The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 339: Weird

Aoki's pupil narrowed sharply when she saw the dark stone taken out by Dream Demon.

Although the scan result of the chip has not been obtained, Aoki has a 90% probability that this dark stone is considered to be the top quality dark stone!

Top-level, the highest quality of evolutionary stones, evolutionary stones are inexistent, and the rarity can be said to make many rich people have no money.

Before Aoki asked Ogo, he said that high-quality dark stones should help Aoki get them, but top-quality dark stones are really not a matter of money, because there is no such quality in the market Evolution Stone Circulation.

Name: Dark Stone

Grade: top

Role: Allows the elf to evolve and greatly improves the qualifications of the elf.

Description: The magic stone that allows certain specific Pokémon to evolve is as dark as the night.

Wouldn't this dark stone be the dark stone carried on the dream monster?

Top quality dark stone?

Is that the evolution stone that Dream Monster used before is also the top dark stone?

Not necessarily impossible!

Aoki took such a top dark stone from the dream monster, some could not believe it.

How did a top dark stone get it?

Just use a few advanced energy blocks?

If anyone knows that it can be replaced with a top-level dark stone by using a few high-level energy blocks, I am afraid it will be changed by individuals.

The dream demon reluctantly glanced at the dark stone in Aoki's hand, and then looked at the twenty or so energy cubes hovering beside him, immediately feeling good.

In this way, the dark stone that accompany her did not know how much time, it was in Aoki's hands.

As if afraid of the dream demon, Aoki directly put away such a top-level dark stone.

At the same time, my heart was secretly excited. As long as the dark crow evolved with this top-level dark stone, it is inevitable to reach the qualification of light cyan. In this regard, Aoki has enough information!

"Dream monster, such a dark stone, do you still have it?" Aoki asked again. Although this top-level evolution stone is very rare, I don't know how long the dream monster has been here, and here Who knows so many evolutionary stones?

Hearing Aoki's question, Dream Demon glanced at him, nodded, and then shook his head again.

Some unknown Aoki's brain resounded with the dream monster's voice, "Black stone, yes! Dream monster, don't change it!"

Obviously, there are still dark stones in the dream demon. Although she doesn't know if it is of the highest quality, she doesn't want to exchange it now.

Although the dream demon is young, some basic judgment skills are still available.

Even if the energy cubes Aoki gave were delicious, they could not match the rare dark stones she had collected.

In this regard, Aoki did not force anything, and was able to get a top-level dark stone, which was beyond his expectations.

"That dream demon, we're leaving, can we get out?"

After a period of communication between Aoki and Dream Demon, the dumb beasts also initially recovered their superpowers. Although they did not return to their heyday, but only using instant movement, there is no problem.

But now the dream demon has blocked the space coordinates of the dumb beast, so he can't teleport out.

"Leave? Aoki? Where do you go?" The dream demon ate halfway and quickly stopped, the red eyes in both eyes stared at Aoki tightly.

At the same time, there is a momentum belonging to the Heavenly King Elves!

This momentum really proves that this dream demon is indeed a king-level elf!

"Oh, haha, dream demon, I'm outside, so I need to go back, the energy here can't keep us alive!" Aoki coughed and explained carefully.

Hearing his words, the dream monster stopped the pressing momentum.

Barely let Aoki take a breath.

With the human body, communicating with a Uranus-level elf in such a close range is really stressful.

"Go out? The outside world? The outside?" The dream demon stopped his momentum release, but murmured such words.

As if to see her ignorance of the world, some super-powered drowsy beasts connected to the dream demon's consciousness through telepathy.

Although the dream demon is not a super-powered elf, she also uses super-powered energy, and the telepathy can only learn after watching the dumb beast once.

Therefore, there is no rejection for the connection of dumb beasts.

Soon, the dumb beast showed the dream world to the outside world he saw from the first angle of view, and at the same time he also saw the Aoki and other elves in his eyes.

The dream demon seemed to see the new world, and the red eyes flickered with curiosity and joy.

Obviously she knew for the first time that it turned out that there was such a beautiful world outside except for the darkness here!

She wants to go!

"Aoki, I want to go! Take me there!" After communicating with the telepathic telepathy of the drowsy beast, the dream monster has grown rapidly in language and has been able to simply tell a complete sentence.

When Aoki heard the words of the dream demon, Aoki was also moved.

This is really exciting!

A king-level elf!

Not to mention conquering her to fight, even if it is like a tropical dragon, it is very good as a shock to show it to others!

But if you take this dream monster out, ~ will also encounter a problem.

Those are the Kings who are now in the Rocket base of Trial Island.

There is also a poisonous snake. As for the later one, Aoki did not see it.

So he didn't know. Actually, it wasn't just two. Now there are three Heavenly Kings on the trial island.

The shadow is not the kind of junior Uranus who has just entered the Uranus, at least the intermediate Uranus, and can definitely see the dream monster with his strength.

Unless the dream demon has been hiding in the elf ball.

At the same time, Aoki should keep the elf ball containing the dream demon relatively hidden.

However, with the young mind of this dream demon, after going out to see the flower world, can you endure staying in the fairy ball?

This is also Aoki's concern.

Aoki pondered for a moment.

"I can take you out, but I have a request!" Aoki said to the dream demon.

"Woo!" Dream Monster nodded quickly.

"Just when you were fooling around, you should know this kind of thing called Elf Ball." Aoki took out a super ball.

Continued, "If you want to go out, first is to be conquered by the pokemon ball!

Then, because the place we are staying in is a place called Trial Island, there are many strong people who are watching outside. If you want to go out with me, then in the following days, without my permission Can't leave the elven ball! "

The powerful elves, if they want to leave the elven ball, the ordinary elven ball cannot stop them.

Although the super ball is better, it can't stop the elves like Dream Demon.

Aoki feels a bit like a weird **** now.


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