The dumb beast and Paula, who heard the order, cooperated again.

The dumb beast uses a water gun to inject water into the water mass, and with the cooperation of super powers, it controls the water flow to envelop the two ring bears.

Paula stood beside them, waving her claws and using the frozen light.

When the elves were busy fighting, on the hillside behind them, they quickly flew down a dark shadow and flew directly towards Aoki.

Aoki felt a strong wind behind his head, and all the hair on his body suddenly stood up. The dangerous breath covered him.

However, Aoki did not respond to this situation.

Ghost Stone, who had been hiding in his shadow, finally waited for an elf trying to attack Aoki.

After being stopped by Ghost Stone, I found out that it was actually a 30-level big-billed bat. It can endure to this point. It must be waiting for the most relaxing moments of the Aoki Elves ~ ~ But I didn't expect Aoki, who looks more "bully", actually hides a powerful elf in his shadow.

On Aoki's itinerary this day, Ghost Stone didn't appear much, even in the land of Moru Mo, Ghost Stone did not appear.

It was because he needed to follow Aoki's side all the time, just in case this happened.

Hard work pays off.

Ghost Stone, who had endured for a day, had itchy hands. The big-mouthed bat that came out now became the object of his vent.

In a confrontation, he was directly suppressed by the downwind, and the shadow ball condensed in both hands hit the mouth of the big mouth bat quickly, accurately, and continuously.

Standing next to Aoki, the scorpion-tailed scorpion eagerly looked at his brothers who were at war. He had grown to a meter in size and looked like a calf.

Two blue eyes looked at Aoki longingly.

The level of the elves encountered on the trial island is relatively high, and the claw tail scorpion is relatively low in the team of Aoki, so he is often not required to fight.

Of course, this is also the role of Aoki's subconscious protection.

But now the claw-tailed scorpion can't bear it anymore.

Aoki patted his forehead, and said helplessly, "You go around those forests, take care not to attract too many elves, if the opponent is too strong, run back quickly."

The joint battle between Paula and the Stupid Beast is nearing completion. Even if it attracts several powerful elves, it can now cope with it.

The fledgling always grows up.

The current scorpion-tailed scorpion can no longer be treated as a baby before, and fighting is his best way to grow up.


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