The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 317: 1 pile of nonsense (Tue / Four)

Seeing that Miyamoto ate the pill without hesitation, Aoki nodded with satisfaction.

Miyamoto is a smart man. He can see from some of his previous quotes and things he did. He can clearly understand his position. He is not the kind of person with great ambitions. His goal may be to live. Going strong is just the most effective way to survive.

At the same time, when he was fighting with the other four people, he could also see that he was a dare to fight, if he really lost the chance to survive, he would decisively bite off the opponent's largest piece of meat. !!

A smart person! Know who you are! Dare to work hard! People who want to live!

So many conditions add up to a good man.

Of course, the premise is to have sufficient loyalty. From the perspective of his ability to betray the captain without hesitation, his loyalty is doubtful.

However, he was very sad, and now his life was pinched by Aoki, as long as it was not for him to do anything to kill him, for the time being there would be no problem.

As for how to place him after leaving the island, let's talk about it after leaving the island.

"I like to deal with smart people, let out your Duduli, and if you don't deal with his injury, it is estimated that I will not live tomorrow." Aoki said.

Miyamoto glanced at Aoki, without hesitation, took out the elf ball with Duduly and released it.

I saw that Duduli was very reluctant to stand, only one of the three heads was able to move normally, and the other two heads were pulled together, and even one of them could not even open his eyes.

Aoki shook his head. This Duduli's injury was a little heavier than he thought. Don't explain it, it will be dead in three hours.

Pokemon: Dudu Li (green) (seriously injured)

Gender: Male

Level: 31

Attribute: General + Flight

Feature: Escape

Carrying props: None

Genetic skills: ultrasound, parrot tongue

Basic skills: triple attack, peck, call, flash of light, anger, random attack, chase, peck, two combos, high speed movement, noisy

Teaching skills: snoring, stomping, shooting

Skill learner: hold, provocation, return

The chip scanned Duduli's information and displayed two large red blood characters directly next to the qualification, which was seriously injured.

However, his characteristics did not exceed Aoki's expectations. The escape characteristics can blame Miyamoto for choosing him as a mount elf. This escape method is still very good.

This can also be seen in Miyamoto's fear of death.

Even if he is best at fighting elf, but the last to survive is this Dudu Li, although I do not know whether he intended, but can see that Dudu Li is his life-saving means, He was left to the end.

It is right to be afraid of death, and the harder it is for those who are not afraid of death.

"Control your Duduli, I'll deal with him."

Aoki didn't approach him directly. Although Duduli looked sick, he still had the ability to explode. Aoki didn't want to be killed by him for no reason.

Then Aoki took out an elf ball from his pocket, and released the Aber monster that was conquered yesterday.

Thanks to the help of the precious pill yesterday, plus the external treatment spray, the body has recovered almost, plus a rest for a night, the spirit has almost adjusted. Although the combat effectiveness may not have recovered to its peak, but Not too bad.

But the qualifications have not been fully restored.

But since taking the energy cube made by Aoki this morning, as long as three days, he can return to the peak again, and his strength may be able to go further.

Miyamoto glanced at the Aberki monster summoned by Aoki in amazement. This Abai monster was a bit too big, almost twice the size of the ordinary Abai monster.

And he can feel that this elf is very powerful, and it is estimated that only hot monkeys in his elf can fight him.

Look at the dumb beasts, dark crows, and tropical dragons beside Aoki.

Maybe they can really wrestle with those four abnormalities.

I just don't know what Aoki summoned this Abai monster.

Miyamoto honestly walked to Duduli's side, watching his elf look so seriously injured, he didn't have much sorrow, but just felt lonely.

I think he used to be under the command of the Rockets captain, and he was also very upset. He didn't expect to enter the trial island for a day and fell into this look.

Putting his hand on Duduli's back, he touched his messy hair to keep him quiet.

Feeling the meaning of his own trainer, Duduli, who was still accumulating power, directly stunned, and was unable to stand.

This shows how big his injuries are.

"Aber strange, tie them up." Aoki said lightly.

The Aber stranger who heard the words didn't hesitate. He could feel the recovery of his body and was more convinced of Aoki's ability.

Now Aoki has ordered him, and UU Reading even executes it directly.

"Don't be too tight, just tie it up." Aoki said he was afraid he couldn't understand what he meant.

Miyamoto's expression was stiff. Originally, she thought that Aoki summoned the Abai monster to do, but did not expect to bind herself and Duduli together.

What is this to do?

He didn't dare to move, so he appeased some nervous Duduli, and was **** by Aber monster.

With Abbot's current physical strength, Duduli and Miyamoto after being tied up, there is no other part to move except the eyes can move.

Aoki spread his hand and said with a smile, "Don't mind, I'm afraid I will be healed when I wait. Tuduoli can't stand the pain. I can't carry it when I start crazy, so I can only wrong you.

Miyamoto is a little speechless. Are you afraid of Duduli going crazy, or are you afraid of me going crazy?

But he also knew that he had just resigned, and Aoki didn't believe he should be.

The more careful he is, the more Miyamoto feels that what Aoki said before is that it is not a big deal to kill a cadre.

Anyway, if I want to move now, I can't move, and I don't have any resistance ability, just be honest.

At the same time, Miyamoto used words to appease some tootry that couldn't calm down.

After receiving the affirmation from Aberby, Aoki took out a pair of gloves and put it on his hand, then took out his own toolbox and walked over.

Under Miyamoto's gaze, he disinfected the wound on Duduli's body, sprayed the healing agent, and then forcibly corrected the fractured and dislocated bone, and then tied it to the deck to fix it.

Finally, Miyamoto called Duduli to open his mouth, and Aoki fed him the same pill that he had given to Aberdeer before, which could save his life.

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